Tina (Retweeted by Ali Javanmardi)
Via @Javanmardi75 #Iran backed #Terrorist group #manifesto calls Iraq prime minister #Adman_al_Zurfi an #American_spy mobilizing militia against him/ & threatening #US_forces .... https://t.co/yVjduCudzi
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Via @Javanmardi75 #Iran backed #Terrorist group #manifesto calls Iraq prime minister #Adman_al_Zurfi an #American_spy mobilizing militia against him/ & threatening #US_forces .... https://t.co/yVjduCudzi
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Ali Javanmardi
بیانیه گروههای #تروریستی وابسته به رژیم #ایران در #عراق:مخالفت با نخست وزیری #عدنان_زرفی، جاسوس #آمریکا نامیدن او، و تهدید نیروهای آمریکایی/حركةعصائب اهل الحق/حركة النجباء/کتائب سید الشهداء/کتائب الامام علی/حركة الاوفیاء/سرایا عاشوراء/الحركة جند الامام/سرایا…
چند قرن بردگی (Twitter)
#Democrats and their pro-US media have even agreed to make friends with the creators of the #Chinese_virus in order to gain power in the field of power. These people are the cause of the backwardness of the #American people.
#COVIDー19 https://t.co/vRkrapd1h6
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#Democrats and their pro-US media have even agreed to make friends with the creators of the #Chinese_virus in order to gain power in the field of power. These people are the cause of the backwardness of the #American people.
#COVIDー19 https://t.co/vRkrapd1h6
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چند قرن بردگی
#Democrats and their pro-US media have even agreed to make friends with the creators of the #Chinese_virus in order to gain power in the field of power. These people are the cause of the backwardness of the #American people. #حکایت_دموکراتها #fake_news #Corona…