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🆕 Nella versione beta di @Telegram per iOS è ora possibile annullare l'eliminazione di una chat entro 5 secondi.

Questo aiuta nel caso in cui la chat venga cancellata per errore.

@Telegram #beta #iOS #new #news #feature #eliminazione #chat #revert

🔗 @tgbetacore
Archivia chat

Nel prossimo aggiornamento il Telegram ci sarà la possibilità di archiviare le conversazioni.

La funzione è utile per nascondere le finestre di dialogo dall'elenco delle chat senza doverle rimuovere.

Tag: #archiviachat #chat #telegramnews #telegramupdate
Via: @tginfo
Trasferire una chat da WhatsApp a Telegram?
Ecco come migrare una conversazione da WhatsApp a Telegram

Leggi qui:

Tag: #Telegram #WhatsApp #Guide #Trucchi #Chat
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🔥 Facciamo chiarezza sulla privacy tra Telegram, Whatsapp e Signal
Un discorso che non confronterà le singole funzionalità delle varie app, ma si fermerà sul lato tecnico riguardo la sicurezza delle proprie conversazioni


#️⃣ #chat #messagging #privacy #sicurezza #signal #telegram #whatsapp
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Bot API 6.2

Custom Emoji
Bots can identify custom emoji sent by Telegram Premium users via the new type "custom_emoji" and field custom_emoji_id added to the MessageEntity class.
Added the method getCustomEmojiStickers to obtain information about specific emoji.
Added the fields type and custom_emoji_id to the Sticker class.
Added sticker_type as a new field for StickerSet and as a new parameter for createNewStickerSet.

Web Apps
Implemented support for native dialog windows including alerts, popups with custom buttons and confirmation messages.
A confirmation dialog can now be shown when users close the web app. The dialog can be toggled via the enableClosingConfirmation and disableClosingConfirmation functions.
Added the field is_premium to the WebAppUser class — the standard User class already included this field, see version 6.1.

Added has_restricted_voice_and_video_messages to the Chat class to support the new premium setting.

And more, see the full changelog for details:

Note: The documentation for createNewStickerSet and StickerSet no longer mentions the contains_masks parameter and field respectively. In both instances, contains_masks will continue to work for backward compatibility but developers should use sticker_type instead.
Forwarded from BotNews
Bot API 6.3


Bots now support Topics in Groups.
Added the fields is_forum and is_topic_message to Chat and Message respectively.
Bots can send messages to a topic via the new message_thread_id parameter.
Added service messages about new, closed and reopened topics, each with an optional field in Message.
Bots can now create, close, edit and delete topics.
Added chat member permissions for topic management, see can_manage_topics as a field in all relevant classes and as a parameter in promoteChatMember.

Multiple Usernames and Emoji Status
Multiple Usernames are listed by the active_usernames field in the Chat class.
Custom user statuses are now shown in the emoji_status_custom_emoji_id field returned from getChat.

• And more, see the full changelog for details:
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Bot API 6.5

Chat and User Selection
• Bots can now show a friendly interface that can be used to select any channel, group or user.
• Added the KeyboardButtonRequestUser and KeyboardButtonRequestChat keyboard buttons for private chats.
• Added support for "user_shared" and "chat_shared" service messages, which hold the identifiers of users and chats shared via the buttons.

Improved Permissions
• Added support for granular media permissions by replacing can_send_media_messages in ChatMemberRestricted and ChatPermissions with several separate fields for the respective media type.
• Added the parameter use_independent_chat_permissions to the methods restrictChatMember and setChatPermissions.

• Added the field user_chat_id to the class ChatJoinRequest.

• And more, see the full changelog for details:
Forwarded from BotNews
Bot API 6.8

Bots can now detect forwarded stories via an empty Story object in the new story field of the Message class.
• Added support for chat voters in non-anonymous Polls via the new field voter_chat in PollAnwer.
Added the field emoji_status_expiration_date to the Chat class.

And more, see the full changelog for details:
Forwarded from Telegram Check
🤖 Bot API 6.8

- 18 ᴀɢᴏꜱᴛᴏ 2023 -

• Aggiunto il campo story alla classe Message per i messaggi con storie inoltrate. Attualmente non contiene informazioni.
• Aggiunto il supporto per i votanti in chat nei sondaggi non anonimi tramite il nuovo campo voter_chat in PollAnwer.
• Aggiunto il campo emoji_status_expiration_date alla classe Chat.
• Aggiunto il metodo unpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages.
• Aumentata a 512 caratteri la lunghezza massima del parametro startapp nei collegamenti diretti alle app Web..


#botAPI #API
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Forwarded from BotNews
Bot API 7.0

Announcing our biggest Bot API update yet!

Introducing full reaction support for bots.
Bots can now react to messages with setMessageReaction.
Message reactions now generate updates for bots.
Added the available_reactions field to the class Chat.

Replies 2.0
Bots can now reply to messages in other chats or topics.
Added the ExternalReplyInfo class, to track replies across chats.
The new class ReplyParameters replaces individual reply options in all relevant methods and lets bots quote parts of any message.
The new field quote of the class Message lets bots detect incoming quoted text.

Link Preview Customization
Bots can now set a custom URL to generate link previews in outgoing messages.
Added support for custom size and position of link previews.
Added the class LinkPreviewOptions to support these new options.

Batch Actions
Bots can now delete multiple messages in a single request via deleteMessages.
Bots can now forward or copy multiple messages in a single request via the respective forwardMessages and copyMessages methods.

Boosts & Giveaways
Added support for Giveaway messages, allowing bots to detect their creation and completion.
Added updates about chat boost changes via the new classes ChatBoostUpdated and ChatBoostRemoved.
Bots can now see if a boost came from a premium sub, a gift code, or a giveaway, as well as check all active user boosts via getUserChatBoosts.

Blockquotes are now supported in MarkdownV2 and HTML parse modes.
Web Apps won't close when calling openTelegramLink.
Web Apps can now toggle the visibility and on-click behavior of the Settings Button.
Bots can now request multiple users, see KeyboardButtonRequestUsers.
The class Chat has new fields holding profile and background colors, custom emoji, and more.

And a great deal more. See the full changelog for details:

Happy Holidays from the Telegram Team 🎆
Forwarded from Telegram Check
🤖 Aggiornamento Bot API 7.2
31 ᴍᴀʀᴢᴏ 2024

Telegram Business
- I bot possono ora gestire le chat private degli abbonati a Telegram Business che li collegano al loro account - controllate BusinessConnection.
- I bot connessi riceveranno aggiornamenti sui nuovi messaggi, sulle modifiche dei messaggi e sulle cancellazioni nelle chat aziendali che gestiscono.
- Aggiunto il parametro business_connection_id alla maggior parte dei metodi di invio, per inviare messaggi a nome degli utenti business.
- I bot possono ora vedere i dettagli degli account aziendali, come la loro presentazione, gli orari di apertura e la posizione.

Richiesta di nomi, nomi utente e foto
- I bot possono ora richiedere nomi, nomi utente e foto tramite i nuovi campi della classe KeyboardButtonRequestUsers.
- Allo stesso modo, i bot possono ora usare KeyboardButtonRequestChat per richiedere titoli, nomi utente e foto delle chat.

- Introdotto il supporto per i pacchetti di sticker in formato misto.
- I set di sticker regolari e maschere ora supportano fino a 120 sticker.
- I bot possono ora caricare adesivi WEBM usando sendSticker.
- Sostituzione semplificata degli Sticker tramite il nuovo metodo replaceStickerInSet.

In generale
- Le mini-app ora supportano l'autenticazione biometrica.
- La classe Chat può ora contenere il compleanno dell'utente e il canale personale.

- Per ulteriori informazioni, consultare il changelog completo:

Nota: abbiamo aggiornato i nostri Termini di servizio per gli sviluppatori di bot Telegram; consultate l'ultima versione qui.

#bot #API #aggiornamento
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