Interesting paper comparing SQLite and DuckDB
There's a really interesting new academic paper out comparing SQLite and @duckdb, and discussing improvements (potential and realized) to make SQLite work better for analytical queries
I wrote up some notes and highlights from reading the paper
I wrote up some notes and highlights from reading the paper
Forwarded from The Low Road | 鲍勃碎碎念
今天和 Feiran 从这句话聊到 You are as good as your last story 这句话。
想起之前在newsletter 里提过。找来一看,是解散派对初期写的东西。就顺道贴出来存个档。
目前解散派对已经默认录屏分享了,与此同时,更加小范围的 demo 分享流动到了业余公司的咕咕会上,我们把这个大家可以自选感觉到安全的曝光程度的过程叫做「漫长的过渡带」。
第一期的 demo night 通告里我写下了 demo night 的初衷:
对了,在我看来,demo 就是「你做得再烂大家都不会介意」的意思。任何阶段的 demo 都欢迎来业余公司和大家分享。
我自己做项目的时候,常常会左右互搏,慢慢地,自己就会把自己「吃掉」,然后陷入到一个死循环里。提供一个通过 demo 交流的环境的初衷就是不想让大家创作得那么苦闷。
大学上新闻写作课,我的老师 Ying Chan 和我们说:「You are as good as your last story。」作为一名新闻教育者,她已经退休多年。我和她也少有联系,但每次在 Twitter 上看到她还在做很硬核的新闻写作时,我就还知道她还好。
demo 就是「你做得再烂大家都不会介意」的意思
「解散派对/demo night 会有录屏回放吗?」这大概是近半年我收到最多的问题之一。
我比较在意的是,一旦把「录屏回放」作为一个「默认选项」,我可能会失去那些我很在乎的 demo 和创作者。
他们和我一样,有着一些创作者的「矫情病」。他们对不成熟的作品还不够自信,既害怕展示后不达他人预期,又渴望从他人身上获得一些微小的认同。一旦分享者知道自己的 demo 会被录屏并传播,这种稀有的,微妙的「矫情」可能就会消失。
相比之下,成熟的作品不缺媒介的推广和他人的肯定。我想把 demo night 的时间留给更多不成熟的作品。
「放轻松,just for fun。」我每次都会这样和分享者说,就是希望大家能在一个相对安全的半公开环境下做分享。
「解散派对」诞生于数字媒介,「录屏」在技术上异常方便,但目前看,这个方便的「默认选项」并不适合 demo night 。
当然,我也能理解那些错过活动的会员的遗憾。一方面,一些分享者会自行录制上传自己的 demo,这和录屏不做「默认选项」并不冲突;一方面,我也在思考用一些非录屏的方式把活动内容分享给更多人。
想起之前在newsletter 里提过。找来一看,是解散派对初期写的东西。就顺道贴出来存个档。
目前解散派对已经默认录屏分享了,与此同时,更加小范围的 demo 分享流动到了业余公司的咕咕会上,我们把这个大家可以自选感觉到安全的曝光程度的过程叫做「漫长的过渡带」。
第一期的 demo night 通告里我写下了 demo night 的初衷:
对了,在我看来,demo 就是「你做得再烂大家都不会介意」的意思。任何阶段的 demo 都欢迎来业余公司和大家分享。
我自己做项目的时候,常常会左右互搏,慢慢地,自己就会把自己「吃掉」,然后陷入到一个死循环里。提供一个通过 demo 交流的环境的初衷就是不想让大家创作得那么苦闷。
大学上新闻写作课,我的老师 Ying Chan 和我们说:「You are as good as your last story。」作为一名新闻教育者,她已经退休多年。我和她也少有联系,但每次在 Twitter 上看到她还在做很硬核的新闻写作时,我就还知道她还好。
demo 就是「你做得再烂大家都不会介意」的意思
「解散派对/demo night 会有录屏回放吗?」这大概是近半年我收到最多的问题之一。
我比较在意的是,一旦把「录屏回放」作为一个「默认选项」,我可能会失去那些我很在乎的 demo 和创作者。
他们和我一样,有着一些创作者的「矫情病」。他们对不成熟的作品还不够自信,既害怕展示后不达他人预期,又渴望从他人身上获得一些微小的认同。一旦分享者知道自己的 demo 会被录屏并传播,这种稀有的,微妙的「矫情」可能就会消失。
相比之下,成熟的作品不缺媒介的推广和他人的肯定。我想把 demo night 的时间留给更多不成熟的作品。
「放轻松,just for fun。」我每次都会这样和分享者说,就是希望大家能在一个相对安全的半公开环境下做分享。
「解散派对」诞生于数字媒介,「录屏」在技术上异常方便,但目前看,这个方便的「默认选项」并不适合 demo night 。
当然,我也能理解那些错过活动的会员的遗憾。一方面,一些分享者会自行录制上传自己的 demo,这和录屏不做「默认选项」并不冲突;一方面,我也在思考用一些非录屏的方式把活动内容分享给更多人。
A quote by Why The Lucky Stiff
when you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.
Takeaway: VR adoption would probably look more like the PC than it did smartphones:
> Implicit in assuming that augmented reality is more important than virtual reality is assuming that this new way of accessing the Internet will develop like mobile did. Smartphone makers like Apple, though, had a huge advantage: people already had and wanted mobile phones; selling a device that you were going to carry anyway, but which happened to be infinitely more capable for only a few hundred more dollars, was a recipe for success in the consumer market.
> PCs, though, didn’t have that advantage: the vast majority of the consumer market had no knowledge of or interest in computers; rather, most people encountered computers for the first time at work. Employers bought their employees computers because computers made them more productive; then, once consumers were used to using computers at work, an ever increasing number of them wanted to buy a computer for their home as well. And, as the number of home computers increased, so did the market opportunity for developers of non-work applications like games.
> I suspect that this is the path that virtual reality will take. Like PCs, the first major use case will be knowledge workers using devices bought for them by their employer, eager to increase collaboration in a remote work world, and as quality increases, offer a superior working environment. Some number of those employees will be interested in using virtual reality for non-work activities as well, increasing the market for non-work applications.
Takeaway: VR adoption would probably look more like the PC than it did smartphones:
> Implicit in assuming that augmented reality is more important than virtual reality is assuming that this new way of accessing the Internet will develop like mobile did. Smartphone makers like Apple, though, had a huge advantage: people already had and wanted mobile phones; selling a device that you were going to carry anyway, but which happened to be infinitely more capable for only a few hundred more dollars, was a recipe for success in the consumer market.
> PCs, though, didn’t have that advantage: the vast majority of the consumer market had no knowledge of or interest in computers; rather, most people encountered computers for the first time at work. Employers bought their employees computers because computers made them more productive; then, once consumers were used to using computers at work, an ever increasing number of them wanted to buy a computer for their home as well. And, as the number of home computers increased, so did the market opportunity for developers of non-work applications like games.
> I suspect that this is the path that virtual reality will take. Like PCs, the first major use case will be knowledge workers using devices bought for them by their employer, eager to increase collaboration in a remote work world, and as quality increases, offer a superior working environment. Some number of those employees will be interested in using virtual reality for non-work activities as well, increasing the market for non-work applications.
Meta Meets Microsoft
Meta’s new hardware is more impressive than expected, and the Microsoft partnership makes a lot of sense. The question is if Meta will capture enough value to outweigh their costs.
To me the most interseting takeaway is "simplicity on the other side of complexity":
> An important counter-intuitive observation is that mental models do not keep increasing in complexity. Things get simpler after putting enough time and energy into understanding them. This is known as simplicity on the other side of complexity.
> For any given subject or phenomenon, the y-axis (vertical) represents the complexity and the x-axis (horizontal) represents your degree of understanding. For any new subject, you start on the left with low complexity and low understanding. This means you have a lot of wrong assumptions and do not know how all the pieces fit together; you might think you know, but you are most likely wrong. As your understanding grows, the complexity increases as well. You learn that many of the assumptions you had were wrong or overly simplistic and that there is a lot more complexity to the interactions of all different variables than you taught. But after you understand more, things get simpler again. Everything “makes sense” and you know which factors matter so you can now focus on these few variables when analyzing the subject. Depending on the understanding you started with, the mental model “on the other side” is also simpler.
See also
To me the most interseting takeaway is "simplicity on the other side of complexity":
> An important counter-intuitive observation is that mental models do not keep increasing in complexity. Things get simpler after putting enough time and energy into understanding them. This is known as simplicity on the other side of complexity.
> For any given subject or phenomenon, the y-axis (vertical) represents the complexity and the x-axis (horizontal) represents your degree of understanding. For any new subject, you start on the left with low complexity and low understanding. This means you have a lot of wrong assumptions and do not know how all the pieces fit together; you might think you know, but you are most likely wrong. As your understanding grows, the complexity increases as well. You learn that many of the assumptions you had were wrong or overly simplistic and that there is a lot more complexity to the interactions of all different variables than you taught. But after you understand more, things get simpler again. Everything “makes sense” and you know which factors matter so you can now focus on these few variables when analyzing the subject. Depending on the understanding you started with, the mental model “on the other side” is also simpler.
See also
The Death of Intellectual Curiosity
on the worst consequence of schools
Forwarded from Reorx’s Forge
🐦 Backpack Hero, 超好玩的 Roguelike 地牢探索游戏,可以免费在 itch 试玩。
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vxTwitter / fixvx
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Reorx (@novoreorx)
Backpack Hero, 超好玩的 Roguelike 地牢探索游戏,可以免费在 itch 试玩。
Forwarded from 散步中
Google出了个纪录片系列Hacking Google讲网络安全,题材有趣,制作精良。
第一集上来就介绍了Operation Aurora,aka极光行动:09年由中国解放军发起的针对美国互联网企业的大规模网络攻击,目的是获取中国人权活动人士的Gmail信息。
第一集上来就介绍了Operation Aurora,aka极光行动:09年由中国解放军发起的针对美国互联网企业的大规模网络攻击,目的是获取中国人权活动人士的Gmail信息。
Operation Aurora | HACKING GOOGLE | Documentary EP000
HACKING GOOGLE – what happens when a country attacks a company? In 2009, Google found out and cybersecurity was never the same again.
An inside look at the historic attack where Google’s network was breached by a foreign government trying to access the…
An inside look at the historic attack where Google’s network was breached by a foreign government trying to access the…
跟朋友们聊得很开心,感谢 C 主持录制和剪辑!
P.S. 之后还会有第二期
P.S. 之后还会有第二期
Spotify for Podcasters
02 - 老友 Santa Rosa 夜聊一:20年初的武汉,科学上网和润 by 步履不停 Still Walking
我们一群好朋友陪着 Shu 和 Sasaya 来到了 Santa Rosa 过一个周末,烧烤喝酒聊天。这是夜聊的上半期, Shu 给我们讲了 2020 年初疫情刚开始时他在武汉的所见所闻所感,以及他非常曲折的出国经历。大家各自聊了自己出国的契机和历程,聊了聊科学上网和润的关系。祝润在路上的朋友一路顺利, settle down 在异国的朋友健康平安。
- 2:10 朋友们的自我介绍 Linghao, Shu, K, Gaofeng
- 5:53 Shu 讲 2020 年初的武汉,疫情初始
- 11:01…
- 2:10 朋友们的自我介绍 Linghao, Shu, K, Gaofeng
- 5:53 Shu 讲 2020 年初的武汉,疫情初始
- 11:01…
Baleen#1 爱国者的猫鼠游戏
1953年,国会议员John Moss上任某一闲职,惊讶地发现即使他拥有法定的管辖权,也不能查看关于2800名因“安全问题”被解聘的员工的详细记录。两年后,杜鲁门卸任,可国防部的做法更加极端。因政府保密工作备受限制的记者…
1953年,国会议员John Moss上任某一闲职,惊讶地发现即使他拥有法定的管辖权,也不能查看关于2800名因“安全问题”被解聘的员工的详细记录。两年后,杜鲁门卸任,可国防部的做法更加极端。因政府保密工作备受限制的记者…
Parallel Experiments 推荐一下糊糊的新邮件通讯。
I especially liked:
Great explanation of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem
Great explanation of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem
Math's Fundamental Flaw
Not everything that is true can be proven. This discovery transformed infinity, changed the course of a world war and led to the modern computer. This video is sponsored by Brilliant. The first 200 people to sign up via get…
Parallel Experiments 赶在最新一期解散派对 [1] 之前,推荐一下傅丰元(Bob Fu)的「灵感买家俱乐部」。加入有半年了,很喜欢会员通讯、业余公司和解散派对等项目,也从中获取了很多「灵感」。 至今觉得认识 Bob 是一件很神奇的事情:我曾经先后在偶然的情况下了解到他主催的《离线》杂志 [2] 和利器社区 [3],但直到后来才发现它们是同一个人做的,并且好几个朋友也跟这两个项目或 Bob 本人有着各种联系。有一种世界线收束的感觉 : ) 也正是这样的社区,才让…
Hi,《野鱼志》的读者们,今天的文章算是一个番外吧,是近期在灵感买家俱乐部公众号发布的文章合集。文章改编自八月份「谈谈心:动用你的想象力」社群交流会的对话。上篇是俱乐部内容和变化,适合新人了解;下篇是提问与交流,谈到了一些俱乐部建造的机制。虽然很长,但已是目前最容易了解灵感买家俱乐部的方式了 :)-丰元Hi 我是灵感买家俱乐部的傅丰元 aka 鲍勃。很多人吐槽一直不知道灵感买家俱乐部到底做点啥,这...
Very interesting film, recommended:
The Menu (2022) ⭐ 7.2 | Comedy, Horror, Thriller
1h 47m | R