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🇮🇹 #Italy: “We will make life difficult for the unvaccinated, as we are doing, because they are dangerous.." says their unhealthy deputy "Health" Minister.

History knows how fascism ended for criminals like this.
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Livorno, Italy, restaurants require "covid passports", empty, streets filled with people dining with their own food and drinks

#italy #apartheid #bds #praxis
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People in Milan refuse to show their jab pass to enter bars and restaurants. They decided to bring food and drinks from home for an aperitif outside, jabbed and unjabbed. This happens in many Italian cities.

#italy #apartheid #bds #praxis
Law for obligatory clotshots in #Italy if u want to work or go to school

Marcello Pamio - March 5, 2022
Officially we are still in a health emergency, and until December in a national emergency due to the military conflict in Ukraine. And what does the government do? Vote for the land registry reform!
I know well that in this historical period the most difficult things to find in circulation are not the pro-Russian, but the neurons. But sorry, what was the rush? Why is there such an urgency as to risk, as indeed has happened, to bring down the government? Very simple: it's called Grande Reset!
By increasing costs and taxes on families who own their own homes (we are talking about thousands of euros per year). In the UIL simulations, yields will increase by 128.3% with peaks of 189% in Trento, 183% in Rome, 164% in Palermo, 155% in Venice, 123% in Milan. The impact on the IMU will be devastating on second homes with an average national increase of 1,150 euros, going from the current 896 euros to 2,046 euros. While a first home for the purposes of calculating the ISEE will increase on average by 75 thousand euros with the value that will go from 23,576 to 98,733, with a percentage increase that thus touches + 319%.
If you add to this madness all the increases (energy, utilities, food, etc.) the scenario is disturbing ...
The straw that will overflow the camel's back will be the next emergency, the climatic one. I remember that the pass is green: have you ever wondered why green? Does your cottage pollute? No problem, you have to bring it up to standard by spending a lot of money. Don't you have them? Your cocks!
Families will not make it and then the saving government will intervene ...
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#Italy's dictator #Draghi yesterday without a face mask with other European dictators, while Italian school children are still forced to wear a useless mask all day at school and beyond

#rules for thee but not for me
100,000 Italian farms are on the verge of closure due to skyrocketing production costs brought about by the conflict in Ukraine, major farming association Coldiretti said in a report this week.

#WarOnFarms #Italy
"Lockdown was useless"

The Comitato Tecnico Scientifico, which has been the advisory and governing body for #Italy's corona policy, has now come to the same conclusion as critics for two years:

#Lockdown had no bearing on preventing the spread of the virus. This is stated in an article in the Italian newspaper La Verità . After inflicting great suffering and huge financial losses on the population through its lockdown policy, CTS now says as the simplest case of the world:

"Not even the hardest shutdowns
have prevented the spread of the virus."
And further:

" The measures to limit the virus have not had a scientific effect, but certain social costs."
Certain social costs, it must be safe! Society has been paralyzed and democracy has been non-existent.

CTS further writes that:

"Our biggest mistake was to leave communication in the hands
of self-appointed virologists without specific experience."
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
Italy launches a system similar to the Chinese regime that gives points to those who have ‘virtuous behaviors’

The first European social credit system is being developed in Italy, which is controversial because of its similarities to China’s infamous social credit system. This application, already operating in Rome, gives reward points to citizens who have ‘good behavior.’

The so-called “Smart Citizen Wallet” system will reward people with points for things like recycling, using public transportation, managing energy well, and anything else that the state deems worthy of rewards.

Those who use the application and have what they call “virtuous behaviors” will be rewarded with gifts, such as discounts on purchases and services, cultural activities free of charge, etc., which are then redeemed for the points obtained.

According to the local newspaper of Bologna, Corriere di Bologna, the application is voluntary. It will be launched this autumn in the northern Italian city while it is in its experimental stage in Rome.

#SocialCreditScore #cbdc #Italy
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#Italy #Bologna City to Initiate “Pilot” #Social #Credit System for “Virtuous” Environmental Behavior

Starting in September, the citizens of Bologna will be allowed to participate in what the city refers to as a “Smart Citizen Wallet,” which will reward people with “digital points” for engaging in behavior such as recycling, using public transportation, and actively trying to use less energy in their daily lives.
STMicroelectronics to build integrated Silicon Carbide substrate manufacturing facility in Italy

- First-of-a-kind SiC epitaxial substrate manufacturing facility in Europe
- Full vertical integration to reinforce substrate supply for SiC devices and solutions enabling automotive and industrial customers in their shift to electrification and higher efficiency

Geneva, Switzerland, October 5, 2022 –
STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, will build an integrated Silicon Carbide (SiC) substrate manufacturing facility in Italy to support the increasing demand from ST’s customers for SiC devices across automotive and industrial applications as they transition to electrification and seek higher efficiency. Production is expected to start in 2023, enabling a balanced supply of SiC substrate between internal and merchant supply.

The SiC substrate manufacturing facility, built at ST’s Catania site in Italy alongside the existing SiC device manufacturing facility, will be a first of a kind in Europe for the production in volume of 150mm SiC epitaxial substrates, integrating all steps in the production flow. ST is committed to develop 200mm wafers in the next future.
#chips #semiconductor #italy
Economics of #Imperialism

#Russia, #China, #BRICS, World Economy
Rich countries run the world economy. The #G7 – the #US, #UK, #Germany, #France, #Italy, #Japan and #Canada – directly manage all major international bodies or greatly influence how these work. In the process, they set the terms for international trade and investment. Any country that disobeys their US-led ‘rules-based order’ is faced with sanctions, economic isolation and military threats

The US Tech War Against China

On 8 April, Chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee Michael McCaul was asked to explain ‘why Americans… should be willing to spill American blood and treasure to defend Taiwan’. His answer was telling: ‘TSMC [Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company] manufactures 90% of the global supply of advanced semiconductor chips’.
The arrival of Cytrox into Europe’s ongoing scandal shows the problem is bigger than just the NSO Group. The bloc has a thriving spyware industry of its own.
In June 2022 Google discovered the Italian spyware vendor RCS Lab was targeting smartphones in Italy and Kazakhstan. Alberto Nobili, RCS’ managing director, told WIRED that the company condemns the misuse of its products but declined to comment on whether the cases cited by Google were examples of misuse.

Spyware vendor targets users in Italy and Kazakhstan – 2022
Seven of the nine zero-day vulnerabilities our Threat Analysis Group discovered in 2021 fall into this category: developed by commercial providers and sold to and used by government-backed actors. TAG is actively tracking more than 30 vendors with varying levels of sophistication and public exposure selling exploits or surveillance capabilities to government-backed actors.

#Italy #RCS #Cytrox #Kazakhstan #EU #NSO
#Italy: Popular Social Media Accounts To Be Treated As Publishers, Face “Misinformation,” “Hate Speech” Restrictions - FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet
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#italy Former Health Minister Roberto Speranza, who enforced vaccinations can no longer move without police protection. The Italians are waiting for him everywhere and shouting "Murderer"

Join: @RevealedEye