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#Obama: We Have to “Detoxify” the “Scourge of Disinformation and Conspiracy Theories and Hate Online”

Former US President Barack Obama made a fresh push for online censorship during an appearance at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit by calling for crackdowns on content that he deems to be “disinformation,” “hate,” or a “conspiracy theory.”

Before Obama took the stage, 2022 Obama Foundation Leader Sarah-Josephine Hjorth hinted at what was to come by railing against “fake news and misinformation.”

“While the increase in use of smartphones and social media first came with the whisper of renewed democratic participation, fake news and misinformation dominate the digital landscape and result in an erosion of the fabric of truth and polarization,”
Hjorth said.

Shortly after taking the stage, Obama continued this theme by invoking the January 6 Capitol riot and tying it to “misinformation and conspiracy theories.”

“In my own country, the forces that unleashed mob violence on our Capitol are still churning out misinformation and conspiracy theories,”
Obama said.

Towards the end of his speech, Obama made a more direct call for censorship of content that’s branded as a conspiracy theory, disinformation, or hate.

“We have to take steps to detoxify our discourse,” the former President said. “Particularly the scourge of disinformation and conspiracy theories and hate online that has polluted our political discourse.”
#nwo #cashless #scamdemic #china #digitaliD #Social #Credit #Northwoods #Gladio #Terror #Lemnitzer #NATO #911 #Nayirah #ussliberty #rare #depopulation #lockstep #isis #Event201 #Anthrax #id2020 #spiritofmilitarism #kalergiplan #UNreplacementmigration #mrna #vaccine #transhumanism #WEF #TheGreatReset #huxley #numbers #safe #effective #azov #sutton
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Media is too big
Banks in China shut down ATM operations citing "virus-infected cash."

First, there is no such thing as "virus-infected cash." But the escalation does not stop.

In early 2020 we talked about the "coin shortage" meme, pointing out that fake virus fear would be used as yet another retarded excuse to hurry along the elimination of cash to usher in a One World Central Digital Currency (which will be connected to your non-anonymous Digital ID, which will be connected to your social credit score...).

China is the testing ground for all of this New World Order total surveillance state horror. Whatever sick operations you're seeing executed there now are intended to be rolled out across the entire world in the very near future.

Are you prepared with your own alternative when something like this happens where you are?
#nwo #cashless #scamdemic #china #digitaliD #Social #Credit
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China | Transhumanism
Children in a school in China wear headsets that measure their level of concentration.

Red means you're deeply focused.

Blue means you're distracted.

White means you're offline.

The video then goes on to say the information is then sent to both teachers and their parents. But they forgot to mention who else is getting that information... the CCP. Let's be real.

I can't quite remember where I got this video from as I would like to see the rest of it. If anyone can find it, please do share below in the comments.

I also can't say I'm surprised at the level of these intrusive surveillance systems the CCP have in place and continue to roll out. But the main reason I'm sharing anything China related is because as I and many others always say, China is being used as the model for the Western world. #nwo #cashless #china #digitaliD #Social #Credit #lockstep #id2020 #transhumanism #WEF #huxley @TheGreatResetTimes
Media is too big
China | Smart Cities
Here is the entire video about the brain-wave trackers and A.I. surveillance in Chinese schools.

Turns out the WSJ covered this back in October 19th, 2019 and it's just as dystopian as you can imagine. We get a glimpse at what's to come to the West:

Robots in classrooms that analyze students health and 'engagement'; algorithms, uniforms with chips that track your location, and surveillance cameras that monitor when you're not being good ccp student. #nwo #cashless #china #digitaliD #Social #Credit #lockstep #id2020 #transhumanism #WEF #huxley @TheGreatResetTimes
Here's how this will work:

The "sustainability rating" will be combined into an aggregate score.

That score will become the "price" that is deducted from your carbon consumption credits (read: a One World Currency).

This will also be connected to your social credit score.

All of this will be managed via your Digital ID.

So you'll be limited as so how much you can eat, where you can go, etc, by your credit score, which will also be demerited for "bad behavior" such as criticism of the System, perceived racism, dating the wrong person, refusing a mandatory medical procedure, and on and on.

This is not meant to make you fearful. I have no intention whatsoever of opting into this System. You won't have to. It will be your choice.

ARTICLE is worth reading to get a glimpse of where this System wants to take you.

@AltSkull48 #nwo
The Age of Transitions - Eugenics, Transhumanism, Post-Humanism

The Age of Transitions is a documentary about converging technology, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, life extension, brain implants, social science, propaganda, nanotechnology, eugenics, geopolitics, world revolution, and more.

Featuring: Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Newt Gingrich, Nick Bostrom, Aubrey de Grey, Ray Kurzweil, Anders Sandberg, Michio Kaku, Hugo de Garis, Kevin Warwick, Marvin Minsky, Charles Galton Darwin, Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley, William Shatner, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, Cathy O'Brien, Alan Watt
#nwo #transhumanism #depopulation
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An ad for Moscow's "safe and convenient" Face Pay system. Our favorite part is when the face-diapered man pulls down his face diaper so that the Algorithm could recognize his face-diapered face. 😷👌 @edwardslavsquat #nwo
Netherlands to SHUT DOWN 11,200 farms (20% of their farms) to meet climate goals

Hostile takeover of food supply accelerates - complete enslavement of humanity - must be stopped

#eu #nwo #bugs @iceagefarmer
Agenda 2030 — do we want to live like this?

▪️ Social and Carbon Credit System
▪️ Drones, facial recognition, and movement sensors (mobile phones)
▪️ Mandatory vaccinations
▪️ Rationing of food and energy
▪️ Patent on seeds and restricted access to heirloom food
▪️ Abolishment of genders
▪️ Ban of alternative medicine and treatments
▪️ Universal basic income for citizens who comply with the current thing(s)
▪️ Controlled fertility/reproduction (depopulation)
▪️ Elimination of cash
▪️ Rationing of energy and other natural resources
▪️ Abolishment of private property ("you'll own nothing and you will be happy")
▪️ Fourth Industrial Revolution (Big Tech, IoT, AI, digital currencies)
▪️ etc.

It is up to us whether we allow this to happen. The more we resist now, the more freedom the future generations will enjoy.

Dr. Simon

Channel: @Goddek (click and join!) #nwo
Part 2 of community member LENR's series on 9/11.

Fascinating stuff. Give it a read.
#911 #nwo #pnac
The Good Club is a deep state milieu formed in 2009. Its members were 14 of the world's richest people, invited by Bill Gates "to save the world". The billionaires discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to the change they want implemented, a reduction in overpopulation[1][2]
#nwo #depopulation @Wikispooks
BRICS - a key instrument for establishing the New World Order – Telegraph –

After publishing two successive articles on the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg[1], in which I showed that this conglomerate of countries does not represent an alternative to unipolar globalization, the final document[2] of this meeting fully confirms my approach. The BRICS represents a key element in the globalist strategy of implementing a global coup d'état and establishing the New World Order.

Forwarded from NWOreporter 2.0

Here is an interesting story you possibly haven’t herd yet. The the Israeli group behind the numerous fabrications resiliently touted by the JWO global monopoly media was founded by a man who was lovingly dubbed the “Haredi #JefferyEpstein” by his own friends and neighbors in #Israel.

One of his alleged victims said he forcibly undressed her and raped her after offering financial aid. The woman said that when Meshi-Zahav forced himself on her, he threatened, “If you talk, a #ZAKA jeep will run you over.”

ZAKA is a completely shady organization but honestly one should expect nothing less considering it’s run by #Zionist #NWO Jews…