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Bird flu madness continues in #UK: 27,000 ducks to be killed, and the "temporary control zone" authorizes DEFRA to cull backyard chickens within a 5-10km radius of the single SUSPECTED report:

Aughnacloy: 27,000 ducks to be culled over SUSPECTED bird flu

Twenty-seven thousand ducks are being culled after a suspected case of bird flu was reported in a commercial flock in County Tyrone.

A temporary control zone has also been put in place at the Aughnacloy site.

#BirdFlu #GermTheoryWeaponized
Extra emphasis on -- this is PCR TESTING being used on BACKYARD FLOCKS and then KILLING PEOPLE'S CHICKENS.

570K chickens to be destroyed in Nebraska fight against bird flu

The Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) announced on Tuesday that it has confirmed a case of the highly contagious bird flu in a commercial flock of 570,000 broiler chickens and that the birds will be "humanely depopulated and disposed of."

The virus was initially discovered on March 7 in a wild goose in Lincoln, Neb., but was later discovered in a backyard flock of chickens in Merrick County [IAF: using the **PCR TEST**] and several wild geese in Cedar and Douglas counties, according to a press release.

#BirdFlu #WarOnMeat
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
Arkansas joins Georgia in “bird flu” emergency. Note exemption based on faulty PCR test, which forces people to test their birds, ensuring the “outbreak” will continue to grow via false positives.

ie They are now using the COVID “testdemic” script to destroy animal agriculture. Heavens to Betsy, man.

“Under the emergency rule, it is prohibited to exhibit poultry and domestic waterfowl or move poultry or domestic waterfowl from or within an affected area.

“Poultry and waterfowl cannot be sold, bartered, traded, auctioned, or given away at fairs, swap meets, auctions, flea markets, and similar events and locations within an affected area.

“Poultry with commuter agreements or premovement avian influenza testing by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or antigen capture are exempt from this provision.”

Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
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STUDY: Bird Flu (H5N1) - NO PROOF for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-‘‘H5N1’’ causation omitted

Just going to leave this here. Hundreds of millions of poultry killed around the world, and there is NO EVIDENCE that this “bird flu” even exists. Not to reiterate the inventor of the PCR test said it isn’t a diagnostic tool.

This is largely a fraud to take out the food supply and strip your right to feed your family with backyard birds.

Arm yourself with these questions.

Do not comply with orders to destroy your family’s food supply.

Join: @iceagefarmer

Ready for a replay of the exact same hoax as in 2019?

More than 22m birds have been killed in an attempt to contain the outbreak – the majority in Iowa, the US’s biggest producer of eggs.

The slaughter of 5.3m hens at Rembrandt is the largest culling at any factory farm in the country.

#birdflu #food
Media is too big
Glad to see Dr. Mercola’s article getting some traction, sharing my research on and adding his thoughts on the Gates Foundation’s funding of Gain of Function research to make H5N1 Bird Flu more transmissible to humans.

Full video report (demonetized!):
BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic?
