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Tutanota launches Secure Connect, an encrypted contact form, to support Press Freedom. Secure Connect is an open source encrypted communication tool which lets people communicate with the representative of a website securely and anonymously.

#secureconnect #tutanota #press
No, I'm not installing your app to order food.

Tracking is the new gold. Shops are following Google's example with their own tracking apps.

The outcry was loud when politicians started talking about corona tracing apps: Where is the privacy protection? How do we make sure that our personal data does not get into the wrong hands? Now, that we are sensitized against app tracking, do you know which apps track your every move, your browsing behavior, your shopping activities?

While everyone is talking about corona tracking apps and Google's extensive tracking, it is worrisome that no one talks about the tracking methods of every other app.

#tutanota #tracking #apps
Tutanota - We are under another DoS attack and working on mitigating this already. We apologize for this inconvenience.

👀 👉🏼

#tutanota #ddos #attack
Interview with Tutanota - Please submit your questions for our interview!

The e-mail provider "
Tutanota" in an interview. How secure is the German mail provider really? How do they deal with the DDoS attacks?

The well-known German e-mail provider "Tutanota" for you in an interview. The past weeks were not easy for the German mail provider based in Hannover, which is very popular with many people. Serious DDoS attacks in the past few weeks have made it impossible for users to retrieve their mails from time to time. Even the Tutanota website was partially unavailable. But one does not give up: "now we have to fight for our right to privacy".

👀 👉🏼 Translated from 🇩🇪 with DeepL:

#tutanota #email #interview
Privacy / Interviews - Tutanota wants to file a complaint at the BGH (Federal Supreme Court)

Because of the court decision by the Regional Court of Cologne, the anonymous e-mail service
Tutanota wants to bring about a decision by the highest court.

The anonymous e-mail service Tutanota wants to bring about a decision by the supreme court in response to the court ruling by the Cologne Regional Court. The company does not agree that they must provide the LKA NRW with access to unencrypted messages for individual users. However, the judgement does not indicate that the company has had a major impact on the German market to date.

The Regional Court of Cologne is forcing the cryptology service Tutanota to rebuild its technical infrastructure again. Once again, the company from Hanover is to guarantee the investigators access to individual accounts. The public prosecutor's office wants direct access to non-encrypted messages of an extortionist. Despite our current interview, we have again followed up on the incident with press spokeswoman Hanna Bozakov.

👀 👉🏼 Translated with DeepL

#tutanota #bgh #encryption #email #backdoors #lka #interview #privacy
ProtonMail, Tutanota among authors of letter urging EU to reconsider encryption rules

Encrypted service providers are urging lawmakers to back away from a controversial plan that critics say would undercut effective data protection measures.

ProtonMail, Threema, Tresorit and Tutanota — all European companies that offer some form of encrypted services — issued a joint statement this week declaring that a resolution the European Council adopted on Dec. 14 is ill-advised. That measure calls for “security through encryption and security despite encryption,” which technologists have interpreted as a threat to end-to-end encryption. In recent months governments around the world, including the U.S., U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India and Japan, have been reigniting conversations about law enforcement officials’ interest in bypassing encryption, as they have sporadically done for years.

In a letter that will be sent to council members on Thursday, the authors write that the council’s stated goal of endorsing encryption, and the council’s argument that law enforcement authorities must rely on accessing electronic evidence “despite encryption,” contradict one another. The advancement of legislation that forces technology companies to guarantee police investigators a way to intercept user messages, for instance, repeatedly has been scrutinized by technology leaders who argue there is no way to stop such a tool from being abused.

#tutanota #protonmail #threema #eu #encryption
Media is too big
Interview with Hanna from Tutanota

Interview with Hanna from
Tutanota about the importance of encryption in email, some of Tutanota's offerings and more.

#tutanota #encryption #email #interview #video
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Strategic autonomy in danger: European Tech companies warn of lowering data protection levels in the EU.

The EU is highly respected internationally for its data protection laws such as the GDPR. Now an EC initiative could be a threat to Europe's strategic autonomy.

Today we are sending an open letter to the European Commission together with #Boxcryptor, #Cryptomator,, #Mailfence, #Praxonomy, and #Tresorit to draw attention to the dangers of undermining encryption and people's privacy. Mass surveillance will not stop terrorism or child sexual abuse.

Joint open letter for right to privacy

In the course of the initiative "Fighting child sexual abuse: detection, removal, and reporting of illegal content", the European Union plans to abolish the digital privacy of correspondence. In order to automatically detect illegal content, all private chat messages are to be screened in the future. This should also apply to content that has so far been protected with strong end-to-end encryption. If this initiative is implemented according to the current plan it would enormously damage our European ideals and the indisputable foundations of our democracy, namely freedom of expression and the protection of privacy (see EDRi letter). The initiative would also severely harm Europe’s strategic autonomy and thus EU-based companies.

Europe as a global technology leader is respected internationally for its high level of data protection, notably due to the exemplary effect of the GDPR. In an internationally very competitive market, European companies are in first position when it comes to data protection. The EU initiative could now endanger this unique selling point of European IT companies.

#tutanota #surveillance #gdpr #eu #encryption #privacy #thinkabout
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv