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#FDA approves #GMO #cattle for food

The slippery slope is being explored, opening the gates to all sorts of unGodly adulteration of our food supply and, ultimately, bioengineered lab meat.

“The FDA has ruled that meat from CRISPR bioengineered cattle to have shorter hair — known as a slick coat - is “low risk” enough to feed Americans.
Evil Billy has been releasing genetically modified frankenstein mosquitos on humanity, and now they tell us that they could be cause of a new pandemic.

Apparently since old narrative has been scrambled, now we have to deal with GMO mosquitos. God knows what kind of effect these mosquitos can have!

Evil never sleeps, so make sure to stay alert my friends.



Join @awakenedspecies #mosquitos #gmo #pandemic
Like it or not, gene-edited crops are coming to the EU

Political hacks are using the food crisis to push GMO foods, as was scripted years ago.

Also - file this with other abusive headline language pushing the agenda: "Lab-grown meat is coming whether or not you like it (wired Feb 2018)" @iceagefarmer #gmo
Media is too big
Scientist Claims He Helped Create World's First Genetically-Modified Babies - Using CRISPR/Cas9, which is a specific, efficient and versatile gene-editing technology we can harness to modify, delete or correct precise regions of our DNA

#crispr #GMO #hiv -

The EU’s dangerous climbdown over Frankenfoods

“What’s being ignored is the fact that the changes that happen through  the whole process of gene editing result in completely different spectrums of unintentional DNA changes”