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🇬🇧 Open letter to Facebook

Political actors use disinformation campaigns that prey on our emotions and values to manipulate our behaviour. We have a right to know who is paying to influence our vote, and Facebook is responsible for making sure that happens on their platform. They have made many promises to European lawmakers and users to make political ads more transparent, but so far we’ve seen little action. So we decided to pen an open letter telling them to implement what they've promised in enough time to protect users during the European elections.

Dear Facebook:

We are writing you today as a group of technologists, human rights defenders, academics, journalists and Facebook users who are deeply concerned about the validity of Facebook’s promises to protect European users from targeted disinformation campaigns during the European Parliamentary elections. You have promised European lawmakers and users that you will increase the transparency of political advertising on the platform to prevent abuse during the elections. But in the very same breath, you took measures to block access to transparency tools that let your users see how they are being targeted.

In the company’s recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, Mark Zuckerberg wrote that the most important principles around data are transparency, choice and control. By restricting access to advertising transparency tools available to Facebook users, you are undermining transparency, eliminating the choice of your users to install tools that help them analyse political ads, and wielding control over good faith researchers who try to review data on the platform. Your alternative to these third party tools provides simple keyword search functionality and does not provide the level of data access necessary for meaningful transparency.

Actions speak louder than words. That’s why you must take action to meaningfully deliver on the commitments made to the EU institutions notably the increased transparency that you’ve promised. Promises and press statements aren’t enough; instead, we need to see real action over the coming months, and we will be exploring ways to hold Facebook accountable if that action isn’t sufficient.

Specifically, we ask that you implement the following measures by 1 April 2019 to give developers sufficient lead time to create transparency tools in advance of the elections:

Roll out a functional, open Ad Archive API that enables advanced research and development of tools that analyse political ads served to Facebook users in the EU.
Ensure that all political advertisements are clearly distinguished from other content and are accompanied by key targeting criteria such as sponsor identity and amount spent on the platform in all EU countries.
Cease harassment of good faith researchers who are building tools to provide greater transparency into the advertising on your platform.

We believe that Facebook and other platforms can be positive forces that enable democracy, but this vision can only be realized through true transparency and trust. Transparency cannot just be on the terms with which the world’s largest, most powerful tech companies are most comfortable.

We look forward to the swift and complete implementation of these transparency measures that you have promised to your users.

Mozilla Foundation

#DeleteFacebook #Openletter #MozillaFoundation
We are calling for the removal of the entire Board of the Free Software Foundation

Richard M. Stallman, frequently known as RMS, has been a dangerous force in the free software community for a long time. He has shown himself to be misogynist, ableist, and transphobic, among other serious accusations of impropriety. These sorts of beliefs have no place in the free software, digital rights, and tech communities. With his recent reinstatement to the Board of Directors of the Free Software Foundation, we call for the entire Board of the FSF to step down and for RMS to be removed from all leadership positions.

We, the undersigned, believe in the necessity of digital autonomy and the powerful role user freedom plays in protecting our fundamental human rights. In order to realize the promise of everything software freedom makes possible, there must be radical change within the community. We believe in a present and a future where all technology empowers – not oppresses – people. We know that this is only possible in a world where technology is built to pay respect to our rights at its most foundational levels. While these ideas have been popularized in some form by Richard M. Stallman, he does not speak for us. We do not condone his actions and opinions. We do not acknowledge his leadership or the leadership of the Free Software Foundation as it stands today.

There has been enough tolerance of RMS’s repugnant ideas and behavior. We cannot continue to let one person ruin the meaning of our work. Our communities have no space for people like Richard M. Stallman, and we will not continue suffering his behavior, giving him a leadership role, or otherwise holding him and his hurtful and dangerous ideology as acceptable.

#stallman #rms #fsf #openletter #thinkabout
Media is too big
Mob Mentality Threatens The Free Software Movement

Richard Stallman recently announced on a video that he's back. He's back at the Free Software Foundation and is reinstated as a board member. And the haters are out in full force, actively trying to cancel Richard again. And not just Richard, the haters actually are trying to force the entire board of the FSF to resign.

#stallman #rms #fsf #openletter #thinkabout #video
Red Hat statement about Richard Stallman’s return to the Free Software Foundation board

Red Hat is a long-time donor and contributor to projects stewarded by the Free Software Foundation (FSF), with hundreds of contributors and millions of lines of code contributed. Considering the circumstances of Richard Stallman’s original resignation in 2019, Red Hat was appalled to learn that he had rejoined the FSF board of directors. As a result, we are immediately suspending all Red Hat funding of the FSF and any FSF-hosted events. In addition, many Red Hat contributors have told us they no longer plan to participate in FSF-led or backed events, and we stand behind them.

In 2019, we called on the FSF board to use the opportunity created by Stallman’s departure to transition to a more diverse, inclusive board membership. The FSF took only limited steps in this direction. Richard Stallman’s return has reopened wounds we had hoped would slowly heal after his departure. We believe that in order to regain the confidence of the broader free software community, the FSF should make fundamental and lasting changes to its governance.

On Wednesday, the FSF board of directors committed to a series of changes related to organizational governance and the appointment of members to its board of directors. However, we have no reason to believe that the most recent FSF board statement signals any meaningful commitment to positive change. We look forward to working with the FSF and others to enable the FSF to once again become an effective and trusted advocacy organization in line with its chartered non-profit mission.

💡 most recent FSF board statement

#stallman #rms #fsf #openletter #redhat #statement
@NoGoolag - 1/2 📨 #OpenLetter: 80 civil society, media, publishers and broadcasters organisations, and trade unions are calling on @EP_Justice to BAN #spyware deployment against journalists without exceptions in the European #MediaFreedom Act

The recently adopted @EUCouncil  approach to the EMFA would permit the use of intrusive spware against journalists on the basis of 'national security' reasons

✊🏾We are urging @EP_Justice  MEPs to oppose this and ensure that the EMFA meaningfully protects journalists. - 2/2 As @EP_Justice  negotiations on EMFA reach a critical point, we're calling on MEPs to:

eliminate national security exception
restrict the list of crimes allowing repressive measures against journalists
  include strong legal safeguards to protect free & independent press

Read the open letter: