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Israeli Rogue Intentions Towards Gaza’s Gas Fields Behind the Official and Declared Causes of Invading Gaza’s Strip


"On 23 January 2014, in the meeting between Palestinian President Abbas and Russian President Putin, the possibility of entrusting the exploitation of the gas field in the waters of Gaza to the Russian Gazprom was discussed.
This was announced by the Itar-Tass agency, underlining that Russia and Palestine intended to strengthen cooperation in the energy sector. In this framework, in addition to the exploitation of the Gaza field, the exploitation of an oil field near the Palestinian city of Ramallah in the West Bank was envisaged. In the same area, the Russian company Technopromexport was ready to participate in the construction of a thermoelectric plant with a capacity of 200 MW."
"The failed negotiations prompted the Prime Minister of Britain Tony Blair to get involved. Blair feared that the tense negotiations would derail the Gaza-Jericho Agreement also known as the Oslo Accords in which Israel made a deal with Palestinians that granted…
"Through former Prime Minister Tony Blair, envoy of the “Quartet for the Middle East”, an agreement is prepared with Israel which deprives the Palestinians of three-quarters of future gas revenues, paying their share into an international account controlled by Washington and London.

But, soon after winning the elections in 2006, Hamas rejected the agreement, calling it a theft, and called for its renegotiation. In 2007, the current Isra eli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon warned that “gas cannot be extracted without a military operation that eradicates Hamas control in Gaza.” In 2008, Israel launched Operation Cast Lead against Gaza.

In September 2012 the Palestinian Authority announced that, despite opposition from Hamas, it had resumed gas negotiations with Israel. Two months later, the admission of Palestine to the UN as a “non-member observer state” strengthened the position of the Palestinian Authority in the negotiations.

However, Gaza Marine remained blocked, preventing the Palestinians from exploiting the natural wealth they have at their disposal.At this point the Palestinian Authority took another path. On 23 January 2014, in the meeting between Palestinian President Abbas and Russian President Putin, the possibility of entrusting the exploitation of the gas field in the waters of Gaza to the Russian Gazprom was discussed."