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We filed a criminal complaint: Prosecutor launches investigation into FinFisher for illegal export of state spyware

The state spyware FinFisher is developed in Munich and sold all over the world. The company needs approval for exports, but the German government has never granted that. Together with other NGOs, we have filed a criminal complaint. Customs is investigating, the
crime is punishable by prison sentence up to five years.

Bahrain, Egypt, Ethiopia: Dictatorships around the world rely on surveillance technology „made in Germany“. The state spyware FinFisher or FinSpy is developed in Munich and sold to police and secret services in dozens of countries, including the German Federal Police.

To export such malware, FinFisher needs a license in accord with German and European law. However, the German Government has never issued one. Export without a license is a criminal offense. Thus we have filed a criminal complaint against the responsible companies and their managing directors.

Together with the Society for Civil Rights, Reporters without Borders and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, we wrote a 21-page criminal complaint and an eight-page technical appendix, which we submitted to the public prosecutor’s office in Munich on July 5. Now they are investigating.

Our accusations are being taken seriously: The case was escalated directly to the Federal Customs Criminal Investigation Office, which is responsible for violations of the Foreign Trade and Payments Act.

From Munich via Turkey to prison?

Our principle case is Turkey. After the 2016 coup d’état attempt, the Turkish government arrested more than 77,000 people, including 34 journalists. A broad coalition of civil resistance organized against this repression, including the 2017 March for Justice.

During that time, a website „Walk for justice“ appeared, which offered an Android app to help organize the protest movement. This website was advertised on social media. But the app, which is still available today, is a camouflaged state spyware. After installation, it takes complete control of the device, monitors communication and extracts data.

In a detailed technical analysis and a technical appendix we prove that this Turkish state spyware is the German product FinFisher/FinSpy. We then analyze the company structure of FinFisher and suspicious individuals.

We are certain: FinFisher is developed in Munich and FinFisher was sold to Turkey without permission. That is a crime, punishable by a prison sentence up to five years. We hope that the authorities investigate extensively and confirm our accusations.

Until then, German authorities should stop using tools for dictators themselves and stop subsidizing such companies with taxpayers‘ money.

The legal documents are available in English as PDF and in German as HTML.

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A company that sold encrypted phones was run by crime lords

That’s definitely a conflict of interest

You’ve probably heard the idiom of the fox guarding the hen house — but how about the one of the encrypted phone company run by drug lords?

Okay, that’s obviously not an idiom, but it’s a true story chronicled by Vice’s Joseph Cox. In the story, Cox tells how MPC — a now-seemingly defunct company that apparently sold phones, tablets, and computers running custom firmware with significant encryption protections — was ultimately controlled by two at-large criminal kingpins known as The Brothers.

As Cox’s reporting explains, The Brothers apparently first bought and used encrypted BlackBerrys before hiring developers to make a custom operating system that could theoretically offer them even more privacy and loaded it on phones. The story doesn’t say what type of phones The Brothers use(d), but MPC sold Nexus 5 and 5X phones loaded with a custom OS, which seems likely to be the same one paid for by The Brothers.

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Inside Citizen, the App That Asks You to Report on the Crime Next Door

From its need to make money to its ever-changing relationship with law enforcement, the hyperlocal news-reporting app faces growing pains.

The first thing you see when you open Citizen is a map. It is an app that always runs in dark mode, the black grids of New York, San Francisco, Baltimore, Los Angeles—any of the 19 cities where the app is currently available—splayed across the screen. Pinch and zoom and you’ll see dots show up on the map. Each one indicates a local crisis: a fire, an assault, a man wielding two tridents. All this geolocated information is gleaned from the city’s emergency scanners and filtered through Citizen employees, who compile the incidents and place them on the map. The app’s always-on location awareness is a necessity. If the incident is in your neighborhood, the app sends you a push notification about the potential danger. If Citizen decides you’re really close, a button appears to let you livestream what’s happening.

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Budding cyber crims can now enrol at ‘hacker university’

For a one-off fee of $125, you too can become one of those scumbags who preys on elderly Internet users and small online businesses.

Cybersecurity software provider Armor this week revealed in its latest annual threat report that it has found a so-called ‘hacker university’ offering online courses that teach students how to commit various cyber crimes. These include how to access a router’s admin software; deploying ransomware; locating targets on compromised networks; and trafficking stolen credit card information, among others.

According to Armor, the ‘university’ also plans to sell its own range of ransomware, keyloggers password stealers, and trojans.

All of this is accessible for the low price of $125, paid in Bitcoin or Monero – a cryptocurrency that prides itself in offering anonymous payments.

“Creators of the site advertise that they want to ‘teach people about cybercrime and how to become a professional cybercriminal. By taking the course offered you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to hack an individual or company successfully with whatever malware you have at your disposal’,” said Armor, in its threat report.

Charming. Presumably the university doesn’t offer a course on ethics, where students are encouraged to try and reconcile their idealised image of hackers as modern-day outlaws with the reality that all they are really doing is stealing old peoples’ pensions.

Among the other findings in Armor’s report is an a la carte menu of various dark-Web products and services and their prices.

These include but are not limited to perennial favourites like an individual’s credit card information ($5-$35 depending on nationality and type of card) or DDoS attack ($100-$250 depending on the size of Website), to something a little more exotic, like personal identifiable information – street-name ‘fullz’ – or a white-label turnkey e-commerce platform that enables anyone to set up their own darkweb online store. There is even a service that offers to destroy a rival small business by bombarding it with spam and unwanted items ($185).

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