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An exhaustive summary review of almost all published work looking at lockdowns shows they don’t work at all.
Of course they don’t. Only symptomatic people are good sources of infection. Yet these are the same people who are unwell and so not out & about. Since there were few opportunities for transmission out in the healthy community, it’s hardly surprising that ‘lockdowns’ didn’t do anything to epidemic spreading.
We were lied to about asymptomatic transmission.
We were lied to about usefulness of #PCR.
We were lied to about #lockdowns.
We were lied to about #masks.
We’re being lied to about variants/ scariants.
We’re being lied to about vaccines (which don’t work & are extremely harmful).

I expect you’re feeling pretty angry, and you should be, because these lies have smashed the economy, civil society, human freedoms & stolen two years of your lives.
They aren’t planning on stopping, either.
Vaccine passports have ZERO impact on public safety.
You’re not safer to be around just because you’ve been vaccinated.
Yet they’re going to require everyone to be injected with harmful materials which have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women & children.
We’ve just been required to wear masks again. I urge you to recognise that if you comply with the demands of tyrants, they don’t give you back your freedoms but instead increase their demands.
Their next demand will be obligatory vaccination. If we comply, it’ll be the permanent end of human freedoms.
Please don’t comply.
Best wishes
Mike Yeadon
This study is flawed because it does not account for the lives that would have been saved by allowing people healthy amounts of vitamin D from sunlight exposure outdoors. Also, it does not account for the lives lost within the first lockdown from cardiovascular diseases due to low activity and missed cancer diagnosis and other missed doctor's appointments including relating to pregnancy and miscarriages. If you then factor in raised alcohol and drug consumption and ascribe those deaths as a direct result of the lockdown you will see that the 0.2% figure is a misrepresentation. Suicide deaths should also be factored in.
