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Mapping the Shadowy World of Spyware and Digital Forensics Sales

Spyware, Digital Forensics
Country Deploying Surveillance Technology.
Updated February 27, 2023
Steven Feldstein and Brian Kot

We’ve created an interactive graph that identifies the key vendors and clients in the spyware industry, highlighting relationships between governments and suppliers of intrusion software.

The dataset focuses on three overarching questions: Which governments show evidence of procuring and using commercial spyware? Which private
sector companies are involved and what are their countries of origin? What activities have governments used the technology for?

Source material derives from the Citizen Lab, Freedom House, Privacy International, the CFR’ Cyber Operations Tracker, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Article 19, Access Now, and an assortment of related research organizations. The inventory focuses on incidents occurring between 2011 and 2023.

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❗️🇮🇱🇵🇸 Aggravation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict zone
situation as of 18.00 October 8, 2023

The Palestinians continue their offensive, expanding their zone of control around the Gaza Strip. At 6 p.m., marches began and fighting broke out in the West Bank.

🔻North direction:
▪️ Clashes continue in Sderot, where the IDF managed to flush out Palestinians from a police station, but several groups of militants are still moving around the city.
▪️ The Palestinians confidently control the section of the highway from the Gaza Strip through Netiv Ha'Asara - Mav'akim - Bat Hadar - the eastern suburbs of Ashkelon. The fate of the IDF military base west of Zikim is unknown; the settlement is currently being stormed. Karmia by Palestinian groups.
▪️ Judging by vague footage from Ashdod, there are sleeper cells and separate groups of militants disguised as refugees operating there.

🔻Eastern direction:
▪️In Ofakim, Palestinian recon groups are destroyed from time to time. There is no Palestinian control over the city.
▪️ Palestinian sources claim that the main forces have reached Highway 232. Previously, recon groups activity was reported in the settlements of Beeri and Reim located near this highway (after the IDF announced a clean-up operation, which, apparently, did not give a sustainable result).
▪️ Neither side has stable control over the section from Kifushima to Ofakim.

🔻South direction:
The Palestinians launched an assault on Ami'oz, expanding their zone of control in the south. Fighting continues in Tkuma and Be'eri, where militants managed to take several Israelis hostage.

🔻West Bank:
At 18.00, the Palestinians began storming the checkpoint and security posts. The geography of battles will greatly expand in the coming hours.

🔻Lebanese direction:
▪️Hezbollah has so far been marked by loud slogans and sporadic shelling. The Israelis returned fire and deliberately pulled their tanks to the border for show.
▪️ Evacuations are being carried out in border villages in the north.

Previous reports with the situation: yesterday | 07.00 | 13.00

#digest #map #Israel #Palestine

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🇮🇱 🇮🇶🇮🇷🇸🇾 While the global community speculates about when the IDF ground operation in Gaza Strip will begin, in Iraq and Syria, the parties involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are busy creating the illusion of an ongoing struggle between them.

This morning, the Israeli Air Force once again targeted the airports in Damascus and Aleppo in Syria, which they had previously attacked last week. The bombings damaged the newly reconstructed runways, resulting in flight delays and cancellations.

📌 Essentially, these airstrikes are similar to the shelling of American bases by pro-Iranian groups: while some attempt to demonstrate their unwavering commitment to the war against the "Zionist occupiers," the latter are determined to confront the "Axis of Resistance" on distant battlefields.

What these attacks have in common is that they do not cause significant damage. The strikes on Syrian airports are unlikely to seriously disrupt the logistics of Iran or Hezbollah, especially considering the amount of cargo that regularly passes through the Al Bukamal border crossing on the Iraqi border.

Despite the loud slogans and mutual threats, neither side has escalated the situation thus far, limiting themselves to mere displays of action. This arrangement proves to be quite convenient: it allows for the selling of a dramatic image of all-out war with the enemy to the public, without actually engaging in it.

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🇮🇱🇱🇧 Amid the rumors circulating online about the imminent start of an IDF operation in Lebanon, something has gone unnoticed: on June 24, Israel conducted a test of some kind of missile armament, which was barely reported by the local media.

People living near the Palmachim air base captured the launch of a missile from the military facility. But then residents of Malta reported the flight and fall of the missile somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. The distance was almost 1700-1800 km.

We looked at the available air and sea space reservations and indeed found a restriction on flights and movement in the area east of the island state precisely on those dates.

🔻Given the distance from Israel, the flight of Shavit electronic warfare reconnaissance aircraft (they always fly nearby during missile tests), as well as the lack of media coverage, the Israelis seem to have tested something serious.

Plus, a distance of 1800 km is enough to reach from Tel Aviv to Tehran. And against the backdrop of escalation with Lebanon and statements by the Iranian side about the possible entry into the conflict, such a test looks very symbolic.

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#Israel #map #Lebanon

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