Are you interested in the realy Bitcoin history? you better watch this!!!!!

Top quality content from a trial taking place right now, with statements under oath and very important testimonies!!!!!

Craig Wright Full Testimony: Hodlonaut v CSW - Day 3
This is the full video from Craig Wright's testimony on day 3 of the Hodlonaut v Craig Wright trial on September 14th, 2022.
Craig Wright Full Testimony: Hodlonaut v Craig Wright - Day 3
5275 visualizaciones 14 sept 2022 This is the full video from Craig Wright's testimony on day 3 of the Hodlonaut v Craig Wright trial on September 14th, 2022.
S_-_Valencia 2022_2T.pdf
12 MB
S_-_Valencia 2022_2T.pdf
Mercado Inmobiliario de Comunitat Valenciana. 2º Trimestre 2022

"El número de compraventas registrado en Comunitat
Valenciana durante el segundo trimestre del año ha sido 24.906, el mayor resultado desde 3T 2007, con un incremento del 2,47% con respecto al trimestre precedente y con una mejora del 32,86% con respecto al mismo trimestre del año 2021. Este ascenso trimestral ha sido como consecuencia del comportamiento en vivienda usada, con 21.922 compraventas, el mayor resultado desde 2T 2006, con
un ascenso trimestral del 3,32%,..."
"Did you discuss Bitcoin with Craig? Neville Sinclair was asked. Yes, he answered. In fact, in 2011, he even gave me a coin with the Bitcoin symbol on it as a token. He told me that Bitcoin “might be worth something down the track.” But Sinclair was never asked whether Craig had said he had invented it."
Ramon Quesada - News 🌷
"Did you discuss Bitcoin with Craig? Neville Sinclair was asked. Yes, he answered. In fact, in 2011, he even gave me a coin with the Bitcoin symbol on it as a token. He told me that Bitcoin “might be worth something down the track.” But Sinclair was never…
"When did David Bridges first discuss Bitcoin with Craig? Well, he said, that would have been when someone used Bitcoin to buy a pizza. “He pulled up his laptop and showed me his digital wallet…showed how it all worked.” But we never learned whether Craig talked about his own connection to Bitcoin."
A couple of years later, in 2013, Max and his wife and children went to Melbourne to meet Craig’s second wife, Ramona, for the first time. Over dinner, Craig asked “if we still had the computer.” When he heard what had happened to it, he said, “you should have kept it; it might have been worth some money.”

And that was when he told them about Bitcoin mining. “We said ‘what does that mean?’” Craig explained that if the value of Bitcoin ever reached $800, he’d be a billionaire. He made some calculations about their computer and the time it had been running and said that they’d have 6,500 Bitcoins. At the time, Max said, Bitcoin was worth “still pretty much nothing,” and it was “definitely not worth looking for a computer that had been put in a landfill a couple of years ago.”
Min: 1h17:00
Porn sites

Craig Wright Full Testimony: Hodlonaut v Craig Wright - Day 3
5275 visualizaciones
14 sept 2022
This is the full video from Craig Wright's testimony on day 3 of the Hodlonaut v Craig Wright trial on September 14th, 2022.
Min: 1h24:53
Panopticrypt - Todo esta oculto delante de tus ojos😳

Craig Wright Full Testimony: Hodlonaut v Craig Wright - Day 3
14 sept 2022
This is the full video from Craig Wright's testimony on day 3 of the Hodlonaut v Craig Wright trial on September 14th, 2022.
Se me están acabando las palomitas!!!!

BSV Claims Limited v Bittylicious Limited & Others

An application by BSV Claims Limited to commence collective proceedings under s47B of the Competition Act 1998 against: (1) Bittylicious Limited; (2) Payward Limited; (3) ShapeShift Global Limited; (4) Payward, Inc; (5) ShapeShift AG; and (6) Binance Europe Services Limited (together, "the Respondents/Proposed Defendants") for loss and damage caused by alleged breaches of statutory duty in infringing Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and/or the Chapter I Prohibition.
llevo todo el dia viendo este video detenidadmente y esta es la parte mas complicada que me he encontrado, el sunto de proteger los bitcoins minados por Satoshi, para que no se puedan mover (ni siquiera con una orden judicial), porque Craig temía que el gobierno de la Hacienda autraliana le podría reclamar eso, así que parece que los protegia con un Trust, pero a su vez, el no tiene acceso a las claves privadas, sino al programa que las genera.

you dont need the private keys
Panopticrypt - Todo esta oculto delante de tus ojos

Min: 2h57:32
you dont need the private keys
Shamir’s Secret Sharing Algorithm

Craig Wright Full Testimony: Hodlonaut v Craig Wright - Day 3
14 sept 2022
This is the full video from Craig Wright's testimony on day 3 of the Hodlonaut v Craig Wright trial on September 14th, 2022.
¿Se puede obtener un 30% anual de rentabilidad alquilando habitaciones? - Value School