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Esta noche a las 23:00 Jose A. Garcia @josebsv y Jaime @Kennedyyyy serán entrevistados en directo en youtube.

"Por qué BTC vale 0".
Me acaban de recomendar una herramienta para hacer transcripciones de los videos a texto,

Lo he probado y me ha parecido increible, ahora hay que revisar que los textos esten bien, vaya faena!!!!

Siempre quise saber lo que Craig decía en esta charla sobre Satoshi Nakamoto en 2017, nunca mas ha dado una explicacion así.

Ken Shishido [01:07:52] Hello. My name is Ken Shishido I am Tokyo Meetup Group Organizer. Since 2013 have hosted personally hosted 157 meetups since then. I have a simple question. Why do you think Satoshi used a Japanese name? Is there. Is there any specific reason? I just would like to know your opinion. Thank you.

Craig Wright [01:08:24] Well, I had a single mother, and I am one of the guys who helped bring me up was Japanese, and I'm sure he would find it very cool because I thought it was a cool culture. I mean, the whole idea of Japanese culture in many ways is. Exciting. It reminds me of some of the Roman Empire back before they became no longer a republic. It's people actually working together. Not the same sort of competition we think we need to have in the West, but people working actively together, including companies. You don't see many companies in the West pulling together in cooperation anymore. We seem to think we need to actually fight each other, that it's a zero sum game. But trade isn't a zero sum game. There was a Tokugawa period philosopher who talked about trade in Japan. He happens to have, well, part of the name of Satoshi Nakamoto in his his name was Nakamoto. And he wrote about how Japan needed to open up and have trade with the West, that we need to work together and it will build a big, strong country. And we need to work together and build a big, strong Bitcoin. It doesn't matter whether we like each other or whatever else. We're all in the same boat. We are not here to try and stifle Bitcoin. We want Bitcoin to be the financial sovereignty and security mechanism for the world. It is not just censorship resistance. We get that by being big. If 5 billion people are using bitcoin, there is no censorship. You try and tell me if 17,000 banks and there are 17,000 banks on Earth only run nodes, which is more than we have now. If only those banks run them. You tell me that they're going to collude together. When was the last time you saw a successful cartel in real life? Actually stay together. They don't. They all require government aid. Even De Beers is falling apart. De Beers was the longest cartel in history because they owned governments. They owned Rhodesia, they owned Sierra Leone. They don't anymore. So even they are falling apart.

Jon Matonis and Craig Wright - Shinseiki Evangerion - Arnhem 2017
8845 visualizaciones 7 jul 2017
Qué está pasando con Coinbase?

Coinbase does not list securities. End of story.

By Paul Grewal, Chief Legal Officer

Tl;dr: Coinbase does not list securities on its platform. Period.
July 21, 2022
Hubo un momento dado, cuando reconocí toda la basura que arrastraba el cripto circo, que tuve que plantearme como dar un giro de 180 grados en mis redes sociales, ya que "mis seguidores", por varios años iban siguiendo una narrativa y en ese momento, yo ya estaba convencido que esa narrativa no iba a ninguna parte.

Si en algún momento te ves en esa coyuntura, mi consejo para ti, es el mismo que me dio mi padre cuando yo era muy joven:
"La luz natural te lo tiene que indicar"
Forwarded from RQ3 my Quotes Citas (@RamonQuesada 🌷)
Durante todos estos años, desde el 2013 al 2017, estuve imaginando que Bitcoin se había creado de muchas maneras:
- Un grupo de gurús de la NSA
- Un grupo Cypherpunks, anarquistas o anarcocapitalistas
- Una larga lista de fantasías que circularon por mi mente y por la mente de quienes se dedican a escribir en los medios "cryptos" o simplemente, en la mente de quienes tienen unos intereses económicos que proteger o codiciar.

Pero hubo dos cosas que no imaginé:
1- Que Bitcoin pudiera haber sido creado por una sola persona, debido al número de campos que implicaba su creación y la profundidad de conocimiento que tiene cada campo.

2- En ningún caso imaginé que hubiese sido creado por un grupo de amiguetes y descrito en la servilleta de un bar.

Desde hace algún tiempo todas las piezas del puzzle empiezan a encajar, han sido muchas horas de estudio e investigación de mucho material que no se publica por los medios de comunicación convencionales, el problema fundamental que se encuentra la mayoría de los que quieren investigar más sobre el origen de Bitcoin, es que Craig nunca airó públicamente esos 15 años que estuvo trabajando e investigando, haciendo R&D para el gobierno australiano, antes de publicar el @BitcoinWP el 31 octubre del 2008 (Dentro de poco el mundo entero sabrá cuando es el cumpleaños de Frederick Page Wright)

"I had been working on bitcoin and the underlying technology that people call Blockchain for fifteen years before bitcoin finally launched..."

Jul 20, 2022
Más madera!!!!