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🔥🔥🔥【DNC和希拉里认罚 川普总统 提刀猛追 #真相

🔥突发🔥:哇! 刚刚得知,今天,因未披露向 帕金斯· #科伊 ( Perkins Coie )律师事务所支付 "法律咨询和服务 "费用,2016年 #克林顿 竞选团队和 #民主党全国委员会#DNC )向 #联邦选举委员会 ( #FEC )支付了违法金,该笔费用实际是雇佣众多幌子公司,用于推翻并非法摧毁你们最喜欢的总统, 我。而现在这些公司统统成了我诉讼中的被告。正如我多次指出的,DNC 和 克林顿竞选团队之所以如此破费,不过是为了营造一种非美国式的骗局,对此等腐败的揭露不过刚刚开始,绝不允许再发生。我该到哪里恢复我的名誉?

Breaking News: Wow! Just out that the 2016 Clinton Campaign and the DNC paid the FEC today for violating the law by failing to disclose that their payments for “legal advice and services” to law firm Perkins Coie was, in fact, a guise to hire numerous companies, all of whom are now named Defendants in my lawsuit, to try and take down and illegally destroy your favorite President, me. This was done to create, as I have stated many times, and is now confirmed, a Hoax funded by the DNC and the Clinton Campaign. This corruption is only beginning to be revealed, is un-American, and must never be allowed to happen again. Where do I go to get my reputation back?
