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🔥🔥🔥【川普:昨晚中国致电 希望回到谈判桌上】



令人难以置信的时机 - 欧洲市场开市前3分钟!

BREAKING: Trump says China called US trade negotiators last night and want to come back to the negotiating table

"This is a very positive development for the world"

Incredible timing - 3 minutes before European market open!





BREAKING: #Trump speaking live at G7 moments ago

ON CHINA: "We have had two calls with China, they want to make a deal"

ON IRAN: "Macron spoke to me about Zarif coming and asked for his approval"

ON TARIFFS ON FRENCH WINE: "Will depend on talks about France's digital law"
CaoChangqing Just tweeted ****************************************** @siukit16 Trump's daily approval numbers for the week: Mon 47% - Tue 48% - Wed 47% - Thurs 51% - Fri 51%

Before Next
【川普:别给RINOS捐款 RNC:就吃上你了! 】
#川普 🏆总统发表声明:🏆
别再捐钱给 #RINOS (Republican In Name Only #名义上的共和党人 )了, 它们除了伤害共和党和我们伟大的基础选民之外,一无是处——它们永远不会带领我们走向伟大。把钱捐到DONALDJTRUMP.COM 的 #拯救美国政治行动委员会#PAC )。我们将把一切带回来,比之前更强大。

President #Trump releases statement:

No more money for RINOS. They do nothing but hurt the Republican Party and our great voting base—they will never lead us to Greatness.
幣圈人挺川普。 川普vs 敗燈支持率,48% vs 39% 。

別小看幣圈人的力量,理面都是不受CNN 洗腦的理性選民, 且買幣的人口越來越多,他們希望政府制定的加密幣政策能保護幣圈人的權益。

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is the clear favorite among voters who own crypto, according to a new poll.
#crypto #Trump
ㄧ朝破產,ㄧ朝巨富。 恭喜川普再度登上彭博500富人榜。

隨著川普傳媒$DJT 上市,目前川普的身價已超過敗燈的最大金主索羅斯。

Trump Overtakes Soros' Net Worth

According to Bloomberg's index of the world's richest people, Trump is in 328th place, with a net worth of $7.81 billion. George Soros, the nemesis of Democracy, is sitting in 375th place with a net worth of $7.16 billion.
#Trump #GeorgeSoros