本周 RSS #玩家 #心得 分享
2️⃣「2021年还有哪些值得使用的 RSS 阅读器」
3️⃣「2 步搭建个人 RSSHub ,订阅不支持 RSS 的网站」
4️⃣「5 features of Inoreader and how it compares to Feedly」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRd0Pdp66CY #Video
2️⃣「2021年还有哪些值得使用的 RSS 阅读器」
3️⃣「2 步搭建个人 RSSHub ,订阅不支持 RSS 的网站」
4️⃣「5 features of Inoreader and how it compares to Feedly」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRd0Pdp66CY #Video
中国科学技术大学研究生公选课《文献管理与信息分析》之 「RSS-同步世界最新资讯」
「RSS-同步世界最新资讯」是该课程其中一周的主题,在网易公开课由 8 个视频组成:
「RSS-同步世界最新资讯」是该课程其中一周的主题,在网易公开课由 8 个视频组成:
与 RSS 有关的 Coding 向 #教程 分享:第 15 期
1️⃣「阿里云函数版 RSS 过滤器」
2️⃣「How I build a clean architecture RSS Feed Reader Android app using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose?」
3️⃣「Send E-Mails from RSS feeds with AWS SES」
4️⃣「OPML feed-reader-settings extension for Thunderbird」
5️⃣「Newsboat RSS reader: fight the algorithm from the terminal!」 #Video
6️⃣「How to leverage RSS feeds to inform the possibilities with Elastic Stack」
7️⃣「XPath Scraping with FreshRSS」
8️⃣「So, you want a RSS feed with the activity in GitHub?」
9️⃣「Automatically Embed Latest Youtube Videos on your Website with JavaScript (step by step)」
🔟「How to Build the World's Ugliest Podcast Search Engine with Python」
1️⃣1️⃣「Google action fetching data from an RSS feed」
1️⃣2️⃣「Generate RSS feed for Bandcamp artists using Deno Deploy」
1️⃣3️⃣「The struggles of building a Feed Reader」 🔥
1️⃣「阿里云函数版 RSS 过滤器」
2️⃣「How I build a clean architecture RSS Feed Reader Android app using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose?」
3️⃣「Send E-Mails from RSS feeds with AWS SES」
4️⃣「OPML feed-reader-settings extension for Thunderbird」
5️⃣「Newsboat RSS reader: fight the algorithm from the terminal!」 #Video
6️⃣「How to leverage RSS feeds to inform the possibilities with Elastic Stack」
7️⃣「XPath Scraping with FreshRSS」
8️⃣「So, you want a RSS feed with the activity in GitHub?」
9️⃣「Automatically Embed Latest Youtube Videos on your Website with JavaScript (step by step)」
🔟「How to Build the World's Ugliest Podcast Search Engine with Python」
1️⃣1️⃣「Google action fetching data from an RSS feed」
1️⃣2️⃣「Generate RSS feed for Bandcamp artists using Deno Deploy」
1️⃣3️⃣「The struggles of building a Feed Reader」 🔥