Forwarded from Reza Pahlavi - Official
مسئولیت هر جانی که در زندان اوین از دست برود، با شخص علی خامنهای و رژیم اهریمنی اوست. شماری از روشنترین ذهنها و شجاعترین قلبهای ایران به طور ناعادلانه در اوین نگهداری میشوند. ما خامنهای و رژیمش را برای هر آسیبی که به آنها برسد، مسوول و پاسخگو خواهیم کرد.
The responsibility for any loss of life in this fire at #Evin prison lies with Ali Khamenei and his evil regime. Some of Iran’s brightest minds and bravest hearts are unjustly held at Evin. We will hold Khamenei and his regime accountable for any harm to any and all of them.
The responsibility for any loss of life in this fire at #Evin prison lies with Ali Khamenei and his evil regime. Some of Iran’s brightest minds and bravest hearts are unjustly held at Evin. We will hold Khamenei and his regime accountable for any harm to any and all of them.