#LeonardCohen #THanksForTheDance
Leonard Cohen - "Moving On". Видео песни из посмертного альбома Леонарда Коэна "Thanks For The Dance", номинированное на премию JUNO посмертно, дебютировало вчера на VEVO.
Видео, снятое Laure Prouvost и Ciarán Wood, является данью памяти греческому острову Гидра (Hydra), любимому приюту, который Леонард предпочитал всю свою жизнь.
"В музыке и вокале есть ностальгическая средиземноморская романтика", сказал Адам Коэн, сын покойного музыканта и продюсер "Спасибо за танец", в недавнем интервью. "Мы хотели вызвать в воображении воспоминания рассказчика о Гидре, Греция, вернуть его в дом, где он написал "Bird On A Wire" с призрачным присутствием Марианны в соседней комнате".
Съемки от первого лица Пруво, который недавно представлял Францию на Венецианской биеннале, дают зрителю ощущение, что они идут по стопам музыканта, по острову, омываемому глубоким синим Эгейским морем, и по большей части не отмеченым течением времени.
Выпущенный в прошлом году и номинированный на премию JUNO 2020 в номинации "Альбом года для взрослых", альбом "Спасибо за танец" стал неожиданной коллекцией новых песен от мастера. Сотрудничая с продюсером Адамом Коэном, друзья и коллеги собрались, чтобы поддержать и завершить начатую Леонардом работу, создав альбом, который перекликается со звуками его каталога, но при этом остается свежим, актуальным и впечатляющим.🎤📖👀🔥
Чтобы отпраздновать выпуск альбома, NOWNESS выпустил серию: Спасибо за "Танец": Художественный ответ Леонарду Коэну. Каждое видео предлагает своеобразное видео-представление музыки, образную интерпретацию жизни Коэна и тексты, которые глубоко личны для каждого режиссера, участвующего в фильме.
I loved your face, I loved your hair
Your T-shirts and your eveningwear
As for the world, the job, the war
I ditched them all to love you more
And now you’re gone, now you’re gone
As if there ever was a you
Who broke the heart and made it new
Who’s moving on, who’s kidding who
I loved your moods, I love the way
They threaten every single day
Your beauty ruled me, though I knew
Twas more hormonal than the view
And now you’re gone, now you’re gone
As if there ever was a you
Queen of lilac, queen of blue
Who’s moving on, who’s kidding who
I loved your face, I loved your hair
Your T-shirts and your eveningwear
As for the world, the job, the war
I ditched them all to love you more
And now you’re gone, now you’re gone
As if there ever was a you
Who held me dying, pulled me through
Who’s moving on, who’s kidding who
Leonard Cohen - "Moving On". Видео песни из посмертного альбома Леонарда Коэна "Thanks For The Dance", номинированное на премию JUNO посмертно, дебютировало вчера на VEVO.
Видео, снятое Laure Prouvost и Ciarán Wood, является данью памяти греческому острову Гидра (Hydra), любимому приюту, который Леонард предпочитал всю свою жизнь.
"В музыке и вокале есть ностальгическая средиземноморская романтика", сказал Адам Коэн, сын покойного музыканта и продюсер "Спасибо за танец", в недавнем интервью. "Мы хотели вызвать в воображении воспоминания рассказчика о Гидре, Греция, вернуть его в дом, где он написал "Bird On A Wire" с призрачным присутствием Марианны в соседней комнате".
Съемки от первого лица Пруво, который недавно представлял Францию на Венецианской биеннале, дают зрителю ощущение, что они идут по стопам музыканта, по острову, омываемому глубоким синим Эгейским морем, и по большей части не отмеченым течением времени.
Выпущенный в прошлом году и номинированный на премию JUNO 2020 в номинации "Альбом года для взрослых", альбом "Спасибо за танец" стал неожиданной коллекцией новых песен от мастера. Сотрудничая с продюсером Адамом Коэном, друзья и коллеги собрались, чтобы поддержать и завершить начатую Леонардом работу, создав альбом, который перекликается со звуками его каталога, но при этом остается свежим, актуальным и впечатляющим.🎤📖👀🔥
Чтобы отпраздновать выпуск альбома, NOWNESS выпустил серию: Спасибо за "Танец": Художественный ответ Леонарду Коэну. Каждое видео предлагает своеобразное видео-представление музыки, образную интерпретацию жизни Коэна и тексты, которые глубоко личны для каждого режиссера, участвующего в фильме.
I loved your face, I loved your hair
Your T-shirts and your eveningwear
As for the world, the job, the war
I ditched them all to love you more
And now you’re gone, now you’re gone
As if there ever was a you
Who broke the heart and made it new
Who’s moving on, who’s kidding who
I loved your moods, I love the way
They threaten every single day
Your beauty ruled me, though I knew
Twas more hormonal than the view
And now you’re gone, now you’re gone
As if there ever was a you
Queen of lilac, queen of blue
Who’s moving on, who’s kidding who
I loved your face, I loved your hair
Your T-shirts and your eveningwear
As for the world, the job, the war
I ditched them all to love you more
And now you’re gone, now you’re gone
As if there ever was a you
Who held me dying, pulled me through
Who’s moving on, who’s kidding who
Leonard Cohen - Moving On (Official Video)
Leonard Cohen – Moving On (Official Video)
Stream it or buy it here: https://smarturl.it/ThanksForTheDance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leonardcohen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leonardcohen/
Official Website: https://www.leonardcohen.com…
Stream it or buy it here: https://smarturl.it/ThanksForTheDance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leonardcohen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leonardcohen/
Official Website: https://www.leonardcohen.com…
#LeonardCohen #TheHills #ThanksForTheDance
Leonard Cohen - "The Hills". Новый клип на композицию Л. Коэна.🎤🔥👀
I can make the hills
The system is shot
I'm living on pills
For which I thank G-d
My animal howls
My angel’s upset
But I'm not allowed
A trace of regret
For someone will use
The thing I could not be
My heart will be hurt impersonally
She’ll step on the path
She’ll see what I mean
My will cut in half
And freedom between
For less than a second
Our lives will collide
The endless suspended
The door open wide
And she will be born
To someone like you
What I left undone
She will certainly do
I know she is coming
And I know she will look
And that is the longing
Leonard Cohen - "The Hills". Новый клип на композицию Л. Коэна.🎤🔥👀
I can make the hills
The system is shot
I'm living on pills
For which I thank G-d
My animal howls
My angel’s upset
But I'm not allowed
A trace of regret
For someone will use
The thing I could not be
My heart will be hurt impersonally
She’ll step on the path
She’ll see what I mean
My will cut in half
And freedom between
For less than a second
Our lives will collide
The endless suspended
The door open wide
And she will be born
To someone like you
What I left undone
She will certainly do
I know she is coming
And I know she will look
And that is the longing
Leonard Cohen - The Hills (Official Video)
Leonard Cohen – The Hills (Official Video)
Directed by Vincent Haycock
Stream it or buy the album here: https://smarturl.it/ThanksForTheDance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leonardcohen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leonardcohen/
Directed by Vincent Haycock
Stream it or buy the album here: https://smarturl.it/ThanksForTheDance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leonardcohen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leonardcohen/
#LeonardCohen #HappensToTheHeart #ThanksForTheDance
Leonard Cohen - Happens to the Heart🎤🎸👀🔥🤘💃🏻🕺🏻
Leonard Cohen - Happens to the Heart🎤🎸👀🔥🤘💃🏻🕺🏻
Leonard Cohen - Happens to the Heart (Official Video)
Leonard Cohen – Happens to the Heart (Official Video)
Stream it here: https://smarturl.it/LeonardCohenHTTH
Stream/Buy Thanks for the Dance: https://smarturl.it/ThanksForTheDance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leonardcohen
Instagram: https://www.…
Stream it here: https://smarturl.it/LeonardCohenHTTH
Stream/Buy Thanks for the Dance: https://smarturl.it/ThanksForTheDance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leonardcohen
Instagram: https://www.…
#LeonardCohen #MovingOn #ThanksForTheDance
Leonard Cohen - Moving On 🎤🎸👀🔥🤘
I loved your face, I loved your hair
Your T-shirts and your eveningwear
As for the world, the job, the war
I ditched them all to love you more
And now you're gone, now you’re gone
As if there ever was a you
Who broke the heart and made it new
Who's moving on, who's kidding who
I loved your moods, I loved the way
They threatened every single day
Your beauty ruled me, though I knew
’Twas more hormonal than the view
And now you're gone, now you're gone
As if there ever was a you
Queen of lilac, Queen of blue
Who's moving on, who's kidding who
I loved your face, I loved your hair
Your T-shirts and your eveningwear
As for the world, the job, the war
I ditched them all to love you more
And now you're gone, now you're gone
As if there ever was a you
Who held me dying, pulled me through
Who's moving on, who’s kidding who
Who’s moving on, who's kidding who
Leonard Cohen - Moving On 🎤🎸👀🔥🤘
I loved your face, I loved your hair
Your T-shirts and your eveningwear
As for the world, the job, the war
I ditched them all to love you more
And now you're gone, now you’re gone
As if there ever was a you
Who broke the heart and made it new
Who's moving on, who's kidding who
I loved your moods, I loved the way
They threatened every single day
Your beauty ruled me, though I knew
’Twas more hormonal than the view
And now you're gone, now you're gone
As if there ever was a you
Queen of lilac, Queen of blue
Who's moving on, who's kidding who
I loved your face, I loved your hair
Your T-shirts and your eveningwear
As for the world, the job, the war
I ditched them all to love you more
And now you're gone, now you're gone
As if there ever was a you
Who held me dying, pulled me through
Who's moving on, who’s kidding who
Who’s moving on, who's kidding who
Leonard Cohen - Moving On (Official Video)
Leonard Cohen – Moving On (Official Video)
Stream it or buy it here: https://smarturl.it/ThanksForTheDance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leonardcohen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leonardcohen/
Official Website: https://www.leonardcohen.com…
Stream it or buy it here: https://smarturl.it/ThanksForTheDance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leonardcohen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leonardcohen/
Official Website: https://www.leonardcohen.com…
#LeonardCohen #ThanksForTheDance
Leonard Cohen - Thanks for the Dance 🎤🎸🤘👀🔥
Leonard Cohen - Thanks for the Dance 🎤🎸🤘👀🔥
Leonard Cohen - Thanks for the Dance (Official Video)
Leonard Cohen – Thanks for the Dance (Official Video)Photographer Harley Weir directs Rowan Blanchard and Lily Cole in a cycle-of-life tale for the title tra...
#LeonardCohen #Puppets #ThanksForTheDance
Leonard Cohen - Puppets👀🔥🇺🇸🚀🤘🎤🎹
German puppets burned the Jews
Jewish puppets did not choose
Puppet vultures eat the dead
Puppet corpses they are fed
Puppet winds and puppet waves
Puppet sailors in their graves
Puppet flower, puppet stem
Puppet time dismantles them
Puppet me and puppet you
Puppet German
Puppet Jew
Puppet Presidents command
Puppet troops to burn the land
Puppet fire, puppet flames
Feed on all the puppet names
Puppet lovers in their bliss
Turn away from all of this
Puppet reader shakes his head
Takes his puppet wife to bed
Puppet me and puppet you
Puppet German, puppet Jew
Puppet Presidents command
Puppet troops to burn the land
Puppet fire, puppet flames
Feed on all the puppet names
Puppet night comes down to play
The after act to puppet day
Leonard Cohen - Puppets👀🔥🇺🇸🚀🤘🎤🎹
German puppets burned the Jews
Jewish puppets did not choose
Puppet vultures eat the dead
Puppet corpses they are fed
Puppet winds and puppet waves
Puppet sailors in their graves
Puppet flower, puppet stem
Puppet time dismantles them
Puppet me and puppet you
Puppet German
Puppet Jew
Puppet Presidents command
Puppet troops to burn the land
Puppet fire, puppet flames
Feed on all the puppet names
Puppet lovers in their bliss
Turn away from all of this
Puppet reader shakes his head
Takes his puppet wife to bed
Puppet me and puppet you
Puppet German, puppet Jew
Puppet Presidents command
Puppet troops to burn the land
Puppet fire, puppet flames
Feed on all the puppet names
Puppet night comes down to play
The after act to puppet day
Leonard Cohen - Puppets (Official Video)
Leonard Cohen – Puppets (Official Video)
Stream it or buy it here: https://smarturl.it/ThanksForTheDance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leonardcohen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leonardcohen/
Official Website: https://www.leonardcohen.com …
Stream it or buy it here: https://smarturl.it/ThanksForTheDance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leonardcohen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leonardcohen/
Official Website: https://www.leonardcohen.com …
#LeonardCohen #TheHills #ThanksForTheDance
Leonard Cohen - The Hills 👀🔥🎤🤘
Leonard Cohen - The Hills 👀🔥🎤🤘
Leonard Cohen - The Hills (Official Video)
Leonard Cohen – The Hills (Official Video)
Directed by Vincent Haycock
Stream it or buy the album here: https://smarturl.it/ThanksForTheDance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leonardcohen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leonardcohen/
Directed by Vincent Haycock
Stream it or buy the album here: https://smarturl.it/ThanksForTheDance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leonardcohen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leonardcohen/