#疫苗 #BioNTech #血栓
美國出現6宗接種強生武肺疫苗後出現罕見血栓報告後,CDC建議暫停接種直至另行通知 (連結)。
以筆者理解,CDC喺接種咗成七百萬劑先至得七個cases仍然剎停強生接種計劃嘅原因,係因為呢啲「罕有」血栓在於出現血栓狀況之餘,還加上血小板缺失症 (Thrombocytopenia)。一般來講,血栓並非致命問題,而且有大把方法解決。問題係,其中一個最常處理blood clot狀況嘅,正正係用血小板 (連結)。既然呢六個cases係結合血栓加埋血小板缺失症,就變得非常難搞。所以CDC唯有採取暫緩策略。
咁關我哋香港咩事呀?以筆者所知,接種輝瑞-BioNTech人士,同樣出現過血小板缺失症 (連結),亦都有發現血栓問題。
“[T]here were 35 cases of serious blood clots with the vaccine made by Pfizer/BioNTech among 54 million doses given.”
並非危言聳聽,以上亦非medical advice。好似特區政府咁樣,流產咗兩個都一路只係提醒孕婦先問問醫生 (連結),所以筆者都梗係作出同樣溫馨提示啦。
#PSA: 喺接種BioNTech後如出現以下血栓常見症狀,請考慮是否需要搵醫生作進一步診斷:
- swelling in the leg
- persistent abdominal pain
- severe and persistent headaches
- blurred vision
- tiny blood spots under the skin beyond the area where the injection was given
美國出現6宗接種強生武肺疫苗後出現罕見血栓報告後,CDC建議暫停接種直至另行通知 (連結)。
以筆者理解,CDC喺接種咗成七百萬劑先至得七個cases仍然剎停強生接種計劃嘅原因,係因為呢啲「罕有」血栓在於出現血栓狀況之餘,還加上血小板缺失症 (Thrombocytopenia)。一般來講,血栓並非致命問題,而且有大把方法解決。問題係,其中一個最常處理blood clot狀況嘅,正正係用血小板 (連結)。既然呢六個cases係結合血栓加埋血小板缺失症,就變得非常難搞。所以CDC唯有採取暫緩策略。
咁關我哋香港咩事呀?以筆者所知,接種輝瑞-BioNTech人士,同樣出現過血小板缺失症 (連結),亦都有發現血栓問題。
“[T]here were 35 cases of serious blood clots with the vaccine made by Pfizer/BioNTech among 54 million doses given.”
並非危言聳聽,以上亦非medical advice。好似特區政府咁樣,流產咗兩個都一路只係提醒孕婦先問問醫生 (連結),所以筆者都梗係作出同樣溫馨提示啦。
#PSA: 喺接種BioNTech後如出現以下血栓常見症狀,請考慮是否需要搵醫生作進一步診斷:
- swelling in the leg
- persistent abdominal pain
- severe and persistent headaches
- blurred vision
- tiny blood spots under the skin beyond the area where the injection was given
Why would a Covid vaccine cause rare blood clots? Researchers have found clues
New research may offer at least a partial explanation for the phenomenon that has been seen with so-called adenovirus vaccines.