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#鬼國 #黑科技
繼早前報道有科學家團隊表示,多名駐包括鬼國在內的外交人員受到的腦部損傷與可能利用了微波技術的噪音襲擊有關之後 (連結),今日有外媒報道,美國中央情報局正式立案就此調查 (Source: CNN )。
#鬼國 #黑科技
繼早前報道美國中央情報局已正式立案調查 (連結)
再有報道指出 受可能利用了微波技術的噪音襲擊除了多名駐包括鬼國在內的外交人員
近半年便最少有3名C.I.A. 遭受黑科技襲擊

“The number of cases within the C.I.A., the State Department, the Defense Department and elsewhere spurred broad concern in the Biden administration. The initial publicly confirmed cases were concentrated in China and Cuba and numbered about 60, not including a group of injured C.I.A. officers whose total is not public.”




“... Chinese media including the military channel of state broadcaster CCTV reported in September 2018 that a high-altitude balloon tested hypersonic missiles.”

“Video footage carried by CCTV and reposted on social media app Douyin at the time, but now deleted, showed a balloon visually identical to the one over the US last week, carrying what looked like three different kinds of warheads.”

“According to Chinese media reports and a related Chinese Academy of Sciences research paper, they were models for “wide speed range” hypersonic vehicles, which can fly both below and above the speed of sound.”
美國國務院解密資料 顯示流浪氣球設有儀器 收集通訊和定位訊號資料

‘’An official said high-resolution imagery captured during the U-2 flybys revealed that the airship was capable of signals intelligence operations far beyond the abilities of a weather balloon, boasting “multiple antennas to include an array likely capable of collecting and geolocating communications.” Signals intelligence is a form of spycraft involving the interception of communications or electronic signals to gain valuable information.’

The Guardian
Washington Post
#黑科技 #DeepFake #大外宣

有疑似中国公司運用假帳戶假垃圾郵件假主播 在社交媒體散播親中反美假新聞

該「新聞台」稱號為 —— “WOLF NEWS”。

