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Forgot to post notifications about two earlier articles:

1. Custom CSS in SharePoint - how to make SharePoint to be a bit less ugly;
2. Visual Studio Code and CMake for Qt - an attempt to switch from qmake to CMake for building Qt projects.

And today there is a new article - SDL and Dear ImGui, C++ GUI without Qt.

#blog #development #qt #cpp #windows #web #fail
New retarded Qt Creator icon and how to revert back to the previous one.

#blog #qt #macos #fail
Finally finished the article about Amazon/MXNet/Qt joint demo from the last Embedded World.

#blog #qt #embedded
Qt's marketing team has switched to yet another CMS, and of course everything looks like shit now. Actually, they did it a couple of months ago or so, but I didn't have time to write about it earlier.

#blog #qt #web #fail
If you don't like mandatory Qt Account in Qt installer, you can just build the same Qt from sources.

#blog #development #qt #windows
RetroShare version 0.6.6 did not (still doesn't?) have a version for Mac OS at the time of release, so I've built it. Also finally tried it out myself.

#blog #macos #qt #soft #piracy
Qt for WebAssembly actually works, and one can run a Qt Quick application in a web-browser. Moreover, one can even render custom OpenGL content inside such an application via QQuickFramebufferObject.

#blog #qt #web
Looks like The Qt Company has blocked access from russian IP-addresses to Qt Account (and so the installer too). No official statement yet, as far as I can see, only this forum thread.

As bugreports, wiki and forum are also tied to Qt Account, it's likely that those will (already are?) become unavailable too (for reporting bugs, editing articles and posting, but perhaps even for viewing as well).

#fail #qt #war_russia_ukraine
Ha, I've just noticed that The Qt Company removed russian subforum from the International section.

The reason for this I can probably guess, but russian-speaking people live not only in Russia, and a good portion of them aren't even Russian citizens, let alone certainly not everyone supporting the war. So what a brilliant idea it was to block the entire language for the whole planet.

And yeah, fuck all the knowledge collected there over the years too.

#fail #qt #war_russia_ukraine
Steam Deck is mainly a gaming device, but being a quite powerful PC it can also be used for software development.

At the very least, one can set-up a development environment for compiling one's sources in the field when no other computer is available, or maybe even use it as one's main development host.

#blog #steam_deck #linux #cpp #qt