Forwarded from Phoenix Project of Iran ققنوس
در نظرسنجى نافرمانى مدنى كه در ارديبهشت ١٣٩٨ به وسيله پروژه ققنوس ايران انجام و تكميل شد، ٩٣٪ با بيان زير كاملا موافق بوده اند: "خواستار برگزارى رفراندوم در ايران"
#پروژه_ققنوس_ايران #نافرمانى_مدنى
In a recent poll by #Phoenix_Project_of_Iran with people inside Iran, 93% have completely agreed with the statement: “Demanding to hold a referendum in Iran.” #Iran
#پروژه_ققنوس_ايران #نافرمانى_مدنى
In a recent poll by #Phoenix_Project_of_Iran with people inside Iran, 93% have completely agreed with the statement: “Demanding to hold a referendum in Iran.” #Iran