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همبستگی ملی برای دموکراسی در ایران
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Hamava هم‌آوا
Her and his excellencies,
This is not a jock, believe us. They are now executing young protesters after shooting so many protesters in the streets, from children to grandmothers.
They executed Mohsen Shekari today, and they intend to execute #Ali_Moazemi tomorrow!
This is urgent!
This is where you are as the powers of the democratic world make a decision.
Now is the time for all democratic powers around the world to apply severe diplomatic pressure on Iran's Islamic regime, stop these exceptions.
Also proceed with expulsion of ambassadors, the expulsion of its political representatives from any international organization, and a boycott of this criminal regime.
Assist the Iranian people in transforming their country from a religious and corrupt regime to a secular democracy based on human rights.
