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Political dissident #Mohammad_Nourizad being abused in prison for openly criticizing and asking supreme leader #Ali_Khamenei to resign. Recently ambushed and injected with unknown drugs in prison, on top of bad health, his life is in real danger
It is with an emphasis on the principles of the Universal Declaration of #HumanRights and a nonviolent solution for the future of Iran that we seek moral support from, and engagement of, the international community in condemning Iran’s actions and demanding the immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience.
It is with a great sense of urgency that the IranHamAva Movement appeals to the international community to support #MohammadNourizad, through an immediate and firm diplomatic response to ensure his immediate and unconditional release.
Political dissident #Mohammad_Nourizad being abused in prison for openly criticizing and asking supreme leader #Ali_Khamenei to resign. Recently ambushed and injected with unknown drugs in prison, on top of bad health, his life is in real danger
It is with an emphasis on the principles of the Universal Declaration of #HumanRights and a nonviolent solution for the future of Iran that we seek moral support from, and engagement of, the international community in condemning Iran’s actions and demanding the immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience.
It is with a great sense of urgency that the IranHamAva Movement appeals to the international community to support #MohammadNourizad, through an immediate and firm diplomatic response to ensure his immediate and unconditional release.