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همبستگی ملی برای دموکراسی در ایران
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The World should see the hideous and aggressive encounter between governmental forces against peaceful and nonviolent protests of devoted #teachers and #educators. Listen to their slogans : ““Disgrace, Disgrace!” (بیشرف)"

This is the true face of Islamic Republic government.
Remember this aggressive suppression of teachers when you are negotiating with the evil.

جهان برخورد زشت و خشونت آمیز حکومت را با راهپیمایی اعتراضی و خشونت پرهیز والاترین قشر زحمت کش و فداکار، #معلمان و #فرهنگیان ببینید، فریاد ‌#معلم را بشنود: بی‌شرف، بی‌شرف!

اینجا جمهوری اسلامی حاکم است، در مذاکره با شیطان رفتار وحشیانه این دولت را با معلم به یاد داشته باشید
The non violent protests of #teachers and #educators all over the country in seeking their basic human rights is only path forward in a collective national unity movement ( همبستگى ملى ) to transit from current Islamic theocracy’s constitution to a secular democratic constitution based on universal human rights

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The non violent protests of #teachers and #educators all over the country in seeking their basic human rights is only path forward in a collective national unity movement to transit from current Islamic theocracy’s constitution to a secular democratic constitution based on universal human rights
