Research Use and Politics in the Federal Higher Education Rulemaking Process
SAGE Journals
Research Use and Politics in the Federal Higher Education Rulemaking Process - Rebecca S. Natow,
This case study examined how research has been used in the federal higher education rulemaking process, through which the U.S. Department of Education implement...
‘My parents never read my papers, but they watched my film': documentary filmmaking as feminist pedagogy
Taylor & Francis
‘My parents never read my papers, but they watched my film': documentary filmmaking as feminist pedagogy
(2020). ‘My parents never read my papers, but they watched my film': documentary filmmaking as feminist pedagogy. Gender and Education. Ahead of Print.
Challenging the dominant Church hegemony in times of risk and promise: Carysfort women resist
Taylor & Francis
Challenging the dominant Church hegemony in times of risk and promise: Carysfort women resist
(2020). Challenging the dominant Church hegemony in times of risk and promise: Carysfort women resist. Gender and Education. Ahead of Print.
Feeling at home in school: Migrant youths’ narratives on school belonging in Flemish secondary education
SAGE Journals
Feeling at home in school: Migrant youths’ narratives on school belonging in Flemish secondary education - Rut Van Caudenberg,…
In Flanders, students with a migration background are highly overrepresented in the lower-status vocational and technical tracks, experience more grade retentio...
Professional knowledge affects action‐related skills: The development of preservice physics teachers' explaining skills during a field experience
Wiley Online Library
Professional knowledge affects action‐related skills: The development of preservice physics teachers' explaining skills during…
Professional knowledge is an important source of science teachers' actions in the classroom (e.g., personal professional content knowledge [pedagogical content knowledge, PCK] is the source of enacte...
The reproduction of the gender regime: the military and education as state apparatuses constraining the military wife student
Taylor & Francis
The reproduction of the gender regime: the military and education as state apparatuses constraining the military wife student
(2020). The reproduction of the gender regime: the military and education as state apparatuses constraining the military wife student. Gender and Education. Ahead of Print.
George Francisco Santiago Martin, Anderson Camatari Vilas Boas, Sergio de Mello Arruda, Marinez Meneghello Passos
Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa a respeito do interesse pelas ciências e a contribuição de podcasts de divulgação científica para o desenvolvimento desse interesse. As pessoas que participaram como depoentes para a realização desta investigação eram consumidores de alguns podcasts e seus relatos foram obtidos por meio da resposta a questionários online com questões de múltiplas escolhas e dissertativas, divulgadas nos podcasts e em seus websites e nas redes sociais, pelos pesquisadores. Os dados foram analisados segundo os procedimentos da Análise Textual Discursiva, fazendo uso do Modelo de Quatro Fases de Desenvolvimento do Interesse (MDI) adaptado e assumido por categorias a priori. Após o movimento analítico foi possível identificar nas declarações dos respondentes: níveis diferentes de interesse pelas ciências; a relação entre os podcasts de divulgação científica e o desenvolvimento do interesse pelas ciências; algumas características que tornam estes podcasts atraentes para o público. As análises ainda mostraram que, para muitos dos casos em que o interesse pelas ciências era evidente, os podcasts tiveram papel importante na intensificação do interesse e em decisões tomadas por esses sujeitos em relação à profissão a ser escolhida e à formação relacionada aos conteúdos dos podcasts.
Modelo de Quatro Fases de Desenvolvimento do Interesse; Interesse pelas ciências; Podcasts; Análise Textual Discursiva; Educação Básica
George Francisco Santiago Martin, Anderson Camatari Vilas Boas, Sergio de Mello Arruda, Marinez Meneghello Passos
Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa a respeito do interesse pelas ciências e a contribuição de podcasts de divulgação científica para o desenvolvimento desse interesse. As pessoas que participaram como depoentes para a realização desta investigação eram consumidores de alguns podcasts e seus relatos foram obtidos por meio da resposta a questionários online com questões de múltiplas escolhas e dissertativas, divulgadas nos podcasts e em seus websites e nas redes sociais, pelos pesquisadores. Os dados foram analisados segundo os procedimentos da Análise Textual Discursiva, fazendo uso do Modelo de Quatro Fases de Desenvolvimento do Interesse (MDI) adaptado e assumido por categorias a priori. Após o movimento analítico foi possível identificar nas declarações dos respondentes: níveis diferentes de interesse pelas ciências; a relação entre os podcasts de divulgação científica e o desenvolvimento do interesse pelas ciências; algumas características que tornam estes podcasts atraentes para o público. As análises ainda mostraram que, para muitos dos casos em que o interesse pelas ciências era evidente, os podcasts tiveram papel importante na intensificação do interesse e em decisões tomadas por esses sujeitos em relação à profissão a ser escolhida e à formação relacionada aos conteúdos dos podcasts.
Modelo de Quatro Fases de Desenvolvimento do Interesse; Interesse pelas ciências; Podcasts; Análise Textual Discursiva; Educação Básica
Swearing as a method of antipedagogy in workshops of rap lyrics for ‘failing boys’ in vocational education
Taylor & Francis
Swearing as a method of antipedagogy in workshops of rap lyrics for ‘failing boys’ in vocational education
(2020). Swearing as a method of antipedagogy in workshops of rap lyrics for ‘failing boys’ in vocational education. Gender and Education. Ahead of Print.
Boys keep swinging? Sex-composition of the school and pressure for gender-conformity
Taylor & Francis
Boys keep swinging? Sex-composition of the school and pressure for gender-conformity
(2020). Boys keep swinging? Sex-composition of the school and pressure for gender-conformity. Gender and Education. Ahead of Print.
Good mother, bad mother?: Maternal identities and cyber-agency in the primary school homework debate
Taylor & Francis
Good mother, bad mother?: Maternal identities and cyber-agency in the primary school homework debate
(2020). Good mother, bad mother?: Maternal identities and cyber-agency in the primary school homework debate. Gender and Education. Ahead of Print.
Gendered repertoires in nursing: new conceptualizations of educational gender segregation
Taylor & Francis
Gendered repertoires in nursing: new conceptualizations of educational gender segregation
(2020). Gendered repertoires in nursing: new conceptualizations of educational gender segregation. Gender and Education. Ahead of Print.
Does pre-schooling contribute to equity in education? Participation in universal pre-school and fourth-grade academic achievement
SAGE Journals
Does pre-schooling contribute to equity in education? Participation in universal pre-school and fourth-grade academic achievement…
The assumption that (early) attendance of universal pre-school enhances the future academic performance of pupils with lower socio-economic and/or immigrant bac...
Humanity’s leading activity: survival, of the humanity of our species
Taylor & Francis
Humanity’s leading activity: survival, of the humanity of our species
(2020). Humanity’s leading activity: survival, of the humanity of our species. Mind, Culture, and Activity. Ahead of Print.
Educational Accountability and State ESSA Plans
SAGE Journals
Educational Accountability and State ESSA Plans - John Portz, Nicholas Beauchamp,
This paper examines different state approaches to educational accountability in response to the Every Student Succeeds Act. Cluster analysis reveals three group...
‘Marginal’ student mobilities: Cruel promise, everyday mobile belonging and emotional geographies
Taylor & Francis
‘Marginal’ student mobilities: Cruel promise, everyday mobile belonging and emotional geographies
(2020). ‘Marginal’ student mobilities: Cruel promise, everyday mobile belonging and emotional geographies. British Journal of Sociology of Education. Ahead of Print.
A Qualitative Research Synthesis of the “No Excuses” Charter School Model
SAGE Journals
A Qualitative Research Synthesis of the “No Excuses” Charter School Model - B. Scott Ellison, S. Iqtadar,
The “no excuses” charter school model is widely regarded in public debate as an effective policy intervention to politically and economically empower historical...
The professional role and identity of teachers in the private and state education sectors
Taylor & Francis
The professional role and identity of teachers in the private and state education sectors
(2020). The professional role and identity of teachers in the private and state education sectors. British Journal of Sociology of Education. Ahead of Print.
Faculty and staff reporting & disclosure of sexual harassment in higher education
Taylor & Francis
Faculty and staff reporting & disclosure of sexual harassment in higher education
(2020). Faculty and staff reporting & disclosure of sexual harassment in higher education. Gender and Education. Ahead of Print.
Global citizenship education: A new ‘moral pedagogy’ for the 21st century?
SAGE Journals
Global citizenship education: A new ‘moral pedagogy’ for the 21st century? - Sara Franch,
In the past two decades global citizenship education (GCE) has become established in national and international education policy. This article focuses on the em...