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«تبلیغات نداریم و تنها محتواهای مربوط به فلسفه و علم را نشر می‌دهیم»
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#سخنرانی #سخنرانی_آنلاین #چکیده

بازیابی علت غایی در فلسفه روانکاوی آلفرد آدلر
👤 مهدی نسرین(دانش‌آموخته‌ی دکترای فلسفه دانشگاه اتاوا و ارشد گروه فلسفه علم شریف و فارغ التحصیل دانشکده مهندسی کامپیوتر دانشگاه صنعتی شریف. روان درمانگر ساکن کانادا)

دستگاه علت شناسی ارسطویی  بر اهمیت علت غایی در درک پدیده های فیزیکی تأکید دارد. حال آن که، لزوم اشاره به این نوع علت، همزمان با شکل گیری مدل های ریاضی در فیزیک، مورد سوال واقع شده و به نظر می رسد در مدل استاندارد توضیح پدیده های فیزیکی جایی برای علت غایی وجود نداشته باشد.هر چند برخی فلاسفه (معاصر) تلاش کرده اند مدل توضیحی ارسطو را با نظریه های (معاصر) توضیح وفق بدهند، این تلاش ها نتوانسته اند یک توافق عمومی در میان فلاسفه علم ایجاد کنند. از سوی دیگر، روانشناسان معاصر در مقاطع مختلفی از کارکرد و یا "غایت" حالات ذهنی یا اختلالات روانی صحبت کرده اند. الفرد ادلر، بنیان گذار دستگاه روانشناسی فردی، از جمله نخستین روان شناسانی است که مدل علت شناسی ارسطویی را به شکل رضایتبخشی در توضیح پدیده های روانشناسی به کار برد. در این سمینار نحوه استفاده ادلر از دستگاه علت شناسی ارسطویی در یک حوزه علمی توضیح داده می شود و نتیجه گرفته می شود لزومی ندارد فلسفه روانشناسی، همه جا، از فلسفه فیزیک تبعیت کند.

📆 چهارشنبه ۷ خرداد ۱۳۹۹؛ ساعت ۱۶:۳۰
❗️ جهت شرکت در این سخنرانی، در زمان جلسه وارد لینک زیر شده و گزینه‌ی "مهمان" را انتخاب بفرمایید:
📎 https://b2n.ir/philsci-lecture

🆔: @philsharif
#مقاله #چکیده

چکیده‌ی مقاله‌ی آقای محسن مقری(دانشجوی دکتری فلسفه علم دانشگاه صنعتی شریف) با عنوان “Deriving actuality from possibility” که در مجله‌ی معتبر Philosophia پذیرفته شده است.

🔰 Many believe that the world exists without a cause or reason. Most of them reject an explanation for the whole concrete world because they accept the traditional idea that concrete existence comes only from things that concretely exist. But I provide reasons for thinking that the world might be actual as a result of a feature that is not concrete but abstract. I begin by outlining ideas that some followers of the Platonic Theory of Forms have developed about whether actuality of something can be explained by its possibility. Next, I show that many who think they reject all paths for explaining actuality by abstract facts about possibilities in fact follow such paths. The question of why there exists anything concrete might be answered not by saying that the world exists reasonlessly, but by following some such paths: Having a certain nature for something concrete can turn its possibility into its actuality. Still, we might in the end be forced to accept that the world exists without any reason.

🆔: @philsharif
106 KB
#سخنرانی_آنلاین #چکیده

عنوان سخنرانی: گزاره‌های راسلی و مسائل فرگه‌ای
👤 ارائه‌دهنده: نصیر موسویان(پژوهشگاه دانش‌های بنیادی)

📆 زمان: چهارشنبه ۱۶ مهر از ساعت ۳ تا ۵ بعد از ظهر
📎 لینک کلاس آنلاین: https://vc.sharif.edu/ch/philsci-speech

🆔: @philsharif
#چکیده #سخنرانی_آنلاین

عنوان سخنرانی: وضعیت فساد دانشگاهی در ایران و پی آمدهای آن
👤 ارائه‌دهنده: داود حسینی هاشم زاده

📆 زمان: چهارشنبه 30 مهر از ساعت ۳ تا ۵ بعد از ظهر
📎 لینک کلاس آنلاین: https://vc.sharif.edu/ch/philsci-speech
❗️ جهت اضافه کردن به تقویم کلیک کنید

🔹 در این سخنرانی گونه‌شناسی نوینی از فساد در آموزش عالی در ایران در سه قالب: 1. تعامل فاسد میان کنش‌گران دانشگاهی، شامل: استاد، دانشجو، مدیر و کارمند؛ 2. تعامل نهادی فاسد؛ 3. فساد در تولیدات علمی (کتاب، مقاله، پژوهش، پایان نامه و ...) مورد بحث قرار می‌گیرد. بر مبنای این گونه شناسی و 180 مصداق فساد دانشگاهی، "پیمایش ملی سنجش فساد دانشگاهی" در بیش از 100 دانشگاه کشور انجام شد و بالغ بر 3100 (هیات علمی، مدرس، دانشجو، فارغ‌التحصیل، مدیر و کارمند آموزش عالی) به پرسشنامه‌ها پاسخ گفتند که نتایج آن در ابعاد، مولفه¬ها و شاخص کل فساد دانشگاهی ارایه و مورد بحث قرار خواهد گرفت. میانگین شاخص کل فساد دانشگاهی در مقیاس 0 تا 100 برابر با 75.29 است که نشان از گستردگی فساد در نظام آموزش عالی ایران دارد. همچنین از 180 شاخص مورد بررسی تنها میانگین یک شاخص کمتر از متوسط؛ میانگین 20 شاخص در حد متوسط، 91 شاخص در حد زیاد، و 68 شاخص در حد خیلی زیاد است.

🔸 اگرچه میزان فساد در آموزش عالی از اغلب نهادها و سازمان‌ها، نسبتا کمتر است، اما پی‌آمدها و تاثیر مخرب فساد در آموزش عالی از سایر حوزه‌ها و نهادها و سازمانها بیشتر و جبران ناپذیرتر است. به واسطه همین پی‌امدهای گسترده و زیان‌بار آن در سطوح مختلف و عرصه های اقتصادی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی، سیاسی و... ، می بایست فساد دانشگاهی، به جد مورد توجه و بررسی‌های علمی موشکافانه قرار گرفته و راهبردهایی برای مبارزه با ان ارایه شود.

🆔: @philsharif
#چکیده #سخنرانی_برخط

🔰 عنوان: مبانی تفکر در علوم فیزیکی
👤 ارائه‌دهنده: دکتر رضا منصوری
📅 تاریخ برگزاری: ۱۴ آبان ۱۳۹۹؛ ساعت ۱۵
🌐 لینک کلاس:
📎 https://vc.sharif.edu/ch/philsci-speech

🖌 چکیده: همه فکر می‌کنیم. اما آن چه نوع فکری است که در چند صد سال اخیر در علوم فیزیکی به مکانیک نیوتونی و  نظریهٔ نسبیت و فیزیکِ کوانتومی منجر شد که برای ابوریحان و ابن هیثم تصور ناشدنی بود؟ همین تحولاتِ فکریِ بشرِ مدرن در این دهه‌ها به تحولات شِگَرف در هومَص، علوم شناختی، موجودات سیلیکون پایه، فناوری کوانتومی، و نیز فناوری‌های براینده‌ای که هنوز نمی‌دانیم چیست منجر شده است یا دارد می‌شود؟ این اختلاف را باید نوعی جهش از جنس جهش‌های تکاملی دانست که انسان مدرن را جهیده کرده و متفاوت از انسانِ پیشامدرن. در این سخنرانی به ‌ایجاز به مبانی این تحول در تفکر بشر می‌پردازم؛ و نیز به ‌این احتمال که بشر مدرن دارد روش جدیدتری هم برای تفکر می‌آفریند که شاید منجر به جهش تکاملی دیگری در صد سال آینده بشود.

🆔: @philsharif
انجمن علمی فلسفه‌علم شریف
#سمینار 🔸 اولین سمینار مشترک دانشگاه صنعتی شریف و دانشگاه سن‌پترزبورگ درباره‌ی فرهنگ و سنت‌های فلسفی ایرانی: 🔰 هنر، فلسفه و تاریخ علم ایران در عصر صفویه 🔹 با حضور اساتید برجسته‌ی داخلی و خارجی 📅 تاریخ برگزاری: 6 و 7 آذر 1399 🌐 این برنامه به صورت مجازی و…
#چکیده #Abstract

Lecture Title: Fundamentals of Mulla Sadra’s Political Philosophy
👤 Lecturer: Seyed Salman Safavi(London Academy of Iranian Studies, UK)

🖋 Abstract: In this Lecture, the Fundamentals of Mulla Sadra's political philosophy are explained based on his book titled “al-Shawahid al-Rububiyyah fil Manahij al-Sulukiyyah”. This book is one of the last works of Mulla Sadra written after al-Asfar al-arba'ah.

According to Mulla Sadra, there is a mutually inclusive relationship between wisdom, Shari'a and politics. Politics is generally divided into two categories independent of Shari'a and in interaction with Shari'a.

The decrees of the real Shari'a are based on rational wisdom that considers real benefits and harms. "Sublime politics" is politics that results in the development and excellence of the material and spiritual life of society. Justice is the foundation of social relations and politics. If politics does not lead to progress and justice in society, that politics is not in accordance with Sharia, even if it rules under the banner of religion.

Politics that does not follow the values of “Perennial Philosophy” which has been sent by the Absolute Wise (God) through the prophets cannot build a balanced society that provides for the needs and requirements of life in this world and also the next.

Establishing justice, preventing war, and providing conditions for spiritual progress are amongst the goals and objectives of government in Mulla Sadra's political philosophy. He is of the opinion that building a spiritual society is not possible without establishing social justice and social security. He considers politics minus the presence of the values of the Supreme Wise (the law of truth) as a soulless corpse.


🔸 This lecture will be presented in the 1st Annual Sharif-St Petersburg Joint Seminar on Iranian Culture & Philosophical Traditions:
🔰 Iranian Art, Philosophy and History of Science During the Safavid Dynasty 1501-1736

📅 26-27 November 2020
🌐 This Seminar will be held on Sharif Vclass Platform.

❗️ In order to register and to get more information, click on this link:
📎 ia.sharif.ir/sut-spbu-seminar

🆔: @philsharif
انجمن علمی فلسفه‌علم شریف
#سمینار 🔸 اولین سمینار مشترک دانشگاه صنعتی شریف و دانشگاه سن‌پترزبورگ درباره‌ی فرهنگ و سنت‌های فلسفی ایرانی: 🔰 هنر، فلسفه و تاریخ علم ایران در عصر صفویه 🔹 با حضور اساتید برجسته‌ی داخلی و خارجی 📅 تاریخ برگزاری: 6 و 7 آذر 1399 🌐 این برنامه به صورت مجازی و…
#چکیده #Abstract

Lecture Title: Two approaches for Mulla Sadra’s Transcendental Philosophy: S.H. Nasr vs S. Safavi
👤 Lecturer: Ruzana Pskhu(Russian Peoples’ Friendship University )

🖋 Abstract: In my paper I will considerate two investigations on Mulla Sadra’s Transcendental Philosophy. Both of them I have translated into the Russian language and they are already published in Russia. My interest is focused on two points. The first one is to look how the worldview of a scholar can be mirrored in his representation of Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. And the second one is to compare the methodological approaches of investigation of Mulla Sadra’s doctrine in S.H. Nasr’s “Sadr al-Din Shirazi and His Transcendent Theosophy: Background, Life and Works” (1977) and S. Safavi’s “The Philosophy and Life of Mulla Sadra” (2013).


🔸 This lecture will be presented in the 1st Annual Sharif-St Petersburg Joint Seminar on Iranian Culture & Philosophical Traditions:
🔰 Iranian Art, Philosophy and History of Science During the Safavid Dynasty 1501-1736

📅 26-27 November 2020
🌐 This Seminar will be held on Sharif Vclass Platform.

❗️ In order to register and to get more information, click on this link:
📎 ia.sharif.ir/sut-spbu-seminar

🆔: @philsharif
انجمن علمی فلسفه‌علم شریف
#سمینار 🔸 اولین سمینار مشترک دانشگاه صنعتی شریف و دانشگاه سن‌پترزبورگ درباره‌ی فرهنگ و سنت‌های فلسفی ایرانی: 🔰 هنر، فلسفه و تاریخ علم ایران در عصر صفویه 🔹 با حضور اساتید برجسته‌ی داخلی و خارجی 📅 تاریخ برگزاری: 6 و 7 آذر 1399 🌐 این برنامه به صورت مجازی و…
#چکیده #Abstract

Lecture Title: From the therapeutic Safavid architecture color system to the development of today's Iranian color palettes.
👤 Lecturer: Maryam Mohammadgholipour (Department of Architecture and Environment Design, International Islamic University Malaysia)

🖋 Abstract: This topic was based on the observation that contemporary Iranian architecture is colorless while Iranian traditional architecture is colorful. The industrial revolution, the growth of the population, phenomena of urbanism, and interaction with the West brought the new concept of color construction and new material to contemporary Iranian architecture. while there was a "color pattern" in Iranian architecture around 400 years ago in the "Safavid era" that not just had a system but also it was therapeutic. This system has NATURAL and DUAL characteristics and CONTEXTUAL meaning which will be produced in a form of the palette to be used in contemporary architecture and industries.


🔸 This lecture will be presented in the 1st Annual Sharif-St Petersburg Joint Seminar on Iranian Culture & Philosophical Traditions:
🔰 Iranian Art, Philosophy and History of Science During the Safavid Dynasty 1501-1736

📅 26-27 November 2020
🌐 This Seminar will be held on Sharif Vclass Platform.

❗️ In order to register and to get more information, click on this link:
📎 ia.sharif.ir/sut-spbu-seminar

🆔: @philsharif
#چکیده #Abstract

Lecture Title: Siyahmashq: Its Origins and Development through the Ages
👤 Lecturer: Dr. Sofia Useinova(Senior lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Culture of the East, Institute of Philosophy, St.-Petersburg State University)

🖋 Abstract: Siyahmashq, literally meaning "black practice", has left its original narrow context of practice sheet to become one of the most important genres of calligraphic writing in Iran. This seminal transformation had occurred in the reign of the Safavid dynasty, thus marking one of its many artistic achievements; since then its seemingly endless possibilities had been vastly developed in the Qajar epoch, and principles of mashq compositions lie at the base of much of modern-day creative calligraphy. The phenomenon is certainly not unknown in the West, having been mentioned in numerous works dealing with islamic calligraphy, but its aesthetic, religious and philosophical underpinnings are rarely discussed at length (if at all). This presentation will then present a humble attempt at putting together an overview of this exceedingly impressive calligraphic genre.


🔸 This lecture will be presented in the 1st Annual Sharif-St Petersburg Joint Seminar on Iranian Culture & Philosophical Traditions:
🔰 Iranian Art, Philosophy and History of Science During the Safavid Dynasty 1501-1736

📅 26-27 November 2020
🌐 This Seminar will be held on Sharif Vclass Platform.

❗️ In order to register and to get more information, click on this link:
📎 ia.sharif.ir/sut-spbu-seminar

🆔: @philsharif
#چکیده #Abstract

Knowledge Culture as inclusive and participatory commemorative culture: Islamic Knowledges in public and museum spaces

The Hafiz-Goethe monument in Weimar commemorates the Persian poet Hafiz (CA. 1315-1390), who inspired the poetry of Johann-Wolfgang Goethe and Friedrich Rückert. Goethe's book of poems, the Western-Eastern Divan (1819) exemplifies this. Monuments, historical editions of the Divan and manuscripts – including those written by Goethe in Arabic – are evidence of material and manuscript cultures being part of UNESCO World Documents Heritage. They are among the most well-known and only recently installed material memorials in the German-speaking public spaces, refering to Persian and Arabic inspirations and adaptions in poetry. When it comes to commemorative material and immaterial cultures of knowledge and sciences in Islam further research is needed.
In addition to monuments, objects and manuscripts in museums and archives, there are numerous memorials, artifacts and objects of Eastern-Western knowledge travel- ing, its adaptations and representations in material cultures in the public area, which have hitherto, and if at all, then only been dealt selectively in the historically oriented cultural sciences and history of sciences. This holds true for Arabic embroidered Bishop's robes dating back to the 13th century or friezes, e.g., representing ar-Rāzī on the wall of pharmacies at the beginning of the 17th century.
The presentation will map some material and immaterial cultures of remembrance, before question them with regard to their musealizability, discussing them in the context of critical cultural and knowledge heritage debates. Against the background of the discussion about multi-perspective, multi-directional and polylogical commem- orative cultures, recent approaches of an inclusive and decolonial culture of memory, which take Persian and Arabic contributions to the universal culture of knowledge into the research focus, are introduced.
Giving some examples from German speaking lands and Turkey (Ibn Sīnā Garden in Istanbul), the presentation will also introduce new paths of experimental history of sciences, e.g., in the fields chemistry, pharmacy (distillation) and medicinal botanic.
Detlev Quintern,
Istanbul, the 24th of January 2021

🆔: @philsharif
#چکیده #سخنرانی_آنلاین

🔰 عنوان:
Is Hope a Virtue? Hope as the Virtue of the Possible

👥 با حضور:
👤 Robert Stern (University of Sheffield)
👤 Beatrice Han-Pile (University of Essex)

🖋 چکیده:
📝 Hope is frequently viewed with suspicion, for example as giving us false expectations, making us gullible, and deceiving us about the harshness of life. It is also not generally listed amongst the virtues. In this paper, we examine in more detail the case against hope as a virtue, focusing on three main criteria of what makes something a virtue: namely, it is good for its possessor; stands between two vices; and can be cultivated and exercised. The status of hope as a virtue can be questioned on each of these counts, but we aim to rebut these doubts, arguing that hope can and should be accorded this status after all. We will begin by briefly explaining what we take a virtue to be and so what it might mean to conceive of hope as a virtue, and then we will attempt to show how hope can meet each of the criteria of virtue outlined above, thereby defending this way of conceiving of hope as a virtue. Just as patience helps us to navigate the temporal, hope helps us to navigate the possible, and to flourish in situations of uncertainty.

🗓 ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۰؛ ساعت ۱۸
❗️ این برنامه در کلاس مجازی گروه فلسفه علم به آدرس زیر برگزار می‌شود:

🆔: @philsharif
#چکیده #سخنرانی_آنلاین

🔰 عنوان:
Is Hope a Virtue? Hope as the Virtue of the Possible

👥 با حضور:
👤 Robert Stern (University of Sheffield)
👤 Beatrice Han-Pile (University of Essex)

🖋 چکیده:
📝 Hope is frequently viewed with suspicion, for example as giving us false expectations, making us gullible, and deceiving us about the harshness of life. It is also not generally listed amongst the virtues. In this paper, we examine in more detail the case against hope as a virtue, focusing on three main criteria of what makes something a virtue: namely, it is good for its possessor; stands between two vices; and can be cultivated and exercised. The status of hope as a virtue can be questioned on each of these counts, but we aim to rebut these doubts, arguing that hope can and should be accorded this status after all. We will begin by briefly explaining what we take a virtue to be and so what it might mean to conceive of hope as a virtue, and then we will attempt to show how hope can meet each of the criteria of virtue outlined above, thereby defending this way of conceiving of hope as a virtue. Just as patience helps us to navigate the temporal, hope helps us to navigate the possible, and to flourish in situations of uncertainty.

🗓 ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۰؛ ساعت ۱۸
❗️ این برنامه در کلاس مجازی گروه فلسفه علم به آدرس زیر برگزار می‌شود:

🆔: @philsharif
انجمن علمی فلسفه‌علم شریف
#سخنرانی_آنلاین گروه فلسفه علم دانشگاه صنعتی شریف برگزار می‌کند 🔰 عنوان: The Epistemic Argument for Markets - and its Limits 👥 با حضور: 👤 Lisa Herzog (University of Groningen) ❇️ جهت مطالعه چکیده به این لینک مراجعه بفرمایید. 🗓 18 مرداد 1400؛ ساعت 17…
#چکیده #سخنرانی_آنلاین

🔰 عنوان:
The Epistemic Argument for Markets - and its Limits

👥 با حضور:
👤 Lisa Herzog (University of Groningen)

🖋 چکیده:
📝 One of the arguments in favor of free markets, which stands at the core of many debates about efficiency and innovation, is their alleged ability to process knowledge through the signaling function of the price mechanism. This "epistemic argument" has been put forward in particular by F.A. von Hayek, who praised markets’ unique ability to deal with decentralized knowledge. In this talk, I start by presenting this argument, which has been accepted by many critics of markets as well. I defend the claim, however, that this argument is far more limited in scope than has often been assumed. For one thing, it only applies to certain forms of knowledge. For another, most markets rely on an "epistemic infrastructure" in which certain forms of knowledge are dealt with, so that the price mechanism can then play its role. Moreover, there is vicious circularity in the argument if the price mechanisms leads to the satisfaction of preferences that are not independently given, but created by markets. And last but not least, the epistemic argument fails if markets are not regulated for externalities, such as the costs of anthropogenic climate change - here, it almost seems fair to say that market prices lie to us. I conclude that properly understood, the epistemic argument for markets is one for careful market regulation, not one for introducing market mechanisms in all spheres of life.


🗓 18 مرداد 1400؛ ساعت 17

🌐 این برنامه در کلاس مجازی گروه فلسفه علم به آدرس زیر برگزار می‌شود:
📎 https://b2n.ir/philsci

🆔: @philsharif
#چکیده #سخنرانی_آنلاین

🔰 عنوان:
The Epistemic Argument for Markets - and its Limits

👥 با حضور:
👤 Lisa Herzog (University of Groningen)

🖋 چکیده:
📝 One of the arguments in favor of free markets, which stands at the core of many debates about efficiency and innovation, is their alleged ability to process knowledge through the signaling function of the price mechanism. This "epistemic argument" has been put forward in particular by F.A. von Hayek, who praised markets’ unique ability to deal with decentralized knowledge. In this talk, I start by presenting this argument, which has been accepted by many critics of markets as well. I defend the claim, however, that this argument is far more limited in scope than has often been assumed. For one thing, it only applies to certain forms of knowledge. For another, most markets rely on an "epistemic infrastructure" in which certain forms of knowledge are dealt with, so that the price mechanism can then play its role. Moreover, there is vicious circularity in the argument if the price mechanisms leads to the satisfaction of preferences that are not independently given, but created by markets. And last but not least, the epistemic argument fails if markets are not regulated for externalities, such as the costs of anthropogenic climate change - here, it almost seems fair to say that market prices lie to us. I conclude that properly understood, the epistemic argument for markets is one for careful market regulation, not one for introducing market mechanisms in all spheres of life.


🗓 18 مرداد 1400؛ ساعت 17

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