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Bring us death when our forehead is on the ground,
the sunnah in our heart,
you are on our mind,
quran on our tongue,
and tears on our eyes.
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Forwarded from Mufti Menk
Some will go out of their way to disturb your peace. Don't allow their petty drama to stress you out. Don't take it to heart. Let it go.
How many times you blame Allah for all the wrong thing goes on your life?
And in every breath that you take while you're loathing your own life.
Did you ever count the breath that you have taken today?
Everytimes you blamed Allah,Did He cut you breath away?
Did you lost your ability to speak?
Do you think,on this earth as a mere human,there will be ever exist a person,
when you say such bad thing about that person,blaming him,
he will let you said those words again and again without stopping you?
It must be hurted in here (❤️) right?

But,Allah is the All Mighty
He has no weakness.
He is the most powerful.
He gives you more & more even you hurted Him.

رب انى ظلمت نفسى
فاغفرلى فمن يغفر الذنوب الا انت

Credit : watpadd

Forwarded from Mufti Menk
Always remember we're better off than many in this world. Our struggles are small, yet we always complain. Thank Him upon all conditions!
Some won't understand you.
Some won't support you.
Some will leave you.
Some won't even care if you're down in the dumps.
No matter what others put you through.
Your Creator will always be there for you.
He knows every moment of your struggle.
He will compensate you greatly.

Credit : @MuftiMenk1

Forwarded from Mufti Menk
Your deeds are weighed according to how sincere you are. Don’t waste your good work & effort by putting every bit of it on social media.
Forwarded from Aiman Psikologi
Day 7.

Today, greet any stranger that you meet (makcik cleaner, pakcik jaga warung etc) and have casual & short conversation.

No need to ask panjang lebar lahir mana asal mana.

Just simple as "Laku betul kedai pakcik petang ni eh!"

Getting more challenging.
You're up for it?
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Yesterday has gone and tomorrow may never come. Make the most of today by seeking forgiveness for all of your past sins. #Muslims
Forwarded from Aiman Psikologi
Day 16.

Find out one bad habit that you want to destroy (i.e. lying, cursing, smoking, watching pornography, bawang-ing, anything at all).

Throughout this Ramadan (until day 30), prevent yourself from doing it.

Whenever the intention comes, take a pause and reflect it again.
Forwarded from Aiman Psikologi
Day 24.

Send a motivational quotes or advice to at least 10 people of your family/friends.

Doesn't matter what it is about, as long as it is positive and lovely to read.

Make sure you wrote it from your heart. Short and sweet.

Bring out the positivity of your heart ❤️
Forwarded from Islamic Reminders
Forwarded from Islamic Reminders
Forwarded from Religion of Islam
Forwarded from Religion of Islam
Name of Allah Ar-Raqeeb (The Watcher):
Allah observes and sees what is hidden in the chests; He sees everything and nothing is hidden from Him. He observes and sees every thought which passes our minds and every single movement we make. He hears everything with His perfect Hearing and watches over every creature with His vast knowledge which encompasses everything.

قال الله تعالى: {يعلم خائنة الأعين وما تخفي الصدور} غافر 19

Allah knows the fraud of the eyes and all that the breasts conceal.

Surah Al-Ghafir [40: 19]

To understand the meaning of the awareness and watchfulness of Allah, let’s imagine an examination room in a university. Whilst the student taking the examination is sitting, the invigilator comes and stands right in front of his desk and focuses his gaze upon him. Given the students awareness of the invigilator, will this student think of cheating in any way? Will he even try to look at the paper of his colleague? Never! Why? Because the exam invigilator, the one who watches the people taking the exam, is watching him.

This is how people react under the observation of a person superior to them; they guard their actions and refrain from violating any rules for fear of punishment.

But the true Muslim is only concerned about the fact that Allah sees him and he will never think of cheating in this life (through wrong actions) because he is mindful of the fact that Allah is observing him. (Based on the explanation of 'Fiqh Asma Al Husna by Shaykh Abudr Razzaq Al Badr- Religion-of-islam. com/names of Allah)
Forwarded from Mufti Menk
We are quick to give up on others because of their shortcomings. Yet the Almighty is most merciful towards us each time we do wrong.