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Bring us death when our forehead is on the ground,
the sunnah in our heart,
you are on our mind,
quran on our tongue,
and tears on our eyes.
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Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Let people say what they want, focus on pleasing The Lord. There is no way everyone is going to be happy with you. #Muslims #life #Islam
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
The legacy of Islam, which we are carrying with us, we have the responsibility to convey it to the people. #Muslims #Islam #Life
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Surround yourself with those people who encourage you to become a better Muslim not those who shame you for not being one. #Muslims
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Work as hard as you can and then place your trust in #Allah. He will bless you in unimaginable ways. #Muslims
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Give women their due rights - be it your mother, your sister, your daughter or your wife. #Muslims #Islam #women
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
"And whatsoever you spend of anything (in #Allah's Cause), He will replace it. And He is the Best of providers."[Qur'an 34:39] #Muslims
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Work as hard as you can and then place your trust in #Allah. He will bless you in unimaginable ways. #Muslims
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Dua heals all negativity, hurt, anger, worries and depression. Pray to Allah daily! #Muslims #Islam #Prayers #life
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn to #Allah.” #Muslims
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
We all get stressed at times; it’s part of life, part of Allah’s test and in fact, it is said that Allah tests those he loves most. #Muslims
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Say Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli haal, because He knows and you do not. #prayer #Muslims
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Always ask #Allah to fill you with sabr to face whatever He sends your way. #Muslims #patience #faith
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "The most beloved deeds to Allah are the consistent ones, even if they are small." #Muslims
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Pay attention to how you spend your time. You will be held accountable for every minute you spend on Earth. #Muslims
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
If Allah can overlook our sins, why do we hold hatred in our heart towards others for their past? #Muslims
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Always ask #Allah to fill you with sabr to face whatever He sends your way. #Muslims #patience #faith
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
It is easy to be patient in times of ease. The real victory is when you are patient in times of difficulty. #Muslims #Islam #life
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Expect more from yourself but less from others. Remember: "You are in control of your life and not others!" #Muslims
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Sometimes you hate your life, while some people dream of having such. Always thank #Allah for His countless #blessings. #Muslims
Forwarded from Dr Bilal Philips
Yesterday has gone and tomorrow may never come. Make the most of today by seeking forgiveness for all of your past sins. #Muslims