Redesignate China Country of Particular Concern For Abusing Religious Freedoms: USCIRF Report
The commission called for multilateral action over East Turkistan and a boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics.
#UyghurGenocide #EastTurkistan #Uyghur #China China Country of Particular Concern For Abusing Religious Freedoms: USCIRF Report
The commission called for multilateral action over East Turkistan and a boycott of 4871207 Redesignate China Country of Particular Concern For Abusing
The commission called for multilateral action over East Turkistan and a boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics.
#UyghurGenocide #EastTurkistan #Uyghur #China China Country of Particular Concern For Abusing Religious Freedoms: USCIRF Report
The commission called for multilateral action over East Turkistan and a boycott of 4871207 Redesignate China Country of Particular Concern For Abusing
June 8, 2021