Stop by goaffirmations TODAY (4.21.21) from 4 PM to 7 PM to pick up non-perishable groceries, hygiene products, and winter wear if still needed. Please reshare! #CovidRelief #GoAffirmations #Ferndale #LGBTQ #Michigan #Help by goaffirmations TODAY (4.21.21) from 4261133 Stop by goaffirmations TODAY (4.21.21) from 4 PM to 7 PM to pick up non-perishable groceries, hygiene products, and winter wear if still needed. Please reshare! #CovidRelief
June 14, 2021
Happy Michigan Spring! #spring #winter #michigan #mothernature #confused Happy Michigan Spring! #spring #winter #michigan #mothernature #confused
June 17, 2021
RT wunschcritcare: Springtime for #COVID19 and #antivaxxers. Winter for #Toronto and #michigan wunschcritcare: Springtime for 1039525 RT wunschcritcare: Springtime for #COVID19 and #antivaxxers. Winter for
October 11, 2021
❄Peaceful #slowmo #snow scenes in #CommerceTwp and #Novi, #Michigan this afternoon. #MIwx #winter #spring #NaturePhotography #railstotrails #trails #hiking #flowers PGLocal4 GarofaloWX WeatherNation❄Peaceful #slowmo #snow scenes in #CommerceTwp and #Novi, #Michigan this afternoon. 6013366 ❄Peaceful #slowmo #snow scenes in #CommerceTwp and #Novi, #Michigan this afternoon. #MIwx
December 5, 2021
Happy Michigan Spring! #spring #winter #michigan #mothernature #confused Michigan Spring! #spring 4383910 Happy Michigan Spring! #spring #winter
December 6, 2021