richard680news What planet does the house leader live on? Doesn't seem to be the same one the rest of us who live in Ontario. #VoteFordOut2022 #FordMustResign #FordFailedThePeople #FordFailedOntario #FordVaccineFailure What planet does the house leader live on? Doesn't 6359761 richard680news What planet does the house leader live on? Doesn't seem to be the same one the rest of us
RT brian_downey1: Hahahaha 😂😂🤣
#VoteFordOut2022 .fordnation 4591654 RT brian_downey1: Hahahaha 😂😂🤣
#VoteFordOut2022 .fordnation
#VoteFordOut2022 .fordnation 4591654 RT brian_downey1: Hahahaha 😂😂🤣
#VoteFordOut2022 .fordnation