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Hearings on the suit of US regulators to Telegram scheduled for February 18

Hearings are scheduled for February 18 at 11:00 am GMT-4 (19:00 GMT+3).

As the correspondent of TASS from the courtroom, the decision was made by the judge of the district court for the southern district of Manhattan Kenneth Kestrel.

"In case of need hearing will be continued on 19 February," he said, demanding that the parties had submitted all documents in the case to January 27.


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Telegram demanded to reject the claim of the authorities of the United States against the launch of cryptocurrency Gram

The statement said that the defendant "asked the court fully and without the right to resubmission reject the claim of the plaintiff against the Telegram". Lawyers For The Telegram Group Inc. stressed that the defendant his organization completely rejects all charges in his address.

The document once again observed that Gram at the time of launch "will be the currency and/or goods", and not security, as demanded by American authorities. Earlier, the representatives of the regulator stated that the Telegram did not offer convincing arguments to refute the allegations of the Commission regarding the fact that the Gram should be regarded as a security, not a cryptocurrency.

Along with this, the claim says emails and phone calls to the SEC.


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Telegram requests 5-7 weeks to verify the data upon request to the SEC

The Lawyer's Telegram, Alex Drylewski
said that if the case or the threat of an injunction will not be solved by the end of April, according to the terms of the private placement, the Telegraph will have to return the money to investors.


#TON #crypt #courts

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Telegram and the SEC asked the court to expedite consideration of the dispute on the cryptocurrency

The Commission on securities and stock exchanges of the USA and Telegram asked the district court of the state of new York to rule on their dispute in an expeditious manner, stated in the motions filed by the parties.

Position Telegram
According to Telegram, the decision to ban the production of Gram contradicts statements made by the SEC's desire to cooperate with the developers: "the regulator's Decision was criticized as legislators of the United States and one of the members of the SEC." The company also accused the SEC that the regulator failed to provide clear regulation in this area, and condemned her for the publication of the correspondence between the representatives of the Telegram and investors.

the position of the SEC
The SEC continues to insist that investors expect to earn on the resale of Gram to run TON, and the company Durova knew about the gray market. The SEC also accuses Telegram in selling tokens after the end of the collection investment.

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Pavel Durov two days interrogated in Dubai

The interrogation, which was held on January 7-8 in Dubai, really took place. The Bell found the transcripts — the document says that the actor two days in a row was explaining to the SEC lawyers how much money he spent on the Telegram and TON, why the ICO decided to spend much spent on equipment and why not consider Gram securities.

Durov's position during the interrogation was the fact that Gram — not a valuable paper and digital currency, and a large number of investors needed to Finance the purchase of equipment, and in order to ensure the sustainability of the future blockchain platform. Team TON, according to him, it was necessary to attract a sufficient number of investors in order to launch blockchain at least some of them could become validators, at least two dozen.

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The SEC issued a new Memorandum, which refers to the doubt that the command of the messenger, in principle, prepared to launch the revolutionary blockchain in the form in which it was promised to investors.

In the new Memorandum, the regulator says: not the fact that TON, according to the developers, ready, because there's no proof. Moreover, even if something Telegram and ready, most likely, the product will not match the promises of the developers from white paper and other documents that are offered to investors. SEC this conclusion is made based on the opinions of experts.

Investors Telegram, spoke The Bell, I believe in the success of TON and are confident that the blockchain will be ready in time. That investors are not disappointed in the project, speak and vote, which Telegram held in October: the majority of individual investors and the funds agreed with the postponement of the launch in April and did not demand the return of their money.

Full version Memorandum in English document on @infotonen

#TON #crypt #courts

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the court for the southern district of new York has banned the transfer of tokens Gram buyers

#ton #courts

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Skadden letter to Court March 27, 2020.pdf
149.1 KB
A lawyer for the company, protecting the interests of the Telegram, Alex Drylewski, filed a request for clarification of the court's position.

To run a TON outside US jurisdiction it is important to clarify whether the prohibition of an agreement TON with investors outside the us jurisdiction.

He noted that More than 70% of the funds raised in TON received from investors located outside of U.S. jurisdiction.

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in the United States Court refused Telegram in the explanation of the ban on the transfer of tokens and it's not a joke

Judge for the southern district of new York Kevin castle otklonil the request Telegram the lifting of the temporary ban on the issuance of tokens Gram for non-us investors. It is not convinced by the assurances of the defendant that the coins will not fall into the hands of US residents on the secondary market.

The judge noted that the lawyers of the company a few months ago, I was made aware of the provisions of a possible ban on the transmission of tokens, but do not bother to seek clarification or to challenge any points. As suggested by Castel, Telegram cannot guarantee that the Gram buyers outside the USA will not sell tokens to American investors.

#TON #courts

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TON will develop in spite of a court ban on the distribution of tokens

on 7 may, the company Telegram signed an agreement, which obliges it to provide the SEC with all requested financial information until may 20.

Telegram agreed to provide the Commission on securities and exchange Commission (SEC) for more information about the sale of tokens Gram in 2018. This will include information about any agreements with the initial investors Telegram Open Network, and additional Bank information.

In addition, Telegram is committed to responding to any questions the SEC related to previously provided information. The company also needs to disclose all the offers made to investors in the course sale Gram.

The lawyer defending the interests of the Telegram, Alexander Drylewski, proposed a variant in which the Telegram would continue to work in spite of the injunctions of some parts of the plan, and execute shared plans. He painted a picture in which the developers continue to work on applications and smart contracts in the blockchain TON, a Gram is becoming the "new cryptocurrency to the mass market" as opposed to Ethereum or Bitcoin.

#TON #courts

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the ECHR communicated the first complaint related to a Telegram lock

The website, owned by LLC "Living picture" in 2018 blocked because of the IP address that used messenger.

Victims of a blocking Telegram are thousands of online services, but all instances of Russian courts was passed only by the company, and last spring "Living picture" fell the complaint to the ECHR.

The European court of human rights communicated the complaint of LLC "Living picture" that owns a website to promote designer photoposter blocked 19 April — 3 days after it started locking a Telegram messenger. About it reports Damir Gainutdinov legal analyst of the Agora, whose lawyers represent the interests of the applicant in the ECHR.

#lock #courts

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Telegram may be fined another 16 million rubles for refusing to delete prohibited information

The Magistrate's Court of Moscow on June 10 will consider the issue of fines against the Telegram messenger for another 16 million rubles for refusing to delete prohibited information at the request of Roskomnadzor.

Earlier, the world judicial department of the Tagansky district of Moscow fined the Telegram messenger for a total amount of 5 million rubles under two Roskomnadzor protocols for refusing to delete information about calls for minors to take part in unauthorized actions in Moscow.

#courts #fines
Russia fined Telegram for $140,000

The magistrate of the 422nd court district in Moscow fined Telegram and Facebook for $140,000 (10 million rubles) and $235,000 (17 million rubbles) accordingly.

There are multiple proceedings valuing for Telegram 2 or 3 million rubbles each. All of them are filled in according to a law which enforces social media to remove illegal content.

Earlier, the magistrate of Tagansk region in Moscow fined Telegram in two proceedings filled by Roskomnadzor, totally valuing $70,000 (5 million rubbles).

#courts #fines
Telegram Info English
Russia fined Telegram for $140,000 The magistrate of the 422nd court district in Moscow fined Telegram and Facebook for $140,000 (10 million rubles) and $235,000 (17 million rubbles) accordingly. There are multiple proceedings valuing for Telegram 2 or…
Russia fined Telegram for $150,000

A fine is imposed according to three protocols on the non-removal of prohibited content.

The decision was made by the magistrate of the judicial district No. 422. Telegram Messenger Inc. was sentenced to four, five and two million rubles.

#courts #fines
Twitter, Telegram and Facebook got fined by Russia due to refusal of removing illegal contents

Companies should pay respectively:
— $220,000 (Twitter)
— $550,000 (Facebook)
— $220,000 (Telegram)

The decision will be made on September 14. A court hearing is scheduled for this date.

#fines #courts