Sometimes our support superhero, Jacobo, likes to make the rest of us envious of the beautiful scenery he has nearby. 😍
Pictured in Laguna de Yambo, Ecuador. 📷
#LagunadeYambo #Ecuador #Beautiful #RemoteWork our support superhero, Jacobo, likes to make the rest of us envious of the beautiful scenery he has nearby. 😍
Pictured in Laguna de Yambo, 1633820 Sometimes our support superhero, Jacobo, likes to
Pictured in Laguna de Yambo, Ecuador. 📷
#LagunadeYambo #Ecuador #Beautiful #RemoteWork our support superhero, Jacobo, likes to make the rest of us envious of the beautiful scenery he has nearby. 😍
Pictured in Laguna de Yambo, 1633820 Sometimes our support superhero, Jacobo, likes to
June 7, 2021