A blustery wet day calls for a warm summer view from Old WharfRoad. Stop in cozy “The Colors of Chatham” today to take in the warm scenery. Studio hours are 11-4 today and tomorrow.
#chatham #chathamma #capecod #seascape #marsh … https://t.co/ZxXUwDFDpI https://t.co/poNF19IlEIA blustery wet day calls for a warm summer view from Old WharfRoad. 3501940 A blustery wet day calls for a warm summer view from Old WharfRoad. Stop in cozy “The Colors of Chatham” today to take in the warm scenery. Studio
#chatham #chathamma #capecod #seascape #marsh … https://t.co/ZxXUwDFDpI https://t.co/poNF19IlEIA blustery wet day calls for a warm summer view from Old WharfRoad. 3501940 A blustery wet day calls for a warm summer view from Old WharfRoad. Stop in cozy “The Colors of Chatham” today to take in the warm scenery. Studio
July 16, 2021