I opened my front door, and what did I see? Snow on the grass. Snow on the houses. Snow, falling from the sky, as if winter wanted one last hurrah. Gotta love Missouri weather. 👍
#snowon420 #snow #Missouri #KansasCity #snowday https://t.co/HWZkmfqjLTI opened my front door, and what did I see? Snow on the grass. Snow on the houses. Snow, falling from the sky, as if 6312384 I opened my front door, and what did I see? Snow on the grass. Snow
#snowon420 #snow #Missouri #KansasCity #snowday https://t.co/HWZkmfqjLTI opened my front door, and what did I see? Snow on the grass. Snow on the houses. Snow, falling from the sky, as if 6312384 I opened my front door, and what did I see? Snow on the grass. Snow
August 31, 2021