Juvenile Jail
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Download Telegram
Made my first public Telegram Bot 😃
You can test it out @juvenilezbot
(not even close to being finished but gets the job done. Currently beta testing for larger issues)

EDIT1: After getting review from someone who is more experienced in Python, it turns out the whole code is overdone and the bot could have been a lot more simpler(?).

EDIT2: Since I started working on another bot, I won't be fixing or making changes to the bot anytime soon (not really, just procrastinating).

To-do list bot for Telegram
a bot for maintaining to-do list with an RPG-style twist.

- Simply send a message to the bot to convert it into a task.
- Different Task-Actions have different effects on the User's Status.
- View you status window using the /status command.
- Complete tasks to gain coins which determine the global leader-board.
- More game mechanics can be figured out by playing 👍.

Bot Username: @kalegobot

>> I am starting beta-testing for the bot. This beta-testing is mainly aimed at User Experience. It's source code is not yet public because I want to release it only after I feel satisfied with the code quality (which I will get reviewed by pros). I don't want to release a version with lots of bugs and overdone code like how Reddit-bot was.

>> and ik the whole concept of GitHub and Open-Source is that the code should be made public which is exactly what I am aiming for but I'd just like to complete the version of it that I want and then take reviews and suggestions about it

reviews, bugs and suggestions are avidly welcome @juve_watson.