Albums, Saved Messages and Better Search

Starting with Telegram 4.5, whenever you send multiple photos or videos they are grouped into albums. Each album can include up to 10 photos or videos, arranged in the chat as elegantly proportioned thumbnails. They will also result in one notification instead of ten on the recipient’s side.

Photo Order

From now on, you can control the order in which photos are sent. Each photo you choose for sharing will show its sequence number. This makes it easy to double check that your “before-and-after” pics will be sent in the correct order.

Multiple Profile Photos

When viewing a photo from an album, you’ll see other pictures from the same group as thumbnails in the lower part of the screen. Profile photos are now also displayed this way, which makes them much easier to navigate.

Saved Messages

You can now bookmark important messages by quickly forwarding them to Saved Messages – your personal cloud storage for any messages or media you may want to send or forward there. Each saved message has a “go to” button that takes you to the right place in the chat where it was originally posted.

Saved Messages Chat

The Saved Messages chat is always displayed at the top of the list in the sharing and forwarding menus. This makes it easy to save your favorites while keeping things as tidy as before.

Number One in the Sharing Menu

Saved Messages are easy to find: they are accessible both from the Chats list and from the side panel on Android / Settings on iOS.

Improved Search

Speaking of finding things, we’ve upgraded the global search algorithm used for finding public channels, groups and bots. Now you can search for public channels and bots by their titles, and most popular items will always be displayed first.

Pinned Messages in Channels

Channel admins can now pin messages to focus their subscribers’ attention on important announcements. This tool can also come in handy if you want to help new subscribers navigate your channel.

Pinned Message

iOS: New Settings, iPhone X Support

Telegram 4.5 comes packed with goodies for iOS users. The Settings screen and the context menu in chats got a makeover. Version 4.5 also works great on iPhone X.

Redesigned Settings

Edit Settings

And that’s it for today. We hope you enjoy these new features while we’re working on the next update!

November 15, 2017
The Telegram Team

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