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Forwarded from Master PollBot | Updates
πŸ†• Big Update of March/April

βž• New Cool Features
β€’ New type of poll: Quiz - Set the right answers, don't show the result and when you close the poll see who answered well.
β€’ New option: show more choices in a string on menu.
β€’ New setting: Theme - Change theme for graph and others graphics in the Bot.
β€’ New Ban-list Setting: @BottinoBot Block-list - Auto-Blocks potentially dangerous users!
β€’ New integration: @NoAutoPinBot Block - Leave the poll message shared by channels pinned in groups containing @NoAutoPinBot!

⭐️ New Premium Features
β€’ Fixed the bug in "Send To..." after clicking it.
β€’ On "Send To..." the Bot show only the channel who has seen!
β€’ Fixed the advertising on Premium users polls.

πŸ” Minor Changes
β€’ Discount in shop title.
(Only if the discount applies to all items)
β€’ Now you don't start the Bot to see advertising.
We'll send it to you in dm without start the Bot.
β€’ Changed the graph library.

βœ… Bug Fixed
β€’ Fixed affiliate earning by advertising.
β€’ Fixed unban date to banned users.
β€’ Fixed the ban/unban of users.
β€’ The users list on participation poll faster.
β€’ More stability.

#BigUpdate #Update #March #April
Forwarded from Master PollBot | API
πŸ†• Update of March/April

βž• New Methods
β€’ addVote - This method allows you to vote on polls.
(currently limited to vote on your polls)

β€’ editVote - This method allows you to edit an already entered vote.
(Multi-choice polls aren't supported yet)

β€’ removeVote - This method allows you to remove your vote from a poll.
β€’ getSubscribers - Return the numeric value of the registered users in our Database.

βž• New Parameters
β€’ status in Poll - Indicates the status of the poll: whether it is open or closed.
β€’ participating in Poll - If the poll is a participation, this parameter indicates whether you are participating or not.
β€’ privacy in editPoll - Using this parameter you can change a public poll to anonymous
β€’ New poll type: Quiz
β€’ right_choices - Right choices for quiz-type polls.
β€’ web_content_preview in Settings - The link of the web media preview is passed on this field.
β€’ theme in graph - You can select the theme for the graph. (light or dark)
β€’ monitor_url in status and errors - The link of the uptime monitor.
β€’ id in getMe - Added the id field indicating your Telegram ID.

πŸ” Changes
β€’ Totally refactored our API Documentation. - Now it's more faster, easy to read and finally had the beloved dark theme ("cause light attracts bugs")

βœ… Bug Fixed
β€’ Fixed choices and settings in createPoll.
β€’ Fixed disable_web_content_preview and disable_web_page_preview fields, now is bool.

#BigUpdate #Update #March #April
Forwarded from BotNews
Bot API 5.1

β€’ Added updates about member status changes in chats: my_chat_member and chat_member
β€’ Support for improved invite links
β€’ Basic info about voice chats
β€’ And more, read the full changelog here:

Warning: After one of the upcoming Bot API updates, user identifiers will become bigger than 2^31 - 1 and it will be no longer possible to store them in a signed 32-bit integer type. User identifiers will have up to 52 significant bits, so a 64-bit integer or double-precision float type would still be safe for storing them. Please make sure that your code can correctly handle such user identifiers.
Forwarded from BotNews
Bot API 6.6

Localized Descriptions
β€’ Bots now support localized descriptions that are shown based on the user's language.
β€’ Added the methods setMyDescription and setMyShortDescription to set the bot's localized description and short description.
β€’ Added the methods getMyDescription and getMyShortDescription to obtain the bot's description or short description for a given language.

Stickers and Emoji
β€’ Bots can now create custom emoji sticker sets with createNewStickerSet.
β€’ Added support for adaptive custom emoji colors via the needs_repainting parameter in the createNewStickerSet method.
β€’ Added the ability to specify search keywords for stickers added to sticker sets.
β€’ Improved editing options for sticker sets, including changing the title, deleting a pack, editing emoji lists and more.

Note: Mentions of thumb across all methods and classes have been updated to thumbnail.
Forwarded from Telegram Check
πŸ€– Aggiornamento Bot API 7.2
31 ᴍᴀʀᴒᴏ 2024

Telegram Business
- I bot possono ora gestire le chat private degli abbonati a Telegram Business che li collegano al loro account - controllate BusinessConnection.
- I bot connessi riceveranno aggiornamenti sui nuovi messaggi, sulle modifiche dei messaggi e sulle cancellazioni nelle chat aziendali che gestiscono.
- Aggiunto il parametro business_connection_id alla maggior parte dei metodi di invio, per inviare messaggi a nome degli utenti business.
- I bot possono ora vedere i dettagli degli account aziendali, come la loro presentazione, gli orari di apertura e la posizione.

Richiesta di nomi, nomi utente e foto
- I bot possono ora richiedere nomi, nomi utente e foto tramite i nuovi campi della classe KeyboardButtonRequestUsers.
- Allo stesso modo, i bot possono ora usare KeyboardButtonRequestChat per richiedere titoli, nomi utente e foto delle chat.

- Introdotto il supporto per i pacchetti di sticker in formato misto.
- I set di sticker regolari e maschere ora supportano fino a 120 sticker.
- I bot possono ora caricare adesivi WEBM usando sendSticker.
- Sostituzione semplificata degli Sticker tramite il nuovo metodo replaceStickerInSet.

In generale
- Le mini-app ora supportano l'autenticazione biometrica.
- La classe Chat puΓ² ora contenere il compleanno dell'utente e il canale personale.

- Per ulteriori informazioni, consultare il changelog completo:

Nota: abbiamo aggiornato i nostri Termini di servizio per gli sviluppatori di bot Telegram; consultate l'ultima versione qui.

#bot #API #aggiornamento
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