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Questo è il canale ufficiale del progetto
All'interno di questo canale troverete un sacco di news, guide, trucchi e consigli per l'utilizzo di Telegram, ma anche slide e molto altro ancora.
Download Telegram
Forwarded from Telegram Info English
Telegram is not the first month occupies a leading position in the ranking of the platforms of information dissemination. So in may was more than 20% growth in mentions.

In this top only takes into account links like, and

However, links such as the Telegram, locked in Russia.

Popular services redirects are not ranked, but they provide the opportunity to move to Telegram channels without a VPN.

Services redirects:

#lock #statistics

This message was automatically forwarded and translated from @tginfo using Yandex
Forwarded from Telegram Info English (@veewopostbot)
Statistics groups

In the code Telegram for macOS were seen line, responsible for statistics in groups. According to them we can assume that we will see the following:
— The number of participants, posts and views in chat.
Source of participants came to the chat and their language.
— Top users invited other people to the chat.
Tops on the number and length of messages by hours and by days of the week.
Tops administrators on the number of kicks and bans in the chat.

Told more and took comment from the Creator of the popular service for Analytics chats Combot Fedor Skuratov.


Translated using Yandex.API
Forwarded from Telegram Info English (Antonio Marreti 🚩)
Half of Russians surveyed use Telegram

Deloitte conducted a survey in 200 localities in 8 regions of Russia, 1600 people took part in the survey.

On average, a Russian has 4 instant messengers installed on his phone. The most common is WhatsApp, it is installed by 88% of respondents,

At the same time, the penetration of Telegram increased by 10 percentage points over the year, and Skype - decreased by 1 point.

Forwarded from Telegram Info English (Antonio Marreti 🚩)
Telegram for the first time caught up with WhatsApp in terms of mobile traffic in Moscow

Mobile Internet traffic of Telegram and WhatsApp messengers in Moscow in December 2020 and January 2021 for the first time equalized, and in general, Telegram traffic grew more than 60 times in 2020, according to a study by the largest Russian mobile operator MTS.

“In December 2020 and January 2021, the mobile Internet traffic of MTS subscribers in Moscow to Telegram and WhatsApp services became equal. An active growth in traffic to the Telegram mobile application occurred in the middle of summer 2020, when Roskomnadzor canceled the restrictions on the messenger in Russia, ”says the study.

“The growth of traffic on WhatsApp in general for the year from January to December 2020 was about 40%. And the traffic on Telegram for the same period has grown more than 60 times."
