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The FBI Team Sent to ‘Exploit’ Protesters’ Phones in Portland

The FBI’s Washington, D.C., headquarters sent agents from its “Fly Team,” an elite counterterrorism unit, to Portland this summer during the second weekend in July. Their task was to interview arrested protesters and carry out the “initial exploitation of phones, or other communication devices,” according to FBI emails obtained through a public records request. It is unclear whether the Fly Team operation extended either past that weekend or beyond Portland, but the emails suggest that the FBI has been using counterterrorism tools and powers to map left-wing protest networks just months before an election whose result is likely to be delayed, if not challenged.

#usa #phone #exploit #protesters #cops #fbi
Portuguese goverment wants to mobilize its violent thugs to inspect smarphones for covid tracking app

The portuguese goverment submited for approval a bill yesterday night to enforce the use of the 'StayAway Covid' tracking app in smartphone bearers', according to this mainstream newspaper.

#Portugal #gov #cops #tracking #coronavirus
Thousands protest against French bill to curb identification of police

Several thousand people protested in Paris today against a bill that would make it a crime to circulate an image of a police officer’s face with the intention that they should be harmed.

Supporters say police officers and their families need protection from harassment, both online and in person when off duty.

Opponents say the law would infringe journalists’ freedom to report and make it harder to hold police accountable for abuses such as excessive use of force - a growing public concern. The offence would carry a maximum penalty of one year in jail and a €45,000 (RM218,355) fine.

On the Trocadero Square in western Paris, rights activists, trade unionists and journalists chanted: “Everybody wants to film the police!”
Many demonstrators wore the high-visibility jackets of the “Yellow Vest” movement that started a wave of anti-government protests two years ago.

Some held signs that read “We’ll put down our (smart)phones when you put down your weapons”.
Similar demonstrations were planned in Marseille, Lille, Montpellier, Rennes and Saint-Etienne.

Last Tuesday, two journalists were detained in a protest that led to clashes with police as lawmakers in the National Assembly began debating the bill, which is backed by President Emmanuel Macron’s party and its parliamentary allies.

The bill passed its first reading on Friday and there will be a second reading on Tuesday. It then goes to the Senate for further debate before it can become law.

An amendment drafted by the government and approved on Friday modified the article in question, 24, to add the phrase “without prejudice to the right to inform”.

Prime Minister Jean Castex said this would “remove any ambiguity on the intention to guarantee respect for public freedoms while better protecting those, police and gendarmes, who ensure the protection of the population”.
— Reuters

#france #cops #police #identification #protest
Amazon Gave The FBI The Shopping List Of An Anti-Fascist Activist.

Anyone who can recall the chaos of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 will remember the violence that broke out between far-right and far-left attendees.

One suspect from the melees was Lindsey Moers, an alleged adherent of the anti-fascist Antifa movement. She was seen in an Instagram video reviewed by FBI agents beating two individuals with a baton. She was there, according to the government, in opposition to protestors who’d turned up in the Virginia city to vocalize their “right-wing” and “white supremacist views,” according to a search warrant for her Twitter accounts first filed in 2019, but only unsealed earlier this month.

#Amazon #fbi #cops #why
Cops imposing brutal lockdown in Sydney's west are caught throwing a PARTY at their police station for LGBTQIA awareness

Staff at a police station in NSW Covid hotspot pictured holding a party
More than a dozen staff gathered in a common room to share platters of food
NSW Police said they are investigating party to see if lockdown rules breached

#australia #cops
On Wednesday, it was revealed that officers with the Los Angeles Police Department have been gathering information on social media accounts from all civilians they interview, regardless of whether or not they were arrested or accused of a crime.

#lapd #cops #ot
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🇦🇺 Australia Protest Against Dan Andrews Tyrannical Vaccine Passports and Mandatory Vaccinations. 22/09/2021

#Cops Resist: #Chicago Could Lose 50% Of Police Force Over Vaccine Mandate

The pressure of COVID vaccine dictatorship is creating battle lines in the oddest places, like Chicago’s police force. It is risking a mass firing over employees refusing to take the gene therapy injections, which could be catastrophic to law and order in an already troubled city.