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Forwarded from Privacy Matters 🛡️
SimpleLogin Review - An OpenSource Email Aliasing service

An Open Source email aliasing service designed to prevent spam while protecting privacy and security.

📹 Watch it via:
YouTube || Invidious

• Website: HERE
• Get it via F-Droid Store: HERE

📱Other similar Alternatives:
Annonaddy || Erine email
MailDrop || MailSac
Inbox Kitten || Spamgourmet

📡 @howtobeprivateonline
#Email #Alternatives #Privacy #Review
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You've Got Spam: With this tool you send back your spam mails

You get unwanted emails every day, no matter how often you unsubscribe from mailing lists? With this tool, e-mail revenge is yours.

💡 👉🏼

#youvegotspam #email #spam #tool #gmail
Privacy / Interviews - Tutanota wants to file a complaint at the BGH (Federal Supreme Court)

Because of the court decision by the Regional Court of Cologne, the anonymous e-mail service Tutanota wants to bring about a decision by the highest court.

The anonymous e-mail service Tutanota wants to bring about a decision by the supreme court in response to the court ruling by the Cologne Regional Court. The company does not agree that they must provide the LKA NRW with access to unencrypted messages for individual users. However, the judgement does not indicate that the company has had a major impact on the German market to date.

The Regional Court of Cologne is forcing the cryptology service Tutanota to rebuild its technical infrastructure again. Once again, the company from Hanover is to guarantee the investigators access to individual accounts. The public prosecutor's office wants direct access to non-encrypted messages of an extortionist. Despite our current interview, we have again followed up on the incident with press spokeswoman Hanna Bozakov.

👀 👉🏼 Translated with DeepL

#tutanota #bgh #encryption #email #backdoors #lka #interview #privacy
Spy pixels in emails have become endemic

The use of "invisible" tracking tech in
emails is now "endemic", according to a messaging service that analysed its traffic at the BBC's request.

Hey's review indicated that two-thirds of emails sent to its users' personal accounts contained a "spy pixel", even after excluding for spam.

Its makers said that many of the largest brands used email pixels, with the exception of the "big tech" firms.

Defenders of the trackers say they are a commonplace marketing tactic.

And several of the companies involved noted their use of such tech was mentioned within their wider privacy policies.

‼️ Emails pixels can be used to log:

if and when an email is opened

how many times it is opened

what device or devices are involved

the user's rough physical location, deduced from their internet protocol (IP) address - in some cases making it possible to see the street the recipient is on

This information can then be used to determine the impact of a specific email campaign, as well as to feed into more detailed customer profiles.

Hey's co-founder David Heinemeier Hansson says they amount to a "grotesque invasion of privacy".

#spy #pixels #email #invisible #tracking #bigtech #BigData #thinkabout
How to Tell Which Emails Quietly Track You

Everyone sends emails now: political parties, your book club, freelance journalists, the social networks you're signed up to, your parents, that online store that you only bought one item from a decade ago, and many, many more.

What do a lot of those email senders have in common? They want to know whether the messages they send you are being opened, and there are a variety of tools available to help them do just that—tools that aren't all that hard to use.

A tracking pixel, embedded somewhere in the email, is how most people monitor whether an email gets opened. Once the tiny, hidden single-pixel image is loaded, it reports back to base. Their use across emails is now up to "endemic" levels according to some experts.

Tracking pixels can report the times and dates their associated email was opened, as well as the location of the device used, and the email client involved. That's a lot of data to feed back to a third-party that you might not know much about.

#email #tracking #privacy
Media is too big
Interview with Hanna from Tutanota

Interview with Hanna from Tutanota about the importance of encryption in
email, some of Tutanota's offerings and more.

#tutanota #encryption #email #interview #video
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
mnm is not mail

A sane network protocol for
email, to end attacks and promote productivity.

Email has become a universal cybercrime portal. It allows anyone, claiming any identity, to send you any content, any number of times. And it’s long been an obstacle to productivity and effective communication. Many apps & services have offered to replace it. But email is a network of diverse software & sites. A network can’t be replaced by a product or service.

The mnm project enables a new email network: a sane, simple protocol, a client, and a server. It’s designed for everyone, but especially:

👉🏼 Organizations where a phishing attack could be catastrophic. Examples: manufacturing, public infrastructure, government, finance, research & development, information technology.

👉🏼 Services and websites whose clients dislike the message scanning done by webmail providers. Examples: legal affairs, health care, job search, family matters.

💡 mnm has two major goals:

1) To provide a far safer correspondence model, where you:

+ choose the organizations/sites that relay your correspondence
+ select which members of a site can correspond with you
+ always know from which site a message originated
+ can block anyone with whom you’ve made contact
+ may leave a site and never see traffic from it again

2) To offer capabilities missing in traditional email, including:

+ message formatting & layout via Markdown (aka CommonMark)
+ hyperlinks to messages and other threads
+ hashtags and private tags
+ slide deck layouts
+ data-driven charts & graphs
+ forms/surveys whose results are collected into tables
+ many more features to foster focus, creativity, efficiency, and understanding

👉🏼 Try the mnm client, tell us what you think (Live Demo)

👉🏼 The client and server are open source, subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v2.0.

#email #mnm #notmail
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Internal Facebook email reveals intent to frame data scraping as ‘normalized, broad industry issue’

Updated: More scraping incidents are "expected" in the future.

An internal email accidentally leaked by Facebook to a journalist has revealed the firm's intentions to frame a recent data scraping incident as "normalized" and a "broad industry issue."

Facebook has recently been at the center of a data scraping controversy. Earlier this month, Hudson Rock researchers revealed that information belonging to roughly 533 million users had been posted online, including phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names, and dates of birth.

The social media giant confirmed the leak of the "old" data, which had been scraped in 2019. A functionality issue in the platform's contact platform, now fixed, allowed the automatic data pillaging to take place.

The scraping and subsequent online posting of user data raised widespread criticism and on April 14, the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) said it planned to launch an inquiry to ascertain if GDPR regulations and/or the Data Protection Act 2018 have been "infringed by Facebook."

Now, an internal email leaked to the media (Dutch article, translated) has potentially revealed how Facebook wishes to handle the blowback.

#facebook #DeleteFacebook #data #scraping #internal #email #thinkabout #why
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
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Facebook Email to profile vulnerability

A video shared with researchers and Motherboard shows a tool linking
email addresses to Facebook accounts

A tool lets a user see which email address is linked to a Facebook account even if the Facebook user didn't publicly advertise their address, according to a video sent to various researchers and Motherboard.

The news presents another significant privacy issue for Facebook, which is continuing to face a series of data leaks around phone numbers and other data.

#tool #facebook #DeleteFacebook #poc #email #accounts #video
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
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Profil3r is an OSINT tool that allows you to find potential profiles of a person on social networks, as well as their email addresses. This program also alerts you to the presence of a data leak for the found emails.

‼️ For educational purposes only

#educational #profil3r #osint #tool #social #networks #email
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
The Truth About Protonmail

By Watchdog
August 28, 2019

#protonmail #email
Media is too big
Is Proton Mail Really Private, Secure, and Anonymous?

#protonmail #email
Refutation against privacy watchdog claims about protonmail:

good read but they actually just ignored a bunch trying to brush them off as 'absurd' (which they might be, but if it's a refutation, they need to be addressed not swept under the rug)

"Umm, ok? I personally don't see a problem if a company “hacks back” when an attacker tries to compromise them. I can confirm that ProtonMail has engaged in practices that involved “hacking back”."

lol defending when they hacked an innocent bystander

#protonmail #email
ProtonMail Revises Their Lies
@neo_network | @neo_network_chat |

Encrypted email service ProtonMail has become embroiled in a minor scandal after responding to a legal request to hand over a user's IP address and details of the devices he used to access his mailbox to Swiss police – resulting in the user's arrest.

The police also noticed that the collective communicated via a ProtonMail
email address. They therefore sent a requisition (via EUROPOL) to the Swiss company managing the messaging system in order to find out the identity of the creator of the address. ProtonMail responded to this request by providing the IP address and the fingerprint of the browser used by the collective. It is therefore imperative to go through the tor network (or at least a VPN) when using a ProtonMail mailbox (or another secure mailbox) if you want to guarantee sufficient security.

Back in January this year, the company's homepage stated: "No personal information is required to create your secure
email account. By default, we do not keep any IP logs which can be linked to your anonymous email account. Your privacy comes first."

Today that boast has been replaced with a mealy-mouthed version: "ProtonMail is
email that respects privacy and puts people (not advertisers) first. Your data belongs to you, and our encryption ensures that. We also provide an anonymous email gateway."

#protonmail #email
CTemplar Shuts Down

'CTemplar is closing and the last day of operation for this email service will be on May 26 of 2022. To transfer your contact list: - Go to - Click on the button to export your contacts. - Select your preferred format (CSV or VCF). To transfer your emails: - Visit and wait for the instructions to be updated within a day or two. We are generating a backup of each account and it will available to download soon. Remember to change your email information to your new service. Please migrate all your data out of this email service by May 26 of 2022, after this day all the stored that will be permanently erased. Please contact support to issue refunds! A huge thank you to everyone that supported us, The CTemplar Team'

#email #ctemplar
Media is too big
CTemplar Email is Shutting Down! Why? What's Next?

Derrick Broze and Ramiro Romani check in to share an update regarding email service CTemplar. Why is CTemplar shutting down? What other email alternatives exist? Find out in this discussion!

@dbrozenews @takebackourtech
#ctemplar #email
Forwarded from Libreware

Cheogram is a set of services that connect all open communication networks together, allowing you to reach all your contacts from a single app.

The Cheogram Android app allows you to join a worldwide communication network. It especially focuses on features useful to users who want to contact those on other networks as well, such as SMS-enabled phone numbers.

Based on the app Conversations, but with unique features:

* Messages with both media and text, including animated media
* Unobtrusive display of subject lines, where present
* Links to known contacts are shown with their name
* Show timestamps for calls
* Integrates with gateways' add contact flows
* When using a gateway to the phone network, integrate with the native Android Phone app
* Address book integration
* Tag contacts and channels and browse by tag
* Command UI

📡 @dcntr
#email #sip #xmpp