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#Dr. Zev #Zelenko about injections containing nanotechnology that records and sends biometric information to third parties linked to a social credit system

#wef #klaus #schwab #Microsoft
"The digital identity serves as the 'virtual umbilical cord' that continuously links each individual to their technological life in the smart cities of tomorrow, where your data is harvested on the blockchain."

#Deloitte #CANImmunize #iProov #biometrics #surveillance #Microsoft
The Vaccination Credential Initiative (#VCI)/ Smart Health Cards coalition:

#CommonsProject Foundation
Rufus: Microsoft is blocking Windows ISO downloads

It appears that Microsoft has started to block Windows ISO downloads that originate from Rufus. Rufus is a popular open source tool to create bootable media.

Options to download Windows ISO images was introduced in Rufus 3.5, which the developer released in 2019. The ability to download Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11 ISO images was a welcome feature addition, as it made the process of creating Windows boot media more comfortable.

The developer has added more features to Rufus in the meantime that improved the program for some Windows administrators and users significantly. Options to bypass Windows 11 system requirements during Inplace upgrades and to create local accounts instead of Microsoft accounts, and to deny privacy questions outright, were added in 2022.

Downloads are powered by the Fido script in Rufus, and this worked fine ever since the functionality was introduced. The script pulled download information from Microsoft servers and downloads were provided by Microsoft.

Now, Rufus users are receiving error messages on attempts to download Windows 8, 10 or 11 using Rufus.
#rufus #microsoft
#Microsoft gets an epileptic attack
#Microsoft is phoning home the content of your #PowerPoint slides.

Were you aware of it: Microsoft is phoning home the content of your PowerPoint slides.
Don't just take my word for it: open up the network monitor of your choice. Close all of your other applications or perform a fresh restart.
Fire up PowerPoint. Turn off all the cloud options. Make a new slide with a title of your choice. Choose "Designer." Look at your network traffic as you do.
It makes sense: the tool is reading your text and suggesting designs/delivering stock photography. But this means that any data that you might want to keep private is being sent to Microsoft.
Did we consent to this?
Full video: Whitney Webb: This is why Epstein documents are coming out now | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Whitney Webb notes that Jeffrey Epstein claimed to be a "money manager" who vetted legal advisors for Bill Gates, and highlights Epstein's close ties to Gates through his employees Nathan Myhrvold, Linda Stone, Melanie Walker, and Boris Nikolić:

"The mainstream media narrative refuses to say that the Epstein-Gates relationship proceeds 2011, which I think is all about protecting greater scrutiny of the #Epstein #Microsoft ties and also the Maxwell family ties to Microsoft that took place during the 90s. But the Bill and Melinda #Gates Foundation has a lot to answer for when it comes to Epstein.

Before 2011, one of the top science advisors for that foundation was a woman named Melanie Walker, whom Epstein recruited into his network in 1992. She was his science advisor after he paid for some of her graduate studies. That was in the late 90s, and shortly after, she had a brief stint with the World Health Organization and then was hired to be a science advisor to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, where she introduced Epstein to another science advisor of the Gates Foundation Boris Nikolic.

And if you remember, Boris Nikolic, when Epstein died, was actually the backup executor to his will. So why would Epstein have put Nikolic in that position? And why would Gates hire someone like Melanie Walker, whose resume at that point was being science advisor to Jeffrey Epstein? And, of course, there was a lot of overlap between the science Jeffrey Epstein was into and the science that Bill Gates is into."

#Microsoft to introduce an ever present #AI agent to #Windows

This is announced 1 week after it was discovered that Microsoft scanned e-mails to look for encrypted zip file passwords which it used to scan the content of said zip files
Israeli Occupation: How Microsoft, IBM, Cisco and Dell Enable Surveillance and Control in Palestine – June 2023

In September, Israel installed an AI-powered gun at a military checkpoint in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron. Now, that same technology has been deployed at the entrance of the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem. Across occupied East Jerusalem, you can find surveillance cameras strategically placed on street corners. And throughout the West Bank, Palestinians’ encounters with Israeli soldiers often include not only violence but face-scanning apps designed to capture their personal data

Who Profits, an Israeli research center documenting the private sector’s links to Israeli occupation, released a report in May on multinational tech companies’ role in facilitating Israel’s human rights violations. The impact of each company ranges, with some overseeing a major project while others provide equipment to a system already in place.

#Apartheid #Technology #biometric #IBM #Cisco #Microsoft #Dell #AI
The Former Israeli Spies Working in Top Jobs at Google, Facebook and Microsoft – MintPress - June 2023

AMintPress study has found that hundreds of former agents of the notorious Israeli spying organization, Unit 8200, have attained positions of influence in many of the world’s biggest tech companies, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon.

The Israeli Defense Forces’ (IDF) Unit 8200 is infamous for surveilling the indigenous Palestinian population, amassing kompromat on individuals for the purposes of blackmail and extortion. Spying on the world’s rich and famous, Unit 8200 hit the headlines last year, after the Pegasus scandal broke. Former Unit 8200 officers designed and implemented software that spied on tens of thousands of politicians and likely aided in the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

#NSO #Pegasus #Israel #Unit8200 #ProjectNimbus #Google #Meta #Facebook #Microsoft #Intel #spyware #surveillance
Google #Maps has an open source rival powered by #Meta and #Microsoft . This is what their first map with unpublished data looks like

Late last year we saw Amazon Web Services (AWS), Meta, Microsoft and TomTom create the Overture Maps Foundation (OMF), which has managed to capture 59 million "points of interest" such as restaurants, landmarks, streets and regional boundaries. Now their data is being made public to enable companies to create their own maps, without having to rely on Google or Apple.
#Microsoft CEO Says the Company Is Working To Address Election “Disinformation and Misinformation”

Big Tech is taking a bigger role in monitoring and moderating forms of online speech related to elections.

Concerns are growing over the role of Big Tech companies in moderating “misinformation,” particularly due to the fear that these corporations already wield significant power and influence which could potentially sway political outcomes, including elections.

Many worry that the concentrated power in these tech giants allows them to arbitrarily define what constitutes misinformation, leading to a situation where they could suppress certain viewpoints or information. This raises questions about the impartiality and fairness of such moderation, especially in the context of political discourse and the democratic process. The debate is fueled by the concern that these companies, due to their size and reach, could have a disproportionate impact on public opinion and electoral processes.

In an AI-focused interview with Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, it was revealed that Microsoft intends to combat alleged “disinformation” throughout the 2024 elections.

During his conversation with NBC’s Lester Holt on NBC Nightly News’ January 30 edition, Nadella was questioned about how AI might either assist or endanger the future election.

However, Nadella’s response seemed to imply a willingness to use technology for censoring content in pursuit of fighting what he identified as disinformation.

🔗Source: ReclaimTheNet

1/18/24 — Davos Attendee Calls for AI Regulation To Prevent Chatbots From “Potentially Spewing Misinformation”

FBI Director Says Public-Private Sector Partnerships Are Important for Guarding Against “Misinformation” - Earlier This Week

Speaking at the WEF's annual Davos summit, unelected head of the EU, Ursula von der Leyen, calls for "global collaboration"—not only between countries, but also between business and government—in dealing with... "industrial scale disinformation".

12/22 — Vice — Scientists Explain Why ‘Doing Your Own Research’ Leads to Believing Conspiracies

12/13 — WEF Likens “Misinformation” to a Cybersecurity Issue in Calls for More Action

11/15 — California Targets AI and “Disinformation” in the Run-Up to the 2024 Election

11/1/23 — VP Kamala Harris Suggests “AI-Enabled Mis- and Disinformation” Is an “Existential” Threat to Democracy

11/11— Microsoft and Meta Detail Plans To Combat “Election Disinformation” Which Includes Meme Stamp-Style Watermarks and Reliance on “Fact Checkers”

11/10 — UN Agency Unveils Action Plan To Regulate Speech on Social Media Platforms

11/2 —
WHO Publishes Latest Draft of Pandemic Treaty To Combat “Misinformation

11/1 — Australia’s Authoritarian “Misinformation” Bill Has Fewer Protections Against Self-Incrimination Than For Murderers or Arsonists

10/20 —
WHO Director-General Complains “The Spread of Misinformation” Undermines “Faith in Our Institutions”

10/11 — World Economic Forum Calls For “Collective Action” To Fight “Misinformation” and “Disinformation”

9/29 — UN Urges Governments and Platforms To Implement Its Guidelines For Censoring “Misinformation,” and “Hate”

8/18 — The Suspiciously Convenient Timing of Covid for the Davos Elite and the WEF's 'Great Reset'

/6/23 — State Department Cancels Meetings With Meta After Ban on Government Censorship Collusion

7/5/23 — Departing CDC Director Says The Agency Plans To Work With Media To “Prebunk” “Misinformation”

7/1 — EU and UN Discuss How to Address “Disinformation” on Digital Platforms

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Microsoft Recall should make you consider Linux
It was hard to miss the irony in Microsoft’s latest product announcement.

A new feature named “Recall” takes snapshots of whatever is on-screen on a #Windows 11 computer, every few seconds, and then stores it locally on-disk. Unfortunately it turns out that the analyzed data is stored in plaintext, leaving users’ private activity vulnerable to hackers. As security researcher Kevin Beaumont pointed out, “Stealing everything you’ve ever typed or viewed on your own Windows PC is now possible with two lines of code.”

And yet #Microsoft named it “Recall.” It’s an interesting choice, given the problems it’s likely to create...

#why #spyware
Everything you do with a #windows 11 computer is being recorded by microsoft

now a non #microsoft operative has found a way to extract this info

the result ? : info on everything you have been doing with a laptop is possible to be captured by a hacker

Dubbed TotalRecall the tool can pull all the information that Recall saves into its main database on a Windows laptop.

>"The database was easy prey," Hagenah says.

Since Microsoft revealed Recall in mid-May, security researchers have repeatedly compared it to spyware or stalkerware that can track everything you do on your device.

They were correct.

>"It's a Trojan 2.0 really, built in," Hagenah says, adding that he built TotalRecall only in order to show what is possible to capture peoples information. He is not going to do it himself but hopes Microsoft takes action after seeing this happen. So that people are safe.

Included in what the database captures are screenshots of whatever is on your desktop -- a potential gold mine for criminal hackers or domestic abusers who may physically access their victim's device. Images include captures of messages sent on encrypted messaging apps Signal and WhatsApp, and remain in the captures regardless of whether disappearing messages are turned on in the apps. There are records of websites visited and every bit of text displayed on the PC.

Once TotalRecall has been deployed, it will generate a summary about the data; it is also possible to search for specific terms in the database. Hagenah says an attacker could get a huge amount of information about their target, including insights into their emails, personal conversations, and any sensitive information that's captured by Recall.

Hagenah's work builds on findings from cybersecurity researcher Kevin Beaumont, who has detailed how much information Recall captures and how easy it can be to extract it.

#why #spyware #recall
⚡️Microsoft Recall, Stealing Everything You've Ever Typed

Microsoft recently introduced an upcoming feature of Windows 11 that will be rolled out soon with Copilot+ called Recall. If you’re a current user of Windows 11, this isn’t active for you yet, but it will be in the near future.

As a brief summary, Recall will continuously take screenshots of your PC every 5 seconds, creating a searchable database of your activity. It will also store everything you have ever typed in plain text, yes, including sensitive passwords that are copy and pasted.

We recommend you do everything you can to avoid Recall when it is implemented, and to disable it in Windows 11 in the near future.

In case you’re not convinced yet, you may want to switch to an open source OS, like Linux, in order to avoid 0 day exploits and privacy breaches that will likely occur on Windows due to Recall.

Recall is a PR Nightmare

Unfortunately, Recall is one of the many problematic new implementations of AI in mainstream operating systems.

Similar functionality will be coming to Apple, considering they have opted to work with Google’s Gemini AI and will soon implement invasive, AI based scanning of the private data located in the unencrypted messages on your smartphone and PC in the near future.

In case you are not convinced yet, here are some more reasons to avoid Recall:

Cybersec: Microsoft claims that Copilot+ runtime processes data locally, but because its database is stored in plain text, it will make any Windows based PC vulnerable to remote access by hackers.

One practical use case of this would be an InfoStealer trojan, which steals usernames and passwords and can easily be modified to support Recall.

User Reaction: Recall has rightly been met with overwhelmingly negative reactions from Windows users, who naturally fear the coming privacy breaches and severe potential for misuse by bad actors. For any Windows users still out there: this was inevitable.

Implementation: Recall is, quite frankly, a PR nightmare unfolding in real time for Microsoft. To make matters worse, the feature will come enabled by default, despite Microsoft calling it an “optional feature."

Legal Jargon Manipulation: Microsoft's vague, misleading descriptions of Recall are decidedly sketchy. They continue to use terms like "snapshots" instead of "screenshots," in order to cover their tracks and downplay Recall’s intrusiveness.

Update as of 6/13/24: Because of recent public backlash, Microsoft is now making Recall an optional feature that you have to willingly opt-in to, instead of being enabled by default. They are also adding encryption via Windows Hello Enhanced Sign-in Security and are encrypting the search engine database.

Still, we wanted to capture the previous stages of development before Microsoft could sweep the roll-out of this extremely problematic feature under the rug.

Whether or not this convinces you to feel safe and secure while handing over your private data to Recall and Windows, is another story.

#TBOT #Recall #Microsoft #Windows11 #dataprivacy #Surveillance #Big_Tech

Primary sources here.

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