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Servers of searched again

The authorities have again searched the servers of the e-mail and hosting provider Since a few minutes everything is running again. The service was already once before one and before four years in the focus of the authorities. The cause of the latest seizure has not yet been clarified.

#Cockli #email #authorities #raid #police
30 506 internet domain names shut down for intellectual property infringement

Law enforcement #authorities from 18 #EU Member States1 and third parties in a joint investigation with #Europol and the US National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Centre 2, facilitated by #Eurojust and #INTERPOL, have #seized over 30 506 #domain names that distributed #counterfeit and #pirated items over the internet during operation #IOSX. These included counterfeit #pharmaceuticals and pirated #movies, illegal #television #streaming, #music, #software, #electronics, and other bogus products.

3 arrests and 26 000 luxury products seized

During the investigation, officials arrested 3 suspects, seized 26 000 luxury products (clothes, perfumes), 363 litres of alcoholic beverages, and many hardware devices. They identified and froze more than €150 000 in several bank accounts and online payment platforms.

Europol ’s Intellectual Property Crime Coordinated Coalition (IPC³) supported the investigation on the ground by deploying experts with a mobile office. Europol officers carried out real-time information exchange and cross-checks of the data gathered during the course of the action against Europol’s databases. In addition, #IPC3 experts organised several online investigation techniques training courses in intellectual property infringements in 2019 with law enforcement authorities all over #Europe.

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US Authorities Can Now Track the Privacy-Focused Monero Cryptocurrency

The leading crypto intelligence firm CipherTrace has developed a toolset to assist U.S. law enforcement to track the privacy-centric Monero cryptocurrency.

The cryptocurrency analytics firm CipherTrace has made the announcement that they have created a toolset designed to help trace transactions made using the privacy-centric Monero virtual currency – stating that they did so under contract with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

‼️ Monero Can Now Be Tracked

A press release by CipherTrace stated that the goal behind development of the tracing tools was harnessed from the U.S. law enforcement need to track the transactions made across criminal networks using the Monero cryptocurrency.

The firm reflected on the fact that Monero has since grown to become the second most popular digital coin in the dark web – with estimate figures indicating that about 45 percent of dark web platforms have adopted Monero integration.

It is for the above reason that law enforcement interest has developed around the digital currency as the facilitator of darknet-backed cybercriminal enterprises. As mentioned already, Monero offers far better features than Bitcoin, including the ring signature mechanism to ensure user anonymity.

Ring signatures work to mix transactions so that when third party actors try to figure out the source of funds sent in Monero, it will appear as though multiple users participated in the transaction. The feature makes it virtually impossible for law enforcement agencies to identify the true sources of such funds.

👀 👉🏼 http://tapeucwutvne7l5o.onion/us-authorities-can-now-track-the-privacy-focused-monero-cryptocurrency

👀 👉🏼

#monero #cryptocurrency #ciphertrace #usa #authorities #tracing #Privacy #thinkabout
The Egyptian authorities block “Telegram”

Technology and Law Community “Masaar” documented the blocking of the Telegram website and application by the Egyptian authorities on 22 October 2020. The authorities blocked Telegram on three of the Internet service networks operating in Egypt. These networks included “We”, “Vodafone” and “Orange”. Masaar learned about the blocking action after complaints from several users of the Internet services on the three networks, stating that they cannot access the application or the website. It should be noted that Telegram is one of the most popular and widespread encrypted chat applications in the world.

👀 👉🏼

#egyptian #authorities #telegram #censorship #thinkabout #netpolitics
EU Parliament clears way for screening of private messages

Facebook and Skype have for years automatically searched private pictures and videos for evidence of child abuse. A new law, which was passed today in the EU Parliament in a fast-track procedure, is to continue this practice - despite surveillance concerns.

MEPs today gave the green light for a new EU law that will allow providers like Facebook to continue screening private messages for possible signs of child abuse images and videos. The law, which was proposed by the Commission as recently as the summer, is currently being rushed through the EU institutions. It could be passed as early as the beginning of 2021.

The reason for the law is a change in the law in the previous year, which initially received little attention. As a result, service providers such as Facebook and Skype will lose the ability to screen chat messages and private groups for child abuse content on a massive scale as of December 21, 2020. The European Code for Electronic Communications strengthens the confidentiality of e-mail, messenger services and Internet telephony. Such services will then be legally equivalent to telephone and fax, and the secrecy of telecommunications will apply.

The change was called for by the EU Commission, security authorities and child rights activists. Even the US actor Ashton Kutcher intervened in the process. There is skepticism, however, from the digital civil society, the Greens and the Left. They consider the plans to soften the confidentiality of online communication to be a mistake, even if they are intended to serve a good cause.

Source (german)

#surveillance #privacy #messages #eu #parlament #childabuse #authorities #police #thinkabout
Whatsapp, Threema & Co.: Messenger must hand over personal data

A new telecommunications law provides new surveillance powers for security
authorities. It also includes data retention.

The new Telecommunications Act (TKG) has it all. On 465 pages, messengers and e-mail are declared to be telecommunications services, thus introducing surveillance powers similar to those for conventional telephones. Data retention and faster network expansion also appear in the bill. This is to be decided on a fast-track basis.

Whereas many of the provisions of the Telecommunications Act previously applied to Internet providers or telephone providers, they will now be extended to so-called over-the-top services such as e-mail providers or messengers like Whatsapp, Signal, Threema, Telegram or Wire. According to the so-called Gmail ruling of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), these are not telecommunications services, and accordingly the surveillance powers of the security authorities do not apply to them.

With the TKG amendment, messengers that collect inventory data such as name, address or an identifier such as phone number, user name or other ID are obliged to store this data and hand it over to security authorities upon request, even if the account has already been deleted.

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#whatsapp #threema #telegram #personaldata #surveillance #authorities #messenger #netpolitics #thinkabout