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★ FDroid:

Block calls from annoying or private numbers on your Android device.

NoPhoneSpam suppresses unwanted calls. Get rid of phone spam and people you don't want to talk with. Just block them. You can determine if you want to see that someone called or even block any notification. NoPhoneSpam is focused on simplicity! It's not cluttered with hundreds of unused features and we don't use any ads.

Block incoming calls
Use special syntax to block countries or providers or parts of numbers
Add, update and delete numbers
Manage notifications
Simple logging of numbers
Block calls with suppressed numbers

NoPhoneSpam is NOT intended as a feature-rich call-spam fighting app, but as a replacement for Android's missing call blocking feature. If you have Android 6+, you don't need this app, because call blocking should be supported natively!

From the creators of DAVx5
(Maybe needs an update for newer OS's, check Gitlab issues)

📡 @Libreware
#NoPhoneSpam #block #spam #calls

Block calls from annoying or private numbers on your Android device, using a public 3rd-party spam database.

📡 @Libreware
#YetAnotherCallBlocker #block #spam #calls
Adding Encrypted Group Calls to Signal

Free group calls are available starting today. Update your apps to the latest versions to get started. Group calls are only supported in new style Signal groups. You won’t see the call button in your legacy groups, but your legacy Signal groups will start automatically updating to New Groups in the coming weeks. Group calls are currently limited to 5 participants, but we’re working to let you have even more participants in a group call soon. We hope group calls are a helpful new way to connect!

#signal #messaging #encrypted #group #video #calls
European MPs targeted by deepfake video calls imitating Russian opposition

Politicians from the UK, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania tricked by fake meetings with opposition figures

A series of senior European MPs have been approached in recent days by individuals who appear to be using deepfake filters to imitate Russian opposition figures during video calls.

Those tricked include Rihards Kols, who chairs the foreign affairs committee of Latvia’s parliament, as well as MPs from Estonia and Lithuania. Tom Tugendhat, the chair of the UK foreign affairs select committee, has also said he was targeted.

“Putin’s Kremlin is so weak and frightened of the strength of @navalny they’re conducting fake meetings to discredit the Navalny team,” Tugendhat posted in a tweet, referring to the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. “They got through to me today. They won’t broadcast the bits where I call Putin a murderer and thief, so I’ll put it here.”

Kols uploaded a photograph of Leonid Volkov, an ally of Navalny, and a screenshot of his doppelganger taken from the video call. Volkov said the two looked virtually identical. “Looks like my real face – but how did they manage to put it on the Zoom call? Welcome to the deepfake era …” he wrote.

#europe #deepfake #video #calls