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Linus Torvalds, employee of Vaccine Passport company, yells at developer for having concerns about COVID vaccine

It wouldn't be a day that ends with Y if something randomly controversial wasn't occuring on the Linux Kernel Mailing list.

On Thursday, June 10th, 2021... A discussio was occuring regarding the Linux Kernel Summit... and making it an in person, remote, or "hybrid" event. One Linux kernel dev, Enrico Weigelt, posted the following:

"I know a lot of people who will never take part in this generic human experiment that basically creates a new humanoid race (people who generate and exhaust the toxic spike proteine, whose gene sequence doesn't look quote natural). I'm one of them, as my whole family."

In response, Linus Torvalds jumped in with the following:

"Please keep your insane and technically incorrect anti-vax comments to yourself.

You don't know what you are talking about, you don't know what mRNA is, and you're spreading idiotic lies. Maybe you do so unwittingly, because of bad education. Maybe you do so because you've talked to "experts" or watched youtube videos by charlatans that don't know what they are talking about.

But dammit, regardless of where you have gotten your mis-information from, any Linux kernel discussion list isn't going to have your idiotic drivel pass uncontested from me."


I get the feeling like Linus has an opinion!

Linus concluded:

"Get vaccinated. Stop believing the anti-vax lies.

And if you insist on believing in the crazy conspiracy theories, at least SHUT THE HELL UP about it on Linux kernel discussion lists."

Now, I'm not going to go into if LInus is right. Or if Enrico is right. Or if neither are completely right.

What I will comment on is this:

All comments relating to COVID vaccines were then blocked by mailing list moderators with the following message:

"moderator hat on I'm requesting that all vaccine talk is restricted solely to how it would impact international travel to/from ksummit."

This moderation was not applied to Linus's rant, however. That was allowed.

Worth mentioning:
Linus Torvald's employer, The Linux Foundation, is now in the business of making COVID vaccine passports
Any statement, by him, critical of a COVID vaccine would hurt the Linux Foundation's new business endeavor.

That endeavor has been met with overwhelming praise from the Linux and Tech press. And zero criticism from the Tech Press... other than from yours truly. Likewise, you can expect Linus's statement quoted above to be met with overwhelming praise -- and, again, zero criticism -- from the Tech Press.

What all of that means I will leave as an exercise for the reader.

#Linus #Linux #Linuxfoundation #passports #covid #why #lunduke
Mozilla encourages laws censoring ideas

Mozilla -- the mega corporation behind Firefox -- has been working, at high speed, to restrict speech across the Internet. Specifically of people that do not share their political afiliation.

On January 8th, 2021, the Mozilla CEO, Mitchell Baker, wrote an article entitled "We need more than deplatforming."

"as reprehensible as the actions of Donald Trump are, the rampant use of the internet to foment violence and hate, and reinforce white supremacy is about more than any one personality. Donald Trump is certainly not the first politician to exploit the architecture of the internet in this way, and he won’t be the last. We need solutions that don’t start after untold damage has been done."

Baker goes on to explain some of the ways Internet services should not only completely deplatform (read: ban and censor) specific political leaders... but also silence and restrict statements or ideas that Mozilla disagrees with politically.

More recently, Mozilla has become actively critical of the YouTube video recommendation system. And not for the reasons that so many -- myself included -- dislike it (such as irrelevant video recommendations, shadowbanning of many creators, etc.).

Mozilla's objection seems to be primarily that some recommended videos might contain ideas that don't agree with the (highly political) worldview of Mozilla leadership.

Mozilla repeatedly equates "Right Wing" politics with "hate". As on their "YouTube Regrets" page they have set up. Quote: "Any search for positive LGBT content results in a barrage of homophobic, right-wing recommendations."

But Mozilla is not stopping with simply expressing their opinion that Conservative (or "Right Wing") voices should be silence...

On June 8th, 2021, Mozilla posted an official blog post entitled, "Mozilla Explains: Why Does YouTube Recommend Conspiracy Theory Videos?"

In that post, Mozilla fellow, Guillaume Chaslot, "recommends regulators step in and issue laws that begin to curb this."

That's right. Mozilla Corporation (the mega corporation owned by Mozilla Foundation -- both run by Mitchell Baker) is seeking actual legislation to make showing "Right Wing" content go away.

To be clear: This is horrific. Not because Mozilla seeks to silence Conservative ideas or voices. But because Mozilla seeks to silence any political voices at all. This would be equally as disturbing if Mozilla were to make statements against "Left Wing" ideas or voices.

#Mozilla #censorship #lunduke