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Спутниковый канал моего блоха:
Download Telegram
O-oh, so maybe you shouldn't listen to every single whimsy idiot, who's getting offended by random things (a small christmas hat in this case). What a surprise, turns out much more (sane) people didn't like that, who would have thought.

Что-то, блядь, до хуя развелось всяких обидчивых уебанов.

С Новым годом, ололо.

#russia #fail #tractor
How to add searching functionality to a static (Hugo-based) website/blog.

#blog #hugo #javascript #web
The website has been degrading for some years (slow backend, porno ads all over the place), and by now it has became simply retarded. Just look at this - the very first click anywhere on the page will open some shitty porn/scam/whatever resource. I asked for some comments at their IRC channel, but they did not seem to care much.

By the way, the dropdown list with all the shows, seasons and episodes stopped working long time ago.

Fortunately, thanks to tools like addic7ed-cli, you don't need to visit this piece of shit of a website anymore.

#fail #tv
Adding Exchange account to iOS devices enables their remote wipe. But you can probably still work with your e-mails via IMAP/SMTP.

#blog #ios
After BlueMail e-mail client sued Apple for removing BlueMail application from the App Store, I've learnt about BlueMail's existence. And since I am constantly looking for a The Bat! alternative on Mac OS, I installed BlueMail to try it out.

And I uninstalled it a couple of minutes later, because:

1. It is based on Electron, so it automatically goes to hell;
2. Apparently, adding an e-mail account means that BlueMail will store your credentials on BlueMail servers. I can't even start to explain how retarded that is. As far as I remember, Spark e-mail client does the same.

Can you believe this fucking "modern" "software development".

#soft #macos #fail
Added the part about npm to the recent article about Azure DevOps packages.

#blog #development #microsoft #cpp
A month ago or so Slack introduced a new design. And what you couldn't miss is that the search bar now occupies the full-page-width block on top. What a brilliant idea.

But not as brilliant as the fact that there is no option to disable/hide it. Official Slack response to that is: "After we tested with users directly, we found that moving our search bar front and center better matches our customers’ expectations". Which fucking users? Who are these idiots? I am not one of them, can I have an option to hide/disable the search bar? To which Slack replies: "We don't have plans to make the search bar hideable at the moment".

Yeah, no worries, I'll just do it with CSS then:

div.p-client_container > div.p-client {
display: block;
div.p-client > div.p-workspace {
min-height: 100%;
div.p-client > div.p-top_nav {
display: none;

...Can everybody just come to their senses and start using IRC again?

#fail #web
One more reason to get rid of Google Analytics - analyze your own web-server logs, dawg!

#blog #web #linux
Jupyter Notebook on your website:

- Jupyter instance behind NGINX reverse proxy with HTTPS on a subdomain
- querying MySQL database
- working with notebooks from Visual Studio Code

#blog #web #linux #python
Поддерживаю этого оратора. И Apple, и Google могут делать в своих сторах всё что захотят. Кому не нравится, тот может пройтись по рынку и выбрать другой стор.

Ах, нету других? Ну пичаль, делайте свой тогда. Ах, сложно и дорого? А Apple и Google не было сложно и дорого? Но они вот озаботились и сделали. А теперь, значит, каждый недовольный считает нормальным чего-то требовать от них для себя? Вообще охует.

Мне тоже многое у них не нравится, но как ни прискорбно, в своих сервисах они могут делать всё что считают нужным.
Читаю Дурова и охуеваю, как человек пиздит, не моргая глазом. Всего-то Эпол разрешает быть на айфоне, который появился из воздуха, божий дар спустился с небес в количестве миллиарда штук.

В таких случаях всегда хочется всем этим дохуя умным стартаперам сказать: а ты свое приложение в вебе сделай, чтобы юзеры через мобильный браузер его использовали. Так нет же, они хотят именно в апп стор, чтобы дискаверабилити был, удобство, все работало как писечка, но чтобы НА ХАЛЯВУ. И да, выпускай свою апэкаху на сайте, чтобы андроид юзеры ставили ее свободно в обход Гугл Плея. Нет? Не хочешь? Хочешь прямо в Гугл Плей? Тоже на халяву? А, ну тогда продолжай воевать с Эплом и Гуглом, воеватель хуев.
How to add Prometheus metrics from TeamCity as a data source to Grafana.

#blog #web #development #linux
Data compression in IIS, Apache and NGINX. How to enable and which one is better.

#blog #web #windows #linux #development
There are some weird issues with matplotlib animation backend on Mac OS, while on Windows and Linux it just works out of the box.

#blog #python #macos
Xcode 12.0.1 has been released. How about that, huh.

#apple #fail
Telegram added comments for channels. This time proper ones.
Following the trend, here comes yet another "testing comments" post.

To enable comments in your channel, open its settings and assign a new discussion group (chat) to it. No need to make that group public.
