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A better alternative to Certbot for issuing and renewing Let's Encrypt certificates - shell script.

#blog #web #devops #linux
The blog has moved to on its own server, and the comments are now on remark42 engine.

#blog #web #hugo #devops #linux
As it is impossible to get rid of Apple TV fullscreen update prompts using standard settings, one way of blocking Apple TV updates is to blacklist Apple update domains.

#blog #apple #tvos #fail
If you'll ever need to automate package promotion in Azure DevOps Artifacts feeds, this can be done via REST API.

#blog #devops #azure #web #fail
Qt for WebAssembly actually works, and one can run a Qt Quick application in a web-browser. Moreover, one can even render custom OpenGL content inside such an application via QQuickFramebufferObject.

#blog #qt #web
CMake can handle making packages too - with CPack. I needed to make a deb package, and CPack helped a lot with that task (almost did everything for me).

Then I also needed to host that package in a private APT repository, and that part wasn't too easy.

#blog #cmake #devops #linux #cpp
Electric car in Norway and leasing BMW i3: getting norwegian driving license, information about charging, costs and some comparison with regular fuel/benzine cars.

#blog #irl #norway #tractor #review
A way to store passwords, keys and other secrets using KeePass database, hosted on internal server in Git repository.

#blog #devops #linux
Managing 3rd-party dependencies in a C++ project with Conan: automatic builds and deployment in TeamCity, storing artifacts in JFrog Artifactory and fetching them for CMake.

#blog #cpp #cmake #devops
There are astronomy databases that store information about space objects such as stars and planets. Quite often they allow to query their data via TAP interface using ADQL, which many astronomers / planetary scientists do.

#blog #science #python
One would expect that implementing Active Directory / LDAP authentication in an ASP.NET Core project should be a well-known and easy task, but if your project is supposed to be hosted on a non-Windows platform, then the task is not that easy anymore.

#blog #dotnet #web #ldap
If your company uses Office 365 and Azure AD, and in turn you rely on SAML SSO login on your websites/resources, then for the purpose of analyzing your visitors you can query some useful data from Microsoft Graph and make some charts out of it.

#blog #azure #web #python
vcpkg package manager greatly helps with managing dependencies in a C++ project. Comparing with Conan, in my opinion, it is easier to understand and use (if you already have some experience with CMake).

#blog #cpp #cmake
У меня теперь есть настоящий король, потому что я стал подданным Королевства Норвегия!

#blog #tractor #norway #russia
Steam Deck - a happiness that can be bought with money. Windows-only games and applications magically running in a GNU/Linux environment. A handheld gaming device with fantastic controls and unprecedented freedom of doing whatever you'd like.

#blog #steam_deck #review #games #linux #piracy
Steam Deck is mainly a gaming device, but being a quite powerful PC it can also be used for software development.

At the very least, one can set-up a development environment for compiling one's sources in the field when no other computer is available, or maybe even use it as one's main development host.

#blog #steam_deck #linux #cpp #qt
The CMake's target_link_libraries() function has 3 different scopes: PRIVATE, INTERFACE and PUBLIC. As I am only pretending to be a real developer, I didn't know what they actually mean, and so I tested their effects in practice.

The main goal was to establish in which cases would I need to deliver 3rd-party dependencies (which my project depends on) to my users (whose applications depend on my project).

#blog #cmake #cpp
If a C++ program utilizes multithreading via pthreads, then compiling it with Emscripten into WebAssembly requires setting certain flags for both compiler and linker. In addition to that, web-server that will be hosting the resulting web-application also requires some configuration.

#blog #cpp #web #cmake
I've been using Oracle Cloud Free Tier for 2.5 years, and it was indeed absolutely free of charge, which was really great while it lasted.

But two days ago my website suddenly went down along with the server and all the content on it. Without a notice/warning, with no explanation and without a way to restore the data (fortunately, I haven't actually lost any).

#blog #web #fail
While it isn't news that a pre-built C++ library can be loaded in an Android application, I've never done it before, so for me the topic was quite new. As it turned out, the Android's build tool Gradle can work with CMake projects, so the task ended up being easier than I expected.

#blog #android #cpp #cmake